View Full Version : Opinions ?

08-08-2008, 09:29 AM
I need some opinions on calcium sand ? I like the look of it, but since I'm a first-time garter owner, I'm really not knowledgable.

08-08-2008, 10:30 AM
Sand isn't a good choice of substrate, I'm afraid.

08-08-2008, 10:34 AM
calcium sand is good for certain reptiles...like lizards. snakes get their calcuim from the animals they eat. I wouldn't reccommend it either.

08-08-2008, 11:49 AM
I´ve heard the question before but don´t know any garter keeper who uses a substrate like that.

08-08-2008, 04:59 PM
I personally wouldnt use it for anything. I have heard a few first hand accounts of impactions caused by it. I can think of 2 dead leopard geckos and an impacted tortoise(he survived) off the top of my head. All of these were long term captives that developed health problems within weeks of being placed on calci sand.
As for sand in general, I only use it for some desert reptiles, and then I use super fine sand from the desert. It is very dehydrating.