View Full Version : Greedy pig eek. help
09-27-2008, 04:59 AM
Hi folks
Needs some advice here.
Medusa today ate a Fuzzy + 2 pinkies, 1 she pinched off of the others garter snake dish.
My other garter snake as not touched her pinkies for over a week now? even the salmon, she as ignored. (dont know if our weather as owt to do with it, my dragons not eating much either.)
What is the next size up from a Fuzzy for Medusa, may give the other garter a chance to get fed.
Medusa know her feeding days, she is up by the viv glass waiting for her food.
Any advice be most wlecomed and should i be worried about other garter not eating?
I cant see no signs of shedding at mo with the smaller garter.
Thanks in advance.
Snake lover 3-25
09-27-2008, 06:33 AM
she's most likely going into a brumation state... you can increase the number of hours a day their lamp is on and try to increase their temps and humidity... that should help but if it doesn't you may have to put her through a short brumation.... good luck:)
09-27-2008, 06:39 AM
Try placing Medusa in a separate container for a while, so the other snake does not have competition for food.
Also you may wish to try using hemostats or tongs to shake and wiggle the food in front of the animal. Sometimes the movement will trigger feeding.
09-27-2008, 07:15 AM
. . . and Medusa's not anywhere near as greedy as my friend's king snake who tried to devour a catnip mouse six times the size of his head a couple of days ago, and they were having a devil of a time getting that thing out of his gullet, because by the time they realized that he was pursuing this in serious, he had started swallowing
09-27-2008, 07:31 AM
Your next size up from fuzzies would be "Hoppers". They are about 8-12 grams, and about 1.5-2 inches long. You could also switch to a pinkie or fuzzy rat. Pinkie rats are about 1.5-2 inches, as well, weighing 3-8 grams, or a fuzzy rat at 2-2.5 inches and 9-19 grams. Hoppers have more fur than your rat pinkies or fuzzies, so there's going to be more waste, but they're cheaper.
Hope that helps.
Lori P
09-27-2008, 07:32 AM
ROFL!!!! I've heard kingsnakes will eat anything, BUT... that's a little extreme!!!
09-27-2008, 08:21 AM
haha, I second what Wayne said. Separate medusa out.
As for greedy kingsnakes... My ring finger on my right hand has been fully, 110% swallowed by Bandit, my california king. Hadn't been touching any food that day... nope... bandit just thought that me removing his shed was a good time to attack and "kill" my hand with all 5 feet of himself! He literally had my finger swallowed before I could get him off... I had tried cold water... soap... then Germ-X... then whiskey... NONE of them worked... it took running the hot water and bobbing his head under it a few times to get him to let go.
My finger looked like it had been through a paper shredder :D
I love that snake. :o
Lori P
09-27-2008, 10:45 AM
Now I'm wondering what would have happened if you'd just let him keep trying... LOL... would he have eventually regurged the finger when he couldn't get any further? How long would it have taken? I'm thinking we should repeat it as an experiment, Shannon, so we have the answers... :D
09-27-2008, 04:18 PM
My Corn snake tried that once, all I had to do was go for the camera.
Silly thing let go on his own before I could get a picture!!!!
09-30-2008, 07:37 AM
hi all.
found out why she didnt eat. she was in shedding stages.
I have just watched her shed her skin, amazing sight. She then took a dip in her bowl. guess like my b/dragons they tend to go off of their food when due a shed.
Next feeding time is tomorrow, so hopefully she will eat.
I will put Medusa in seperate container like i did other day, and hopefully other girl will eat... phew worry over i hope.
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