View Full Version : My Friends' Losses...

09-21-2008, 06:57 PM
I just want those I care about, like Lori and Tori, to know...

That I'm not ignoring you regarding your pain and the loss of those you love. I'm reading what you've posted and what has happened, and my heart breaks for all/any of you that lose/are losing/have lost a loved one. Snakely, bristley, feathery/finny/scaley.

It's just that I can't go there - comment - in those threads. I cry as I read what's going on. And all I'd do is blubber and and sniffle and bawl. And I'd be of no help. Because I'm right there with you.

So, please forgive me for this all encompassing post. I don't mean to negate any of your emotions - they are so real, raw and right.

It's just... I feel too much to go there. Do you know what I mean? I mean, like, I know. And I can't be with you to cry and hug and I can't help make it otay. And I'm on my own suffering.

And I do, truly, suffer with you. I do. And I just can't jump in and give you the support you need. It's too close.

Please, my dear friends, forgive me for being the emotional wuss I am. Please know I share your hurt, the loss of a living love. Please know I don't think you're nutz or a psycho.

I know you're caring loving people. And I'm giving you my love and support the only way I can.

I'm so sorry.