View Full Version : New, with first Garter!
08-16-2008, 10:26 AM
Hey everyone. I'm very new to the forum, but I've been lurking for some time now. I bought a baby garter (I think it's female,) from a new "breeder" last week. I do have a few questions, as this is the first garter I've had since 4th grade (I'm now 21.) Looking back, we didn't take the best of care of the garter in school, and I want to do everything right for my girl. I had named "her" Jareth when I thought it was a boy.Thanks to sexing threads on here, I need a new name for HER. Anyways, a few photos before my questions:
First question: Is the paper towel substrate fine for her? She's almost 4 weeks old (according to the "breeder,") and it's what we use for our leos. In time I want to switch to aspen, just thought the towels would be best at this age.
So far she's eaten 2 chopped up earthwrms (one worm every 2 days.) Am I feeding too much? Too little? And how long should I wait to handle her after she eats to prevent regurg. (We have 2 ball pythons, and wait 48 hours after they eat.)
I noticed that garter bellies are supposed to be a light yellowish color. This baby has an almost black belly. Does this mean she'll be shedding soon, or is it an illness?
I think that's all for right now. Any help is greatly appreciated! :D
08-16-2008, 01:01 PM
Welcome to the forum!!
That is a very nice baby garter snake you have.
We have kept all of our newborn garters in aspen from birth without any problems.
It would be best to keep handling of your new friend to a real minimum, Neonate (baby) garters do not accept handling well.
Every other day is fine for feeding, I would recommend getting some small feeder guppies to add to the snakes diet.
I noticed that garter bellies are supposed to be a light yellowish color. This baby has an almost black belly. Does this mean she'll be shedding soon, or is it an illness?
Garter snake bellies vary in colour, so the darkness is not an indication of illness:D
The enclosure looks really good. Nice Job
08-16-2008, 01:12 PM
Welcome aboard. :) Nice snake.
08-16-2008, 01:17 PM
Welcome to the Forum!!! You have a cute little Garter there and a very nice set up for her :D
08-16-2008, 01:18 PM
What a pretty little girl!!
Paper towels are fine, esp when you have those nice fake plants to hide and climb in!
Aspen is great to as long as you feed in a seperate container so there is no risk of impaction. ;)
I usually keep my newborns on paper towels just so that I can see at a glance if they are having bowel movements. I also feed them as much as they will eat every other day until they reach 10 or 12 inches and then go down to every 3rd day. It sounds like you have been doing your homework. If you do use fish, remember to not feed just fish even if it is easier ( I learned that the hard way) as this can lead to serious health problems. Good luck with the new baby. And welcome aboard!
08-16-2008, 01:57 PM
welcome to the forum :D
08-16-2008, 02:04 PM
Hey Kevie... Look at my post count! :)
08-16-2008, 02:17 PM
Thanks everyone for your welcomes and advice. Tomorrow I'll get some feeder guppies as well. I liked the paper towels because then I could see if there were droppings easier than aspen. (our BPs are on aspen.)
And thank you so much on the advice on handling. I was completely unsure on handling babies, as it seems to vary with the species.
Another question I had has to deal with communal housing. I've read that babies do best when kept together as opposed to being single. Would my baby still be fine kept alone or is it a requirement for them to be together? My main worry is feeding time for 2 in the same enclosure (that, and I just don't think I'm ready for another one yet.)
08-16-2008, 02:36 PM
Wellcome. Nice set up and a very nice snake.
08-16-2008, 03:39 PM
What a sweet little baby! Sounds like you're off to a good start! Welcome!
08-16-2008, 03:41 PM
Hello, and welcome! :)
What a pretty baby you have!
