View Full Version : Feeding and worms

10-13-2008, 07:29 PM
I've kept garter snakes in the past. I had Zip for 6 years, and Fang for 5. Zip was a gift from and friend (she got him from a pet store) and I got Fang from a pet store. Back then, goldfish were considered to be the food of choice and I never tried anything else.

I never thought I'd have another garter snake, but something interesting happened this summer. I found a baby garter snake in the yard and picked him up so that he wouldn't be mowed. He was a sweetie and seemed to be comfortable being held. I let him go in the garden. A few weeks later, the same snake was back in the same place in the yard and again, I held him for awhile, then moved him. The third time, I decided to keep him. It was getting cold out and I was afraid some other animal would get him (other than me).

Since I've only fed fish, and since he was so little, I started with guppies. He would not touch them. He was interested in them but didn't seem to understand they were food. I went online to get more info and read about fish being bad, and to try worms and pinky mice (the latter being the smartest thing to feed). He ate the worms, but only after about 45 minutes. And that's how it's been...he will only eat 2-3, and only after a lot of time has passed. He looks at them but just doesn't go after them like you would expect. The worms are moving enough.

I've read that worms aren't the greatest either, but some of you do feed worms along with pinky mice. I plan to try mice but wanted to wait until I could no longer get worms. Right now, I'm getting them from my garden. They are earthworms but not red wigglers. However, I read that worms like this are supposed to be refrigerated? I've set mine up in a bin the way they describe for people who keep worms for vermicomposting. I am not keeping them cold and they are fine. So, I'm a little confused by some of the things I've read.

Now my snake won't eat at all. I've never had a snake like this. Normally, give them fish and they make pigs of themselves and eat them all at once. I usually give her 5 or 6 worms but the most she's eaten at a time is 3. I'm ordering a pinky mouse this week, but I wondered if you have any ideas about this.

Otherwise, she seems fine. She shed once and it was all once piece. She loves to be held and will come over near my hand and sort of stand up when I take the top off her cage. We are really enjoying her but I am worried about her eating.

Thank you for your help.

10-13-2008, 11:20 PM
These are some of the things I am trying to deal with myself. There is no shortage of knowledgible folks here that help out.


10-14-2008, 02:59 AM
Do you have a heat source for the little one? Temp. is very important and helps to stimulate them to eat. I have a baby who just now started eating after almost 4 weeks of nothing. Thought I was going to lose her but all the sudden she started. After eating does he look full? 3 worms may be all he needs right now. He may just be settling in to he's new surroundings and needs time to adjust. If he's eating at all that's a good sign.
Eating, drinking, pooping and sheding. If you've got those 4 things you probably have a happy snake. Would love to see a picture. Good luck.

10-14-2008, 04:54 AM
Hi, from Oregon, Snickersnake :)
All good info, in the forms under Husbandry (http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/husbandry/) is some help too :cool:
Yes, a picture is what everone is waiting for :D LOL

10-14-2008, 05:23 AM
Welcome, Snicker!

Amount eaten depends depends on size, too. My yearling garters only eat 1/2 a Canadian night crawler and are happy. (Note: I do put in an entire worm, cut into four pieces, but I think in the four or so months I've had them they've each only eaten three pieces at the most.)

Like Guido said, it's going to take time for your little one to settle in. Possibly in the wild the snakey was getting meals few and far between so three worms could be alot compared to what it was used to.

It's also the time of year for snakes to slow down. Even if they're captive and can't brumate the shortening of the days tell them they should and they'll eat less.

10-14-2008, 06:53 AM
Hi and Welcome to the forum!!! I cant want to see pics lol :D

I have a red sided garter thats around 7 months old and I have had him for just a little over a month and he didnt eat anything at all til 3 days ago. Im sure yours is getting used to his new home and if hes eating 3 worms at a time then thats a good sign that hes eating. :D

10-14-2008, 07:13 AM
hello & Welcome:) Sounds like your new snake just needs to settle in some, & less handling. I yet to see one of mine eat.. But I know they are eating, since some of the pinkie & worm pieces are missing!!

Can't wait to see pictures!!

10-14-2008, 08:02 AM

Sounds like the feeding is covered, small guppies in the water bowl and/or flopping on the floor in front of the snake will sometimes help.

Good luck.

10-14-2008, 09:18 AM
Welcome aboard. :)

10-14-2008, 09:26 AM
Welcome :)

Snake lover 3-25
10-14-2008, 10:37 AM
hi and welcome:D

10-18-2008, 11:10 PM
Thank you for all your help. I should have mentioned that I caught her almost 2 months ago. She did have one shed after 2 weeks. She's not very big, though, so I think you are right about her size and not being able to eat more than that. It's just that I've had piggy snakes in the past and am not used to this! I will get a picture out there - she's a cutie.

10-19-2008, 05:50 AM
welcome to the forum