View Full Version : I will be remembering you all.
09-09-2008, 01:58 AM
Hi i know i am posting this early , but i dont know when i be on the comp again.
This is in memory of September the 11th.
My cousin is Fireman here in U.K. and i know how he felt after that dreadful day.
Here is the true Picture thats in my Avatar.
I be thinking of you all across the pond.
Sorry thought the picture come out bigger. Its called Fireman with 2 Angels.
09-09-2008, 03:08 AM
My thoughts will be with all as well.
You're avatar shows more of the tragedy most people involved had to deal with
Lori P
09-09-2008, 06:03 AM
Very nice, CJ. Very nice.
09-09-2008, 06:30 AM
What were you doing that day when you found out?
I remember turning on the TV just minutes before the second plane hit, and watching it live from that point forward.
Called clients, canceled all appointments and watched television (NBC) as it all unfolded...
As a resident of New York state, it was awfully close to home.
Thanks CJ!!!
09-09-2008, 07:07 AM
I came out of my martial arts class and the guy at the front desk told me that a plane had just hit one of the world trade center towers
when I went down to the corner, there was a clear view down fifth ave - it looked like a slash in the building - nothing much really, and I wondered where the actual plane had gone
I went down the avenue to run some errands in the village and when I came back from a detour on 12th st the second plane had hit and things suddenly changed a lot - a lot
they became very noisy and very weirdly quiet all at once
Jeff was supposed to meet me and there was a chance that he was stuck on some train in lower manhattan
phone did not work, subways - well ultimately not, traffic . . .
there was a woman stuck in a car pointed downtown on 5th ave screaming "my child is down there"
I started walking, trying to remember whether the manhattan bridge has a walkway and then concluding it didn't matter
I was walking against the stream of people coming up from lower manhattan with dazed looks, some barefoot with torn stockings
there were people clustered around cars with news radio running, sirens everywhere
by the time I go to the bridge my bag with the squashes seemed heavy, but I decided that this was no time to leave behind a bag of food - who knew where this was headed
on the bridge the stream of people was headed the same way as I was
I walked next to a man who had been on the 94th floor of the building that got hit first and he talked about the people who'd needed to finish up some more paper work and the ones hanging around to look up at the building . . . the ones he had urged to leave right away
on the other side of the bridge there was a brief rumour of bus service and there were churches handing out water to the thick stream of people pouring off the bridge
after another mile or so up flatbush ave I turned into a store front vet office to beg use of their bathroom
their cat snuck in with me and rubbed against my leg and I started shaking and tears started streaming down my face
it's a little blurry after that, but I do know I kept walking and I must have somehow connected with Jeff, or maybe I walked to the apartment, I don't know - somehow I got home three hours after setting out across the bridge
I remember the crazy owner of Mikhaila's child care telling us that this was all the result of excess sugar consumption, and going for thai food, and having these shaking spells with tears streaming down my face
I remember all the fighter jets in the sky and wondering how, with all this display of military might, they were thinking of catching smart bad fearless people with simple tools such as box cutters
I remember days and days, looking out of the window of our little temporary sixth floor apartment, seeing that fire across and then the smoldering for a long time, with the smoke headed in our direction for much of it
that turned out a bit longer than planned - sorry
09-09-2008, 07:23 AM
What were you doing that day when you found out?
I was on my way to work(Home Depot), it was a very quiet morning on the way, i noticed it was like dead on the streets. I walked in, one of my co workers, was like you have to clock in & see what is happening.
I was in total shock... we had tv's on & we all took turns watching them. It was a very sad day! My daughter was in 1st grade, they had their school pictures taken that day too.
I was worried about my Mother, who worked in Washington,DC * IRS * they were told to go home. She worked up the street from the Capitol.
Very very sad day!!!
Thanks CJ !!!
09-09-2008, 07:33 AM
I was living in Arizona at the time so we were 3 hours behind and still sleeping. Well I was with my ex hubby at the time and my son was 2 at the time. My ex's dad kept calling and calling. I was getting pissed cuz well I was trying to sleep LOL. So finally my ex answered the phone and woke me up to tell me to go to the tv now. I was so pissed and cussing LOL.. So I went and saw. I was trying to wake up and was just in shocked. My ex went to work and I just stayed home watching tv all day long. Sad day it was. I think one of my friends came over and we watched it together.
09-09-2008, 10:04 AM
that turned out a bit longer than planned - sorry
Rhea Considering that you saw this with your own eyes, I don't think anyone would have minded if your post was 3 pages long:eek:
It reminds me of the news documentaries from that day.
We have an airport 20 miles away, and my place is roughly where each plane turns around to begin final approach.
It was eerie as hell when the sky overhead fell silent then very shortly after the fighter jet patrols began moving overhead.
09-09-2008, 10:05 AM
It was after school when I still studied to become a computer engineer. I was over at a classmate's place with a couple of friends, when one of them got a text message telling him to turn the TV on. We had been watching for a few minutes, when the second plane hit and we kept watching for several hours.
