View Full Version : My snake has a problem with his tail, HELP
09-05-2008, 07:18 PM
Hello, I have the most ridiculous story that I am even mad at for. Some actions might sound stupid. But I rather get a response in what I can do instead of having people ridicule me.
My next door neighbor has 5 kids and they come to my home daily and i have them touch my Albino Checkered Garter snake. Now I never had a problem with them dropping the snake or hurting it in any way. I had my snake for about 2 months already and I got it about 4 inches long
and it is now 10 inches long. I really do not know how old it is because I got it from a pet shop and the guy who attended me never gave me an age. That will be one of the things I would like answered. Now, comes the real story.
One day my older neighbor (the one with the kids) he's about 29 and he saw the snake for the first time. So he asked me what do I feed it, and i responded cut pinkies. He wanted me to show him so I thought for a sec let me put th snake back in it's cage because I was holding it, now I got lazy and asked him to hold it. He has no fear for snakes and I trusted him because he likes snakes and he seemed responsible.
I went to my kitchen and reached for the freezer and he called me yelling.
I ran back and he said it was gone, and it really wasn't he just dropped it and it was like 3 feet away from him. He did not see it because my office chair was right next to him so he decided to move the chair to see if he sees it, when he did the chairs wheels actually caught the snake and the snakes literally rolled in them and came right back out. He was alive because he was moving and trying to escape (of course he was frightened). Usually when my snake gets frightened with other people he dispenses this clear smelly fluid, sometimes poo. I'm not sure if it's a male/female and if where the fluid comes out of is its sexual organ or its ***.
So yea so I realized the snake had dispensed a lot of that fluid. Along with me realizing that the chair caused him a minor scratch/bruise on his middle area and it also ripped off a small piece of his tail. ( I have pictures below)
I was devastated, I thought it would die. I was mad at the guy and literally kicked him out my home. I went and left it alone in it's cage while i called over 20 veterinarians and emergency hospital care. No one wanted to assist me and no one knew how to answer my questions because they needed to analyze the snake, it was also 9 P.M so most places were closed. I had no choice I also had no MONEY for a vet. I know this is stupid and I know maybe I might sound like a neglectful person to certain folks, but I really had no choice.
I looked all over the internet and many places said to soak him in water or medicate him with Neosporin, i found these entries because people had similar cases where the snakes tail or something had been bit by a rat. it's not similar to mines but my snakes tail is cut badly. He was not bleeding but i can see its muscle tissue. All i saw was red. No blood though.
It's been 1 week and a half since the horrible event. He looks like hes healing but his tail looks dead to me. He moves, he eats he acts NORMAL! He looks happy, but I still want to make sure that his tail will come back to normal. At the best way i can describe it its dark and it basically looks like a scab.
I have attached pictures, I really gave all the info I could. Please reply to me with any answers, suggestions or whatever might help. I'm sorry I feel so guilty and I have learned my lesson. I would not trust no one with my snake but myself and professionals.
Other than that below are some more questions I would like answered if they can be. Thank You for everything!
Concerned new snake owner!
Is my snake a male or female and is their any other way to tell other than doing the 2 methods that only professionals may do.
When the snake is frightened and dispenses that smelly fluid, What is that area called? Is it it's *** or *****/vagina LOL!
What is that fluid? Is it pee?
Will my snake Hibernate? And if yes when?
Can anyone tell me the age of my snake by the description i gave in the beginning of my story?
Thank You for all your help! :confused:
09-06-2008, 12:55 AM
When the snake is frightened and dispenses that smelly fluid, What is that area called? Is it it's *** or *****/vagina LOL!
Will my snake Hibernate? And if yes when?If you want it to, but I wouldn't unless the animal is okay. Most probably don't brumate them the first year anyway.
Can anyone tell me the age of my snake by the description i gave in the beginning of my story?The size depends on a variety of factors, including diet and feeding frequency. It's definitely born this summer.