Snake lover 3-25
08-16-2008, 07:32 PM
cute baby!!!! great setup!!!:D
i'd say that if she is eating for you then she is fine without a friend for now..... but i think they like to be together.... so i'd get one once you feel ready... just my opinion
08-16-2008, 07:55 PM
Topaz, I have to tell you that the pic of your baby on your fingers had me a little freaked out! I'm expecting my first two babies early next week, about the same age as yours, and while I know that they are small your picture really drove that home! I'm getting soooo excited! And just a little nervous! :D
Oh, and I love the fact that the boyfriend is listed last in your menagerie :)
08-16-2008, 08:01 PM
Topaz, I have to tell you that the pic of your baby on your fingers had me a little freaked out! I'm expecting my first two babies early next week, about the same age as yours, and while I know that they are small your picture really drove that home! I'm getting soooo excited! And just a little nervous! :D
Oh, and I love the fact that the boyfriend is listed last in your menagerie :)
Hehehe. That is actually the boyfriend's fingers! He has much bigger hands than mine :p
Yes, they are VERY small. I was blown away at the size. I hadn't held a garter since I was very young, and the babies almost scared me. I was afraid I'd drop them (like the breeder did a few times.)
Also, I forgot to add that the lady who bred the parents said she had the babeis eating large crickets. I couldn't imagine they'd even be interested in them. So I don't know if they actually ate them or if the worm my girl got was her first meal. Any insight on this would be appreciated. I think next month if she still has any left (which is very likely, they don't have a very good reputation,) I might get another when I go to pick up some gerbils.
Snake lover 3-25
08-16-2008, 08:05 PM
yeah... i bet it'd make your little girl happy.... but please tell that "breeder" to either stop getting the snakes or at the VERY least figure out what to feed them!!!!! por snakes...... recomend this forum!!!
08-16-2008, 08:11 PM
Hehehe. That is actually the boyfriend's fingers! He has much bigger hands than mine :p
Well, that's a bit of good news :o We got my first and, up until this point, only garter as a yearling. He wasn't big, but not tiny, either. He was being passed around and dropped by a group of boys, including my own. :rolleyes: Yes, they got a talking to. I felt sorry for him and he's been with us 6 years now. I didn't find this forum until this spring and the timing is just perfect to start adding a snake or two here and there :)
08-16-2008, 08:26 PM
This breeder most likely won't be interested in any forums. They breed everything from betta fish, to opossums, gerbils, african greys, etc. They're in it for the money and to them it's a "business." Better than some I've seen, but it could be WAY better.
Snake lover 3-25
08-16-2008, 08:28 PM
that's horrible...... maybe if you tel them the snakes'll die and then there will be none to sell if they dont start feeding them the right food......
08-17-2008, 07:04 AM
Ugh. The "breeders" sound like bad news.... Oh well. Good luck with yours!!!
How sweet! And so small! Lol. Well done for choosing such a lovely baby! As the others have said, crickets are bad news - at least your little one has got a good home now! Welcome to the forum.
08-17-2008, 09:37 AM
Thanks again everyone! Once I'm able to, I plan to go get one of her siblings if they're still available.
Speaking of which, I have yet another question. Should I spring for another female? IF they're going to live together, I'm guessing brothers and sisters don't see each other as just family, and I don't want any babies. And will I have to introduce them on a neutral territory before just letting them live together?
08-17-2008, 09:44 AM
Yes, if you don't want grandkids, get a female.
I've gone with all males for the same reason. I yust want a BAZZILLION garters! But no babies! :D
Same with my Hoggies... Whoops! Not supposed to say that! :D
08-17-2008, 10:02 AM
Yes to another female and no they don't need to be introduced on neutral territory before being introduced :)
Snake lover 3-25
08-17-2008, 10:04 AM
idk.... my baby boy (now 2 yrs) has never shown any intrest in his mom..... he has never been away from her for more than a week..... ever..... and that was when he escaped..... but I wouldn't really mind if he did..... so it really isn't realy a problem.... he just lives with his mom and his sister..... and hopefully his niece within the next few years:D ;) my big female has always been great with new snakes..... especially babies...... even baby milks and browns!!!!!:D she's just a great mom:D
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