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View Full Version : Why I looooooove my hubby!!!

Lori P
09-12-2008, 05:53 AM
OMG---- guys, this morning I ran out to the garage to find a hammer. Now, our garage is off to the side of the house and I rarely go out there; it's pretty much hubby's domain; I just rarely need to go out there for anything.

Well, the last two nights, he's been going out there after dinner, saying he had to get stuff ready for a big job he's working on (he's an electrician). And I've gone to bed early both nights with headaches.

This morning, I go out and see this big... thing... and walk around the front of it... and my jaw just hit the floor. I ran back in for the camera and got one quick shot... didn't want him to wake up and see I'd found his surprise.


He's making me a new enclosure for my 2 ball pythons!!! I've been pouring over the internet and ads for the last month, trying to find an affordable enclosure that was at least 4 x 2 x 2... (they're in a 55 gallon tank now and it's just too small) and been frustrated that I couldn't find one that was in my budget. I haven't measure this, but eyeing it, it looks 4 x 3 x really tall!!!!!! :-)

I never asked him to make me one because one, he's been so busy, and two, I really do wear him out with animal stuff... it's always honey, fix the fence, get me hay, fix the posts, build this, build that... and the animals are totally my thing, not his. He'd be thrilled if we had no animals, but, he totally tolerates them for me. So I was in no way going to ask him to build one more thing...

He's a good guy. I'm keeping him. :):):) This will be the best birthday present ever!!!!! (Well, at least, the best birthday present this year!!!! LOL) Just had to share because I'm bursting here!!!

09-12-2008, 05:56 AM
You peeked, I'm telling:D

Very nice.

09-12-2008, 06:06 AM
WOW Lori that is sooooooooooooooooo COOOOL!!!! Very nice cage!!! :D

My bf has nothing to do with the animals here maybe the dog once in a while but I take care of the snakes, turtle, tortoise, toad, and the dog. He also would be happy if we just had the dog. Ohh well LOL :D

09-12-2008, 06:41 AM
Awww Lori, what an awesome suprise... wow!!! Your Hubby is doing a great job!!

My hubby built my 2nd iguana a huge home... he made it so we can take it apart, & he has made a stand for my ball & other iguana.

Also he has built me & my daughter desks.

09-12-2008, 07:23 AM
vow, Lori - so cool
yeah - not only is he a good guy, I also knows how to build things and what kinds of things to build - definitely keep him

count dewclaw
09-12-2008, 07:44 AM
Lori, that is so special! Plus, once it's in the house it will be an everyday reminder that he does indeed love you. How sweet.

09-12-2008, 10:16 AM
Awww, definitely a keeper :) So, are you practicing acting surprised? :)

09-12-2008, 03:31 PM
Thats awesome! What a nice guy.

09-12-2008, 08:41 PM
Very neat Lori. Hope it doesnt turn out to actually be a display case for his football trophy's ! :)

Lori P
09-13-2008, 07:32 AM
ROFLAMO!!!! Omg, Loren, you have NO IDEA how possible that is as he has a huge Green Bay collection that is his pride and joy.... oh crap!!!! LOLOL

Actually, as is usual for him, he couldn't wait for my actual birthday to show me. (He can never keep presents until the actual day... I have to MAKE him keep Christmas presents hidden! lol) He showed me last night and I was the perfectly surprised and over excited wife. :-)

And that's good, too, that he showed me now because we can finish planning it together. I just can't wait to get it all set up for the snakes. And yeah.... I already want another for the garters.... lol!

09-13-2008, 09:23 AM
Great birthday present, Lori!!
What a nice, handy husband. Funny, mine doesn't like to wait to show me gifts either, but he's been pretty good about making it to the day!

09-13-2008, 09:41 AM
LOL Too funny Lori!!! Mine's the same way! Always wants to tell me all about it almost as soon as he's bought it :) Gotta love 'em :)

Lori P
09-21-2008, 01:11 PM
Ok, we moved the new enclosure inside today and set it up! There are still several small details to finish, but, here it is....

Jamie wanted to demonstrate the size so I told him to get in and model it for me. This is his best model pose and smile. LOL!!!! Thank god he wasn't in his underwear...


Now here it is next to their old 55 gallon tank...


Here is the Great Stuff backdrop that Jamie made; it has two shelves and a tunnel!!!