Thank You for all your help! :confused: definitely doesn't look good, the best advice I can give, is to get him to a vet, which I guess isn't very helpful. That tail looks dead and needs to come off before it causes serious problems. In the wild it's not uncommon for them to lose a piece of their tails to predators and shedding problems, but I can't say that I've ever seen a picture of a snake with that much of its tail damaged.
09-06-2008, 04:28 AM
I agree
that looks pretty bad - naked bone?
I highly recommend a vet visit
good luck with that
09-06-2008, 05:21 AM
Ditto what they said.....
09-06-2008, 07:07 AM
Poor thing!!! Let us know how it gets on!!!
09-06-2008, 09:01 AM
In the pictures, where you're holding him, is that the bruised area up by your fingers? I'd be concerned about that as well. Good luck and keep us updated.
09-06-2008, 09:50 AM
Oh, you poor thing! Search the Web for a Herp Society in your area. Like here in MN, in the Saint Paul area, we have the MN Herp Society. See if you can find a Herp Society.
Also, do you have any vet schools near you? Any colleges, universities, things like that? Contact them.
Are there any snake breeders close to you? Need not be garter breeders. Ask questions of any breeder - they usually have a wealth of knowledge and been through more things than you and I will ever go through.
Contact pet stores - even chains like Petco, etc. - for leads.
Do you have a zoo near you? Contact them. The herp folks there may be able to help.
Also, your DNR - Division of Natural Resources - may be able to help.
Good look. Keep up the neosporin - and maybe warm baths???????????
Your neighbor's luck to have gotten outta the house alive. Here? I'd be up for assault charges. Furshure.
09-06-2008, 10:02 AM
I am not sure what state you live in... but here is 2 sites you can TRY to find a Vet that deals with Herps.
Herp Vet Connection (
Herp Veterinarians (
I am sorry about your snake.. looks like the end of the tail is dead. Try to get to a vet asap.
count dewclaw
09-06-2008, 12:04 PM
In the pictures, where you're holding him, is that the bruised area up by your fingers? I'd be concerned about that as well. Good luck and keep us updated.
I would be more concerned about this area further up. You said it was eating, but has it defecated since the injury? Is the back part of its body moving normally? I know it can be hard to find a herp vet, but I it would be a good idea to have this snake checked by a vet.
09-06-2008, 05:07 PM
His tail is definitely dead.
But the bruising around his midsection looks quite serious as well. It's good that he's eating, but make sure he's passing what he's eaten, and he's going to have to have that tail stump removed. I don't think there is any way around some kind of professional care at this point. There could be internal damage at the middle. Poor guy, he really had a doozy of a time. Best wishes!
09-06-2008, 06:26 PM
Ok, Well WOW! Thanks to everyones replies for a next day answer! WOW I'm pleased.
To: Stefen-A, anji1971 & Count DeClaw, Thanks for your response, and thank you for answering the Musk, Cloaca, and the Hibernation questions. I understood everything but the hibernation questions. What is brumation? Is it necessary for my snake to hibernate? Mines is a baby. I am new to this. Now your response to the images, I guess I'm going to have to save up for a vet because i REALLY have no funds for that. His tail moves fine,
he shows no pain or discomfort in moving. He eats, plays, moves, defecates, urinates and hangs out in the water just fine. When i medicate it or even touch it he shows no fear or pain. He lets me touch it and lets me handle him easily. He acts as normal as he acted when I first got him.
Next Answer:
To Drache, DekayBrown, & GregMonsta thanks soooo much for your regards and I will make sure I update everyone on behalf the situation. I mean this was about a week and a half ago, so I think hes better but I think his tails needs help.
Next Answer:
To Jitami, yea where I help him he got that minor bruise aswell. In my looks of it he looks alright there, when he moves he shows no discomfort, no pain. I can touch him there and he bends it great hes good on that area. I believe it shed a bit or somehting around that bruise but it just looks a bit dark because of the contrast of my camera.
To Garter_Gertie, anji1971 & Count Declaw: I have no luck. I live in the Suburban Brooklyn Area of New York. There are NO herp vets, zoos, or breeders that I searched of that are willing to help me. I searched everywhere, called everywhere and asked everyone. No one wants to help or can't help.
