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View Full Version : How long can garters go without food?

09-07-2008, 02:55 AM
Need some advice please.

My new garter, did not eat her pinkie wrapped in salmon.
Now i know i just got her, (replacement for my other garter who had MBD.) so put it down to being a bit stressed. My other garter didnt eat either, maybe its cos she got a new tank mate. (new smell.)
They due for a feed today, but they still both still a bit stressed out.
I was thinking of feeding them tomorrow.
I would like to know how long can (in the wild) can Garter snakes go without food for? Would it be ok to feed tomorrow? or leave it a bit longer? sorry for the questions. but if i dont ask i wont learn.
(my other female ate ok before the new inmate, just so as peeps know she was fine before new female came.)
Thanks alot in advance.

Had a thought as well re not feeding, we have had constant rain since thursday, do weather conditons affect snakes same as Bearded dragons geckos ect? Its also got lot colder than norm.

09-07-2008, 03:16 AM
I would like to know how long can (in the wild) can Garter snakes go without food for?
Depending on the age and condition of the snake: Several months. Young ones are more sensitive and need to eat more often.

09-07-2008, 07:59 AM
if i don't ask i wont learn.

Absolutely correct, Ask anything you would like, at any time:D

To quote another member (Hi Udo) guidance is our passion here.

we have had constant rain since Thursday, do weather conditions affect snakes same as Bearded dragons geckos etc? Its also got lot colder than norm.

Yes Garter snakes can sense barometric changes, rain = food in the wild

09-07-2008, 09:13 AM
Lots of things can put your snake off feed.
I would attribute it to stress (for both of them at the moment), but weather conditions, preparing to shed, and health issues are all factors at any given time.
My three-year-old Eastern, who's never, ever refused food, has decided not to eat this week. But she's in shed, and our weather has also gone through a real change lately, so I'm not too worried.
Give them some time, and they'll most likely be just fine!

09-07-2008, 10:38 AM
I've had a snake go for 3 months with out food in hot, outdoor conditions; now's she's back to eating. Just be patient; they'll eat.

09-08-2008, 02:58 AM
Found out why my biggest garter snake never fed the other day.
I woke up this morning to find a shedded skin. Now i did not notice any signs of her going into a shed. I was told when they go into a shed, their eyes will go bluish or opque. she showed not signs of this. I have rocks in my viv and she shedded her skin very well. The rocks helped her i think.
My other garter finally ate today, albeit salmon. but next time i will get her to eat a pinkie.

I do have 1 question tho, what are the signs of a snake going into a shed? tips be grateful.
Am just thankful i followed my gut instinct not to feed her yesterday and left it untill this morning.

I have posted some photos of her eating the pinkie i put in this morning.
C.J. aka Fantail.

09-08-2008, 10:10 AM
C.J. I almost never see mine in the "blue phase" where their eyes turn blue for a day or two and then clear up again before shedding. Mine ate half his normal amount Friday, has been hiding non-stop, threw a freaking hissy fit when I got him out to handle him on Saturday(musking, flailing, shooting poo 6 inches onto my husband :D) Had me really worried about him... Then, yesterday I got to watch him shed. I thought he could have been a little dull looking, but had no idea that shedding was eminent. I pulled two baby sheds out of their tank this morning, too. Had no idea that was coming either... and my guys are set up on and right next to my desk. I stare at them practically all day. I've got a baby peeking at me now :) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I almost never see the pre-shed signs and just take it as a nice surprise.

09-08-2008, 12:09 PM
C.J. I almost never see mine in the "blue phase" where their eyes turn blue for a day or two and then clear up again before shedding. Mine ate half his normal amount Friday, has been hiding non-stop, threw a freaking hissy fit when I got him out to handle him on Saturday(musking, flailing, shooting poo 6 inches onto my husband :D) Had me really worried about him... Then, yesterday I got to watch him shed. I thought he could have been a little dull looking, but had no idea that shedding was eminent. I pulled two baby sheds out of their tank this morning, too. Had no idea that was coming either... and my guys are set up on and right next to my desk. I stare at them practically all day. I've got a baby peeking at me now :) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I almost never see the pre-shed signs and just take it as a nice surprise.

I am such a worry wart, but was really shocked to see the skin, this is my 1st time as a snaker keeper, i have other Reps and i always know when they go into a shed, they look like they have dunked themselves in a bag of flower. ;) But it was a nice surprise and she did beautifully. I think its amazing how well they do it.

09-08-2008, 12:17 PM
I'm glad you asked this (you know what they say - if you don't know something, chances are someone else is wondering the same thing)! My lad has been off his food for the past few weeks, and I was wondering when I should start to worry.

I have the dreadful feeling he's stopped eating because he thinks he should hibernate...but I have no way at all to brumate him.