I can't say I was that shocked. Terrorist attacks in Israel, Spain, Britain, Russia, Japan and the US had been in the news throughout my entire life, even if it's not every day that you see them live on TV. It did feel a bit unreal for a while, but not for as long as I thought it would. I also remember that my first thought was that some terrorist just messed with the wrong country and that the consequences would be very, very bad for the ones responsible.
09-09-2008, 10:11 AM
The sense of world unity born of that event was soul stirring.
For once the thoughts of WW3 were not all that scary..
All the players appeared to have joined the same team.
Snake lover 3-25
09-09-2008, 10:35 AM
i was in second grade.... a teacher came in the class room and told my teacher to turn on the tv..... and aso there it was and all of us watched as the second plane crashed into the tower with confusion and disbelief... most of us thought it was just a movie..... but then the reporter started to talk and we realized he was talking about our country.... our state... and that it was live. then my teacher started to cry..... and the principle told everyone to turn off their tvs:(
09-09-2008, 10:43 AM
Rhea, thanks for sharing your first hand account... it really reminds me of watching the news that day and seeing everyone walking across the bridge...some just walking aimlessly... I'm sorry anyone had to go through that. Sometimes we forget that things like this happen in other countries every day, but that knowledge doesn't make it any easier to deal with when it's happening to us.
On the left coast I woke up, showered, turned on the news to see that the first plane had hit. Still seemed like it was an accident at that time. Had TV on, but got busy getting the kids ready for school, etc. Sent them out the door and saw that the second plane had hit the other tower. Puttered around the house for a few minutes in a total daze then decided to go be at school with my kids. I helped in their classrooms and knew their teachers well. Didn't really want to pull them out of school... wanted to keep things as normal as possible for them... but couldn't stand to be away from them, either. Everything was so uncertain. Even though we were far from New York and DC it was so frightening. My oldest son's teacher and I spent most of the day watching the news unfold while the kids did pretty much whatever they wanted. My oldest was in fourth grade at the time and the teacher was in no frame of mind to teach, quite a few kids didn't come to school, and the rest were just kind of there, hollow. Being a little older, all of them had heard bits and pieces of what was going on, so we helped them understand the facts the best we could. All were allowed to call their parents to talk if they wanted. It was very quiet and somber even in a classroom full of 9 & 10 year olds. I don't think there was one discipline issue the entire day. Very quiet kids...
Lulu Bennett
09-09-2008, 11:27 AM
It was my first day of college the first time round. I had a fab day. i walked through the front door to find my dad with a look on his face i never want to see again.
I spent the rest of the day watching the news and crying my eyes out.
It is one of those things you never forgotten. Since then i have done some research on the internet and found many conspiricy theories. one or two are quite convinsing.
All i know for sure is that my heart goes out to everyone that lost a loved one in this tragidy.
Everyone around the world was effected by this.
09-09-2008, 12:03 PM
I was doing a rotation over in Kuwait at the time. We were on a phone call back to our shop in the states when they told us to turn on the news. My rotation got extended six months, and all hell broke loose.
I was at work and had just gotten to our canteen where there is a TV as the second plane hit. Everyone in there got to see a grown man cry.
09-09-2008, 02:24 PM
I was warming up the lesson horses when I used to work for a ranch with the girl scout trail rides....
09-09-2008, 05:19 PM
I was laid up on my couch with a herniated disk in my back....watched it all in shock....couldn't believe it!
09-09-2008, 06:00 PM
We where sitting in the tack room listening to a super old little radio as it was happening... It kept getting static. It was really surreal...
09-09-2008, 08:42 PM
I had just returned from dropping my daughter off at kindergarten. My sister-in-law telephoned from work all upset, saying something about bombing.........New York........planes. I turned on the Today show, which I had turned off only an hour or so earlier to leave the house and nothing had been going on then at all. I don't think anything seemed real for hours. I remember feeling so detached and distant for a long while. Then sitting outside for ages, trying desperately to hear a plane go by overhead to prove that it was really not happening. I didn't hear any planes.:(
Later that day, when I watched again, it hit me fully what had taken place. Then I just stood in front of the TV and cried.
09-09-2008, 10:25 PM
The sense of world unity born of that event was soul stirring.
For once the thoughts of WW3 were not all that scary..
All the players appeared to have joined the same team.
Wayne, well said. From what I have read, as a new guy here, you seem to post well reasoned, poignant comments. Ironic, look at the time of your post I quoted.
My thoughts on 9/11 coming soon.
The sense of world unity born of that event was soul stirring.
For once the thoughts of WW3 were not all that scary..
All the players appeared to have joined the same team.
Well I remember watching the news at work with many other people that morning.
The thing that I remember the most are images of women and children cheering in other parts of the world. Maybe not world unity but a clearly defined line of who is really on what side.
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