View Full Version : help my snakes tail

09-05-2008, 08:28 PM
MONDAY - 4-7 // 8-11
TUESDAY - 8-12
THURSDAY - 4-7 // 9-12
SUNDAY - 6-9 // 9-12



Hello, I have the most ridiculous story that I am even mad at for. Some actions might sound stupid. But I rather get a response in what I can do instead of having people ridicule me.

My next door neighbor has 5 kids and they come to my home daily and i have them touch my Albino Checkered Garter snake. Now I never had a problem with them dropping the snake or hurting it in any way. I had my snake for about 2 months already and I got it about 4 inches long
and it is now 10 inches long. I really do not know how old it is because I got it from a pet shop and the guy who attended me never gave me an age. That will be one of the things I would like answered. Now, comes the real story.

One day my older neighbor (the one with the kids) he's about 29 and he saw the snake for the first time. So he asked me what do I feed it, and i responded cut pinkies. He wanted me to show him so I thought for a sec let me put th snake back in it's cage because I was holding it, now I got lazy and asked him to hold it. He has no fear for snakes and I trusted him because he likes snakes and he seemed responsible.

I went to my kitchen and reached for the freezer and he called me yelling.
I ran back and he said it was gone, and it really wasn't he just dropped it and it was like 3 feet away from him. He did not see it because my office chair was right next to him so he decided to move the chair to see if he sees it, when he did the chairs wheels actually caught the snake and the snakes literally rolled in them and came right back out. He was alive because he was moving and trying to escape (of course he was frightened). Usually when my snake gets frightened with other people he dispenses this clear smelly fluid, sometimes poo. I'm not sure if it's a male/female and if where the fluid comes out of is its sexual organ or its ***.

So yea so I realized the snake had dispensed a lot of that fluid. Along with me realizing that the chair caused him a minor scratch/bruise on his middle area and it also ripped off a small piece of his tail. ( I have pictures below)

I was devastated, I thought it would die. I was mad at the guy and literally kicked him out my home. I went and left it alone in it's cage while i called over 20 veterinarians and emergency hospital care. No one wanted to assist me and no one knew how to answer my questions because they needed to analyze the snake, it was also 9 P.M so most places were closed. I had no choice I also had no MONEY for a vet. I know this is stupid and I know maybe I might sound like a neglectful person to certain folks, but I really had no choice.

I looked all over the internet and many places said to soak him in water or medicate him with Neosporin, i found these entries because people had similar cases where the snakes tail or something had been bit by a rat. it's not similar to mines but my snakes tail is cut badly. He was not bleeding but i can see its muscle tissue. All i saw was red. No blood though.

It's been 1 week and a half since the horrible event. He looks like hes healing but his tail looks dead to me. He moves, he eats he acts NORMAL! He looks happy, but I still want to make sure that his tail will come back to normal. At the best way i can describe it its dark and it basically looks like a scab.

I have attached pictures, I really gave all the info I could. Please reply to me with any answers, suggestions or whatever might help. I'm sorry I feel so guilty and I have learned my lesson. I would not trust no one with my snake but myself and professionals.

Other than that below are some more questions I would like answered if they can be. Thank You for everything!

Concerned new snake owner!

Is my snake a male or female and is their any other way to tell other than doing the 2 methods that only professionals may do.

When the snake is frightened and dispenses that smelly fluid, What is that area called? Is it it's *** or *****/vagina LOL!

What is that fluid? Is it pee?

Will my snake Hibernate? And if yes when?

Can anyone tell me the age of my snake by the description i gave in the beginning of my story?

Thank You for all your help!

09-06-2008, 04:14 AM
Don't worry about ridicule, we don't do that to each other here.

The smelly fluid is called musk, and is used as a method of defense.

It has nothing to do with any excrement, solely a defense intended to gross out any predators that may try to eat the snake.

If your snake can still eat, and still defecate you will have a decent chance at survival, but if the damage to the snake is not confined to the tail (from the vent back) then it may be possible that internal "plumbing" has been damaged and that will reduce survivability significantly.

09-06-2008, 06:09 PM
Musk, Kinda figured. Thanks for the not ridiculing me jeje. Yea hes eating, and I believe he is defecating very well. Its a couple of centimeters away from its vent area. From the looks of it I don't think it has affected the vent area, its c.m away but looks like its good.