Added the hides and some greenery


Lori P
09-21-2008, 01:13 PM
This is a hide and a water dish all in one. Yes, it's a little big. But Jamie was so proud of it... I can't not use it. :)


And the other hide. He really, really likes using the Great Stuff... LOL!!!


We'll be moving them in tonite, hopefully!!!!! Just need to see how the temps and humidity do!

Snake lover 3-25
09-21-2008, 01:19 PM
wow now that's a BIG tank!!!!!!:eek: build me one!!!!!!! lol jk it looks great:D

09-21-2008, 01:26 PM
Holy Hannah! Ittiz huge!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S. Again, your decorating is fantastic. You are the Queen of cage setups! GD, if that's not beautiful. I tell you, you need to do a consulting bidness.


Pickles and Mayo send Puggy licks! I send Pigglette hugs and snuggls and sleeping with me! I want the Pigglette!

Say, you SAY Jamie made that background stuff? What can he do for sale? Like if one told him, like "I've a 10 gallon.

WOOT! Actually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE GOT MY, WHAT? 95 GALLON?!!! What would he charge to poor people to make that kind'a stuff if given dimensions?

And toss the Pigglette in a fur coat for free?

09-21-2008, 01:32 PM
WHERE did FIND this guy? And what about brothers, cousins, his father?

Cry me a river. You are one lucky woman.

09-21-2008, 01:39 PM
That's an impressive piece of work!!! :eek: .... congrats ;)

09-21-2008, 03:09 PM
Very nice Lori!!! Let Jamie know that we are soooo impressed! Both with his handy work and his modeling job :) Really, though, it's absolutely gorgeous and the fact that it was built with love makes it just that much more perfect!

09-21-2008, 03:19 PM
Very nice. :)

Can it be opened without substrate coming flying out?

Lori P
09-21-2008, 03:25 PM
LOLOL Stefan--- that's the last thing Jamie did before we filled it-- he added to that lip!!!! Neither one of us had thought of that until we got it in the house and were looking at it. :rolleyes: But hey, for his first time building anything like this, and for doing it from his head with no plans, I think he pulled it off pretty well. Now I really, really, really want some for the garters... geeez, I'm going to have to be really nice to him aren't I!!!!

09-21-2008, 04:28 PM
Very awesome Lori- nicer than any cage I have, thats for sure. :)

Are you 100% positive all the sealers and foams are 100% aired out and cured before adding the snakes?

09-21-2008, 11:49 PM
Wow, i didnt fully comprehend the size of this thing until i saw it next to the 55g tank. That is so awesome...youre going to have a very happy snake. :)

Lori P
09-23-2008, 06:00 AM
DISCLAIMER: I do realize this is a garter snake forum. However, I am bursting with excitement to continue to show the adventures of my bp's in their new home. If anyone objects, let me know. My theory is, this can only encourage us to develope more interesting homes for our garters, too. :) Believe me, I've got plans now for the garters' new digs....

Here are the girls out last night!!! Jamie took these, I'm always well asleep by the time these snakes come out!! lol






Check out how there are spots of color on the background-- that happens when the flash hits it but you can't see them when you're jsut looking at it. Funny.

Loren, yes, we did let it cure well. The hides and background were made last weekend, and sat out in the garage to cure and air out all week. At least, I assume a week is long enough... the odor was gone, to our noses, at least. LOL Let me know if you think we should have waited longer???

Lori P
09-23-2008, 06:05 AM
Also, we have discovered how darn easily that plexiglass scratches... bummer... Jamie said we can one day replace it with glass if we need to. It already has a bunch of scratches!!!! But again, for a first attempt, not bad. :-)

09-23-2008, 07:25 AM
Very nice cage & set up!! how old are the girls? I have a ball python too. Aundrea bought him for me... my early Christmas present. I named him George.... suits him well! He is my BABY!!

I posted a picture of my reptiles homes, i included the one of George's home.

09-23-2008, 07:34 AM
Very nice set up Lori!!! They look very happy :D

Yes I bought Stephanie George last year for x-mas :D He is a cutie and boy he sure dont act like a snake LOL :p

09-23-2008, 10:13 AM
Lori, I love that tunnel pic!!! Jamie did good :) I need a Jamie :)