To Reptile3: Thanks so much for the links I'm working on that now and will update you on what those websites did to help me and my snake.
Again Thanks a lot to those who tried helping me! I am always looking for more answers, suggestions and more!
Please anyone I will be here and I Check this post every 10 Minutes
09-07-2008, 12:21 AM
What is brumation?
The technical term for the type of dormancy snakes have. It differs a bit from hibernation.
Is it necessary for my snake to hibernate?
Most of the time, no. It does have a few benefits, though. It triggers mating and if you have a problem feeder, it might get the snake to snap out of it. Some even speculate that it may have health benefits.
09-07-2008, 04:19 AM
To Garter_Gertie, anji1971 & Count Declaw: I have no luck. I live in the Suburban Brooklyn Area of New York. There are NO herp vets, zoos, or breeders that I searched of that are willing to help me. I searched everywhere, called everywhere and asked everyone. No one wants to help or can't help.
I don't know where in Brooklyn you live, but I have a quite adequate herp vet here right on the corner of McDonald Ave and Caton Ave
Pet Haven Animal Hospital - 718.435.6900 (
the vet you need to see is Jill Caruso
she is very reasonable - really
I wish you'd mentioned your location earlier
the closest train stop is Ft Hamilton Parkway on the F train (5 short blocks walking) or the Church Ave stop on the F (2 long blocks)
if you take the Ft Hamilton stop, Sean Casey Animal rescue is en route (E 3rd St between Ft Hamilton and Caton) - Sean is someone you should know how to get in touch with because he knows about as much as the vet and always helps when he can
and give me a holler when you're in the 'hood - come see some of my babies
09-07-2008, 01:55 PM
Drache, I called the hospital. Jill was on a leave for her baby. So i spoke to a very great guy! He explained a lot to me. Well, he convinced me that I must save some $ this week off my paycheck and bring it in. I feel bad for my poor snake and I would love to live on with it. So I'm going to save up and bring it in. Thanks SOOO Much Drache!
Lori P
09-07-2008, 02:20 PM
Well done!! Now be sure and keep us posted on how he progresses....
09-07-2008, 05:24 PM
oh good
wonder who you spoke to . . .
let me know when you're going
you could stop by for a tea
count dewclaw
09-07-2008, 07:18 PM
Glad to hear the bruising further up doesn't seem to be a problem, it's hard to tell just from pictures. Keep us posted with his progress. :D
09-09-2008, 09:44 PM
I had to take one of my garters to the vet in March, could not afford to, but spent the money anyhow, Worth every penny!!!
He is healed up and doing perfectly, I eventually recovered from spending the cash, but he rapidly recovered from his medical condition.
Maybe we have to do without a phone, or cable TV for a month, but these are living breathing animals, and they deserve a medical plan as much as we people do.
Please keep us informed.
Sexing snakes
Snakes are sexed by one of three methods:-
By visual appearances - male snakes have a thicker tail base where the two hemipenes lie. This can be seen, even in juvenile garter snakes, with practice.
A, B & C - Female tail; ventral and lateral views. The tail base enlargement noticeable in some females (see B) appear to be male glands, but note that the tail tapers rapidly
D & E - Male tail; ventral and lateral views. Tail base is thick, and this thickness extends for some distance beyond the vent.
Illustration and description by kind permission of Mr Robert J. Riches, author of 'Breeding Snakes in Captivity', 1976
By probing - a surgical probe can be inserted into the vent on either side of the mid-line and gently moved pushed towards the tail. In a male, the probe inserts several scale-lengths inside the inverted hemi-*****, whereas in females it will stop at around 2 or so scale-lengths.
This technique should only be used by those experienced in the technique as it is easy to damage the snake. By 'popping' - this technique involves gently squeezing the tail base, with the result that in a male snake the inverted hemipenes are everted, and become visible as they 'pop out'.
