View Full Version : more pics of my new snakes

09-23-2008, 08:32 PM
Here is more pictures of my snakies!!! I hope you don't mind.





More pictures......

09-23-2008, 08:34 PM

I hope no one gets mad at me... but I took this picture, didn't no that he was spitting up water or whatever he had eaten before I got him. I believe he did it cause I picked him up, nicely, but must have frighten it.

09-24-2008, 03:52 AM
Stephanie, they have been off feed for a few days for shipping, there should not have been anything in the snake to regurgitate.

I hope he is OK.

Lori P
09-24-2008, 05:40 AM
Stephanie, I like the background on that tank-- is that a normal fish tank background?? I don't think I've seen that one-- I want, tell me where to get!! :-)

I'm not sure about that spitting up either... just keep an eye on the little guy. Do you know how long before he was shipped that he'd eaten?

09-24-2008, 06:28 AM
They sure are cute!!! They are Max's brothers. Wonder if they would remember each other? LOL. I have never seen a snake spit up like that before. Like Lori said I would keep an eye out on him. Im sure hes ok :D

09-24-2008, 06:31 AM
Unless there was a mix up, the snakes have been off feed for about 5 days now.

They are not used to a lot of handling, and combined with the stress of the airplane ride, and being taped in a box for a day, they really should be given a day or two to settle in before they get too stressed out.

Also I wanted to point out, they are used to feeding in a small box (a rubbermaid / sterilite type container) with no substrate. Shavings and fibers will stick to slugs like glue, and they will swallow junk.

These guys lost 2 siblings that way, and it was ugly.

09-24-2008, 06:57 AM
So Should I feed them in a seperate container? I can do that! I won't handle them for a couple days, let them settle in. ty

Unless there was a mix up, the snakes have been off feed for about 5 days now.

They are not used to a lot of handling, and combined with the stress of the airplane ride, and being taped in a box for a day, they really should be given a day or two to settle in before they get too stressed out.

Also I wanted to point out, they are used to feeding in a small box (a rubbermaid / sterilite type container) with no substrate. Shavings and fibers will stick to slugs like glue, and they will swallow junk.

These guys lost 2 siblings that way, and it was ugly.

09-24-2008, 07:00 AM
Hi Lori, that background came along with a tank, that had 2 leopard geckos.
It's cardboard, let me check to see if there is a name or something on it..

Stephanie, I like the background on that tank-- is that a normal fish tank background?? I don't think I've seen that one-- I want, tell me where to get!! :-)

I'm not sure about that spitting up either... just keep an eye on the little guy. Do you know how long before he was shipped that he'd eaten?

09-24-2008, 09:47 AM
Stephanie, they're adorable... hope the little dekay is ok... good call on letting them settle in for a few days :)

09-24-2008, 12:27 PM
They were boxed and unboxed and returned to the tank, so it is possible that one that ate recently got mixed in by accident:eek:

That tank looks so lonely, it had 5 snakes, now it has 2.....

One from Xena's litter and one from Athena's litter.

The small one from Xena's litter has a slight handicap, and I am quite fond of him. (His special needs don't bother me any)


09-24-2008, 01:30 PM
awwwwww a handicap? Whats wrong? Post pics I wanna see :D

09-24-2008, 03:29 PM
awwwwww a handicap? Whats wrong? Post pics I wanna see :D

only you!!:p

09-24-2008, 03:39 PM
yes im soooo nosey LOL :p

09-24-2008, 05:14 PM
His neck is about half the normal diameter, he has to eat small slugs and tiny worms.

A normal size food item nearly choked him to death, it's weird as heck, his body is normal, his head is normal, but his "neck" region is tiny.

So I let him eat as many tiny food items as he can, but in the wild, I think he'd of either choked or withered away.

He is a captive born, and a runt. (still very fond of the little guy)

That's quite the zoo your starting Stephanie