View Full Version : Thiamin, Thiaminase, and Goldfish

02-04-2007, 08:50 PM
Hi folks,
I've finally put something together about one of my favorite topics :eek:. It's still very much a work in progress, but I thought that if I didn't get something started now, I probably never would. Please have a look and feel free to make any changes that you see fit. My web and artistic skills are both lacking.

Also, there are a few sections where I went into a fair amount of detail about the biology. I tried to give enough detail to make it useful to those who wanted details, yet keep it general enough so that it is understandable and useful to all. The bottom line is to get those snakes off the goldfish (or at least reduce the percentage of goldfish in their diet). Please let me know if it's too detailed to be of use. Either a PM or reply to this thread is fine, but I genuinely want feedback to ensure this is useful to all. Best regards,


P.S. That was taxing, so now it's beer time. Cheers.

02-04-2007, 09:14 PM
Okay so now I have questions.
I currently feed wild caught trout (from my lake) or from the market, occasional goldfish (if I can't catch anything or find any trout, which I don't like to do ), I'm trying to get her on Pinkies with not much success. What else is easy to purchase from the store that is safer for my snake. I have tried earthworms but she wont eat them at all. I do put suppliment on all my food but I don't know if that is enough to protect her.
I have heard of the product Garter Grub, but I have not been able to find it anywhere. I live in Washington State so maybe someone knows of a place that I don't know of or a fish market that has a wider arangement of choices. Right now Haggens supermarket has the largest, but the prices are a little high :( .

02-04-2007, 09:57 PM
Hi Brittany,
Trout, salmon, perch, bass, pike, sunfish, and pollock are commonly available fish that are good for your snake. I'd suggest catching a few extra trout in the spring or fall and vacuum seal, then freeze them to get you through the winter. I imagine that one salmon would last you all year. There's no need to go for the expensive kind. Chum are fine as long as your snake doesn't turn its nose up at them ;).

02-04-2007, 10:56 PM
Okay so now I have questions.
I currently feed wild caught trout (from my lake) or from the market, occasional goldfish (if I can't catch anything or find any trout, which I don't like to do ), I'm trying to get her on Pinkies with not much success. What else is easy to purchase from the store that is safer for my snake. I have tried earthworms but she wont eat them at all. I do put suppliment on all my food but I don't know if that is enough to protect her.
I have heard of the product Garter Grub, but I have not been able to find it anywhere. I live in Washington State so maybe someone knows of a place that I don't know of or a fish market that has a wider arangement of choices. Right now Haggens supermarket has the largest, but the prices are a little high :( .

Brittany, Petsmart sells the Garter Grub. If yu have one in your area check with them. If I'm feeding fish, I prefer live, and but Rosie minnows (from the same source).


02-05-2007, 08:47 AM
I would suggest guppies.

I don't know how easily you can get them in the US but their quite cheap here in denmark.

Plus if your up for it, they are quite easy to breed as well.

The easiest, and cheapest, thing to do I think is something in line with Ricks suggestion...