This technique is only suitable for use on young snakes, and again should only be used by those experienced in the technique, as damage can easily be done
09-10-2008, 06:58 PM
Well I got to thank Andi and everyone else for the help. Basically this is an update and a message to Andi.. Unfortunately I got the image of sexing the snake a BIT TOO late! lol, Last night Spookie lost his tail. It finally fell off. His remaining tail is ok and is not an open wound. I have his cage very clean and hes doing fine. About the Vet, I called but couldn't set an appointment because I have no $$.. So I said to myself I'm going to wait till my next paycheck next Friday
and get some money and take him Saturday Morning. I will be updating you guys! Thanks again!
09-11-2008, 04:30 AM
it sounds like your snake will be okay
I am sort of confused, as to who is treating herps at Pet Haven anyway, now that Jill is on maternity leave
from Sean's no-comment, I'm leaning toward the bird doc
I've got a couple of snakes who need care and when I mentioned it to Sean he recommended our old vet who abandoned us for the land where all is legal
I managed to talk Jeff into renting a car on a saturday for a three-hour drive into pennsylvania to bring my snakes to the fantastic vet - just need to find some touristy stuff to do to justify the rental car and the length if the trip
I'm really hoping that we can make it this saturday, but we don't have a car yet and I haven't reached the vet
09-19-2008, 04:55 PM
Ok, so sorry guys it's been a while and as I promised that I was going to see a Vet today I DID! I searched all around for an affordable vet. Comes out that one of the great fellow clients at the office today told me he recommends his good friend which is a retired Reptile Vet. He has a mini suite in his apartment building, however he no longer treats animals. He does it here and there but the poor old man no longer is stable for it. So I brought Spookie in (My Snake) and he checked it out. He said the snake is perfectly fine and that while the tail was scabbing off the inner skin separating the scab from the actual live skin was healing. It is now a closed wound ever since the dead piece of tail fell off. It looks real nice and it is shaped as a mini mini tail. He said he Might have the chance of growing a small similar tail as many reptiles do, however it's a 50/50 chance. The snake is completely healthy and the little bruise on his stomach sector is nothing but a scrape and by the time passes on the color will return to its normal state. Today is feeding day and I fed him an entire Pinkie like I do every Friday. He ate it in an instant no struggle! Hes actually longer and getting a bit bigger. Only a tiny bit. He also shed his old skin 2 days ago. I had to help him a bit because of his short tail. But everything is completely off and hes good to go. Over all I'm extremely happy to know that he is perfectly fine and also!!!! that the very nice senior checked out Spookie for me ALL FOR FREE! He said no charge, he said hes not going to charge me just for a check-up. I thank him and I thank everyone on this forum who helped me along the way! I thank you oh so much! Spookie is doing great I would take pictures, but I don't have my camera so, plus in order to take pics of him with my ****** camera I would have to pick him up and I don't want to bug him, hes STUFFED! HEHEHE... See you guys later ! And thank you again.
09-19-2008, 05:52 PM
The tail will heal and form a "stub tail" snakes do not regrow lost tail.
Good job:D
09-19-2008, 07:53 PM
Great that it worked out, but like Wayne said, they don't regrow tails.
09-19-2008, 08:00 PM
Great that it worked out, but like Wayne said, they don't regrow tails.It is incompatible with this model. We're waiting for version 1.2 to come out. :P
09-19-2008, 08:23 PM
It is incompatible with this model. We're waiting for version 1.2 to come out. :P
They might want to cough up a service pack.
09-20-2008, 02:36 PM
Say... Wouldn't a patch work?
09-20-2008, 04:12 PM
Snake lover 3-25
09-20-2008, 06:22 PM
lol that sucks:D:p
09-21-2008, 05:32 PM
Glad to hear Spooky's doing well! Great job :)
Cntrl/Alt/Del gets me "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator."
... um... I AM the administrator! When did I do that? And how do I undo it? lol
09-21-2008, 07:04 PM
Ja'tami, nah.
That's James or Boots that does that! LOL!
09-23-2008, 10:30 AM
Well there ya go! Think James will make a service call? lol
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