View Full Version : NO garters here
Well, I don't have a Garter I have a Ribbon and a Northern Brown. HOpe that is OK-- they seem to have similar needs as the garters-- esp the ribbon.
My son found them in the wild.
Turns out the brown was pregnant and gave birth yesterday to a half dozen live and maybe 4 stills. Had not considered the "keeping the local population healthy" until reading here so definitely will be releasing all but one for that reason-- plus hella lot easier feeding one pinhead as opposed to 6.
Found the forum looking for how to feed the little ones and more importantlyly, how urgent to feed right away-- looks like there is no panic-- gave some chopped worm this am and a few of them were working on them. (Mom chowed down 2 leaf worms and 3 slugs this am-my wife was hammering on me last night to feed her saying : "I wanted a Whopper after I delivered-- that mom is HUNGRY!" :p ) In fact Dirt grabbed one of the worms right out of my hand as I was setting it in front of her. ;) Oh, my Son named the Northern Brown Snake- "Dirt" Dirt Brown :D
Man that Ribbon can do the number on a frog and much larger one than I expected it could eat-- my son stuck one in figuring it would add to the menagerie and within seconds it was head first in Rosey the Ribbon Snake's maw -- screaming for its life :eek: I gave her two more decent sized ones this am to fill her up and keep her from eating any of the newborns-- hell maybe she ate a few already-- though they were crawling all over her last eve and she lunged at the hoppers this am, so I doubt it. I wonder if she will eat toads-- our lot is lousy with tiny ones this year due to very wet spring.
Anyway, glad I found this place and look fwd to interacting. Big question though-- where do you folks get the "pinkies"?
08-12-2008, 09:29 AM
Welcome Stew! Congrats on the newborns! They're sooo tiny aren't they? If you're going to keep one, be sure to keep one that's eating worms for you already ;) Will make life a lot easier! Pinkies can be found at Petco and most "mom & pop" pet stores. I put an ad out on the local craigslist looking for suppliers and found a couple of local people who breed mice and sell them. It's much less expensive for me to go that route. I would try just one for now though. Your ribbon might take to them, but I wouldn't be suprised if neither of your snakes ends up liking them. You can also try cut up pieces of fish fillet like trout, tillapia and the like. Good luck! :)
08-12-2008, 09:49 AM
Ribbon Snakes are the same genus,Thamnophis, just one (or two;)) of about 30 species.
So welcome to the forum, Stew !
08-12-2008, 10:22 AM
Well, I don't have a Garter I have a Ribbon and a Northern Brown. HOpe that is OK-- they seem to have similar needs as the garters-- esp the ribbon.
Man that Ribbon can do the number on a frog and much larger one than I expected it could eat-- my son stuck one in figuring it would add to the menagerie and within seconds it was head first in Rosey the Ribbon Snake's maw -- screaming for its life :eek: I gave her two more decent sized ones this am to fill her up and keep her from eating any of the newborns-- hell maybe she ate a few already-- though they were crawling all over her last eve and she lunged at the hoppers this am, so I doubt it. I wonder if she will eat toads-- our lot is lousy with tiny ones this year due to very wet spring.
This concerns me a bit. It sounds like you have both snakes, as well as the neonates, all together in one enclosure?
I would definitely separate at least the babies, otherwise you may not have any left to raise! That ribbon sounds like a good eater!
Best wishes with the little guys, and hope to see pictures if possible soon.:)
*The ribbons are also Thamnophis, so you're very much a part of the club!;)
And there are lots of Dekay's slithering around our forum too!
So welcome, and enjoy.:)
08-12-2008, 11:00 AM
Yes, the ribbon will eat the baby Dekayi snakes in a flash,
Heck my ribbons try to eat each other!
Need any help with the Dekayi babies, PM or email me. There is a button on my web site below.
08-12-2008, 11:04 AM
Welcome!!! Ribbons and browns are loved here as well!! ;)
08-12-2008, 02:32 PM
welcome to the forum stew
show us some pics when you can :D
08-12-2008, 02:57 PM
welcome to the forum, Stew
looks like you're all set with help
enjoy your snakes and congrats
08-12-2008, 04:39 PM
Welcome to the forum, your ribbon snake should take pinkies without any trouble. Just rub a frog all over one to make it smell like a frog and you should have it eating pinkies without any trouble. :)
Welcome to the forum, Stew. As for your question on the mice... I get mine from Mice Direct. They are an hours drive from me and very reasonable on the pricing.
08-12-2008, 09:41 PM
Welcome aboard, Stew. :)
08-13-2008, 05:12 AM
And there are lots of Dekay's slithering around our forum too!
I don't slither too well Anji:rolleyes: Gives me rug burns when I try...
Wow, thanks for the repliesand welcomes-- I kept coming back and didn't see my post so kind of gave up-- fortunately I got an email notification this am.
yes, i did have them all in the same enclosure at first, but then separated the babies-- I had to take the habitat apart to do so because as was mentioned these things are tiny. And in doing so, discovered that the live baby count was actually 12!
WE did keep one that was a good eater but we still may release it--Its no light weight responsibility to keep these things and I'm trying to teach my son to be responsible with life.
As to the ribbon being a good eater-- WOW! She will nail a frog or toad like nobody's business-- we even put 4 in one day since we had no where else to keep them. We figured she'd eat one or two then the others when hungry again but bang bang bang bang all 4 in no time. We are going to get some fish today and see how she likes those. she's jumpy though. The brown is really mellow and will eat out of hand-- need to move slowly with the ribbon though or she starts flying all over the place
The brown (dekay?) seems to be just fine with whole worms and the baby with worm pieces so those two are easy to care for.
Sorry never took pics of all the babies before releasing them, but will try to get some pics of the current crew one of these days.
Thanks again all.
08-13-2008, 07:35 AM
The "snake whisperer", reptile dancer, One With the Snakes....... doesn't slither???
I just can't believe it.:rolleyes:
count dewclaw
08-13-2008, 08:33 AM
Hello and welcome, Stew.:D
08-13-2008, 09:41 AM
Rofl!!!!! :p The Dekay jokes are amazing.
08-13-2008, 03:00 PM
lol that was funny :D
08-13-2008, 06:56 PM
The "snake whisperer", reptile dancer, One With the Snakes....... doesn't slither???
I just can't believe it.:rolleyes:
I could try, have Dorothy film it and put it on youtube:eek:
But I absolutely will NOT eat any slugs, or cut worms... No way No How.
Right about now, Stew is wondering what kind of insane asylum he just joined?????
Right about now, Stew is wondering what kind of insane asylum he just joined?????
Not at all, love it. Well, except the delay in the posts being published. I dont think I can stick around if all posts are moderated and it takes a day to see them-- just too long of a delay for me to feel like I am conversing. I assume there was a troll problem at some time? I have not encountered a forum that approves of every post like this before. but I do greatly appreciate the welcome and advice and will pop in for help if I need it.
Thanks again everyone.
Edit: OK I take that back seeing as this post was pubished as soon as it was submitted -- thanks admin-- feels better.
08-14-2008, 03:48 AM
only the first couple posts get moderated stew, just to make sure the new members are on the up and up.
Stick around, GREAT folks here:D:D
08-16-2008, 06:00 AM
Hi Stew, and welcome to the forum.:)
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