View Full Version : Moistened substrate section?

08-14-2008, 09:27 PM
Hi everyone -

Here's a weird question.

My tank is substrate is about 75% dry carefresh. About 25% of the tank is occupied by a shallow tray which holds coconut shavings that are slightly dampened (not soaking wet) with water.

My snake really seems to like the moistened section - he spends a good amount of time there, though he cruises over to the dry section a great deal as well.

I've heard that too wet an environment can lead to problems, but since he likes it so much and has very dry regions to go to, I'm tempted to leave things as is. Any thoughts or opinions would be very much appreciated.

08-15-2008, 07:47 AM
Hi everyone -

Here's a weird question.

My tank is substrate is about 75% dry carefresh. About 25% of the tank is occupied by a shallow tray which holds coconut shavings that are slightly dampened (not soaking wet) with water.

My snake really seems to like the moistened section - he spends a good amount of time there, though he cruises over to the dry section a great deal as well.

I've heard that too wet an environment can lead to problems, but since he likes it so much and has very dry regions to go to, I'm tempted to leave things as is. Any thoughts or opinions would be very much appreciated.As long as the snakes can choose between being either damp or dry, I'd say just leave things be. The moisture helps a great deal at shedding time. However, just to be safe, check his belly to see if he has irregular brown patches, which would mean scale rot, which is caused by too damp of conditions. (Sometimes the snakes will soak alot/stay wet when they have scale rot because it might relieve any pain caused by it when it's infact causing it!)