View Full Version : My first regurge

09-22-2008, 10:01 AM
Ok, I don't think this is really urgent, but figured this is where most would look for this information. I've already searched here and the rest of the web, but none of the information quite fits my situation...

I had one of the babies regurge yesterday afternoon. It was the first time I've moved them to separate containers to eat. I needed to clean their viv, so figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and feed them while I cleaned. They are usually fed while being held. Since I had just placed food items(strips of tilapia & night crawler) in the bottom of the containers I wanted to give each baby a quick bath to remove any scent of food before placing them back in their tank together. They have had quick baths before after eating, but it's not a regular thing. Most of the time it's not necessary. They also appear to be approaching a shed, but not in blue phase. So, I've got the water running in the kitchen sink with the stopper in, holding baby in my hand. Baby freaks a little as I place him in the water. I lift him out of the water, he opens his mouth wide... I'm thinking he's just readjusting... and out comes his just eaten meal. He has seemed fine since. Mostly basking in his favorite spot, but it's what they normally do unless they're hunting for food :)

I'm wondering what should be my next step.... I've seen reference to a 10 day waiting period, but these are babies who normally never go more than two days without food. 10 days seems like forever! Anything I should be watching for? Should I be worried? Seems stressed induced and practically instantly after feeding, so I'm thinking it's not too serious, but don't want to be overly complacent, either!

09-22-2008, 10:33 AM
Tami - No need to worry, that was stress induced.

When I go out and pick up wild snakes to photograph or just study, it is common for the stress of my invasion to induce a regurgitation.

The water must have spooked the baby, try feeding again another day, it should be fine.:D

I don't know about that 10 day wait, I had two babies that one had swallowed its sibling 1/3 of the way down, I ran them under cold tap water until the bigger one "coughed up" the sibling, they both ate several hours later with no ill effects. (I figure there could not be anything much more invasive than having a snake extracted from the throat)

09-22-2008, 10:39 AM
I'm with Dekay. Actually Jeeps tried to puke his worm piece yesterday. I just put my finger very gently on his 'lips' and he decided he wanted to eat after all.

I've found, with The Boys, once they calm down they really do want their wormlettes after all. I've not waited 10 days.

I *think* that may be for like when your snigglette's gone 1-2 days and then regurges. But a quick little 'spit-up' - in my mind - is different.

I'd not worry and would try a calm feeding/refeeding.

09-22-2008, 10:42 AM
That's what I was thinking Wayne... it just seemed the more I read, the more cautious people were and the more worried I became :) but none of my reading referred to an instantly regurged meal, so wanted to make sure!

1/3 of the way down, huh? I've heard you tell that story before and it still amazes me that you were able to get them apart!

Edited to say... thanks Gertie! I have a habit of typing while you're posting today :)

Snake lover 3-25
09-22-2008, 11:14 AM
yeah i agree with them it was most likely just from the stress of being picked up:)

09-22-2008, 11:37 AM
Yeah, I've had this happen plenty of times; mainly with water. Handling doesn't seem to disturb them quite as much.
Don't worry, he'll be fine. :P

09-22-2008, 12:42 PM
Thanks Kyle & Shanley! Glad to hear it's relatively normal. Little stinker seems to be doing some cruising now. I'm thinking I'll offer him a little snack.

09-22-2008, 12:52 PM
Yep that was 2 of those ribbon babies from Kyle.

Dorothy named the one that got ate "Greeny" after that Asian green snake that died.

She named the other one "Spaz" and now they are kept in separate cages.

By the way, I still have 2 ribbon snake babies for anyone who wants them..

09-22-2008, 12:54 PM
Aww, Greeny got the second chance that the Asian green never did...

09-22-2008, 01:15 PM
Ribbons are quite the handful, eh?

09-22-2008, 02:15 PM
I have to agree with Wayne and the others, Tami. Sometimes the slightest change in routine can really stress our Garters. Glad it settled back in quickly for you.

09-22-2008, 03:37 PM
Ribbons are quite the handful, eh?

Oh yeah, feisty little buggers:D

09-24-2008, 10:03 AM
Thanks again guys. Just wanted to post a little update. Both the regurge baby and his brother ate half a pink and a worm piece or two this morning without any issues :D