View Full Version : Another newbie

08-05-2008, 02:44 PM
Hello everyone, I'm a new snake owner, having found one at work the other day. I decided to keep him/her (haven't figured out yet :confused:) I think it's an Eastern Garter. I've tried to feed him live goldfish in a bowl, but it hasn't worked yet...it's only been 5 days so I'm not too worried. The girl at the pet store said to give it a week or so to settle down and from what you all have been saying, I guess it's ok that he hasn't eaten yet.

I've been browsing the forum for a couple of days and already have gotten a lot of great information. Thanks to all of you for providing it! :)

I will post more info on my newest addition to the home zoo as soon as I have something worth posting.

08-09-2008, 07:30 PM
hi and welcome to the forum
congrats on your new pet
goldfish aren't good to feed though http://www.thamnophis.com/caresheets/index.php?title=Thiamin,
yeah and it may take a while before it eats

08-09-2008, 07:41 PM
Welcome to the forum:D

Enjoy, and don't be shy.....

08-09-2008, 08:42 PM
Welcome aboard. :)

08-09-2008, 08:43 PM
Welcome! :)

08-09-2008, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the welcome :) Yes, I have been reading about a fish-only diet and the thiaminese issues...but I thought they would be easy for starters. I was wrong. So I got to thinking about where I found him and there aren't any ponds or streams even close by...so I figured I would try worms (nightcrawlers) since he probably hasn't even seen fish before. The worms worked! He ate 4 yesterday and 3 tonight. He wouldn't eat a 4th tonight so he's probably full even though he hadn't eaten for 9 days. I'll try again in 4-5 days. Thanks!

08-09-2008, 09:08 PM
Good job getting him to eat. A little common sense and a little trial and error seems to go a long way with these guys :) Once you've got your individual snake figured out they're very easy to care for. Nice job :)

08-09-2008, 09:34 PM
Hello, and welcome!
Good to hear that he/she is eating well. Nightcrawlers are usually very well loved by Eastern garters!:)

08-10-2008, 12:19 AM
Hi, from Oregon, kmreese :)

08-10-2008, 01:15 AM
Welcome to the forum,
a new photo is allways worth posting!

08-10-2008, 07:23 AM
hello :) welcome

08-10-2008, 08:49 AM
Hi and welcome. Im from Ohio. Glad that you got your Garter to eat :D

08-10-2008, 10:47 AM
Welcome from the UK! Well done for getting your snakey to eat - earthworms are great fun to watch them going after, aren't they? My snake always looks very confused when the worms shy away, as if he's wondering where on earth it's gone to...

08-10-2008, 03:43 PM
good call on the night crawlers i haven't heard of an eastern not gobbling them up on sight
post pics of your snake when you get the chance

and welcome to the forum

08-11-2008, 02:37 AM
Welcome to the forum and have fun here :)

08-11-2008, 10:41 PM
Thank you all for the welcomes! :) I have posted some pics.


08-11-2008, 11:03 PM
...trying to upload more pics at a time. These are some feeding pics. The first one I uploaded was from the first day I had him. I've since built a much bigger cage. :D

08-12-2008, 08:44 AM
That is so very cool that he'll eat out of your hand. It took mine forever just to let me watch him eat. There's no way I'd put food on my hand for mine. He strikes fast and hard and while I know it wouldn't hurt too much, I'd probably jump, sending food and snake flying :)

08-12-2008, 09:28 AM
Thanks, Tami :) I do think I've been lucky with this one so far. He/she has definitely become used to me by now...especially since I'm always fooling with something in his cage. I try not to make any sudden moves, even when he sometimes strikes at my fingers, but so far that's only when I'm dangling a worm in front of him. He only does it once and then settles down and waits for me to offer it to him in my palm. He loves them!. He's my first snake and my wife about freaked :eek: She didn't like it when I called and told her that I had found a snake and decided to keep it. I had already been to the pet store and bought a cage and some bedding or substrate. She is beginning to get used to him now...after 14 days :D

08-12-2008, 12:27 PM
WOW What a pretty snake you got there and sooooo coool that he can eat outta your hand. That is so neat. Im kinda a wimp to do that. :D Ill hand feed my Tortoise. lol

08-12-2008, 10:02 PM
Thanks! I'm sure you all are way more experienced with snakes than I am since this is the first one I've ever had. I've never been afraid of snakes, though, and I give them the utmost respect in the wild. I've encountered many copperheads and black snakes and once I heard a rattler, but didn't ever see it. I wouldn't kill any of them. I just keep on my way and move out of their territory. After all, the woods are where they live, not me. I just visit from time to time and camp out. One of the reasons I kept this one is because I sort of rescued him...sort of. I was at work a couple of weeks ago and I saw this cat. I stopped to pet the cat and noticed that he was really into something...I first thought it must have been a mouse or a mole or something. When I looked, I saw that it was this little snake he had cornered. I was thinking that he might have been killed by the cat so I picked him up, but instead of releasing him somewhere else, I decided to keep him. So...I guess I really captured him...instead of rescuing him, but at least I know he's safe with me and will hopefully live a long life :)

Have you tried just putting food in your hand and not moving your hand until he has taken it from you?

It took mine 9 days before he would eat, although that was probably my fault since I was trying the wrong type of food. Also, I have been doing things to his environment almost every day so he's become accustomed to my hands being in his cage. I started feeding mine by hand from the start and now he seems like he's used to it. Tonight I fed him 2 more nightcrawlers and a while later I just put my empty hand in there and he started checking it out looking for food. He started moving back and forth across my hand as well. I can gently stroke him as he moves around, too. It is pretty cool. I'm hoping I can pick him up soon without him freaking out. I'll give him more time for that, though. I don't want to ruin what I have going now.

I apologize for the loooong post :o. I'm not a frequent post'er...I just write a book when I seldom do post something :eek:

08-13-2008, 05:01 AM
Nothing wrong with a long post:D

Feeding snakes is alway an interesting experience.

Garters really like fish too, live guppies in the water dish will make your new friend really happy. AND it's a hoot watching garter snakes go "fishing"

As far as the handling goes, some will freak out more than others, most will settle down very quickly once picked up.

Love your philosophy about the woods, it's great that you understand that.

I bet kitty was not real happy that you took away his/her new "toy":D


I put that photo up for fun, it was taken before the reptile room was even thought of, now our cat 'Silver" has no access to the tanks at all.

08-13-2008, 05:07 AM
The cat needs to be big enough to take down antelopes before it even stands a chance of breaking into any of my enclosures.

08-13-2008, 05:19 AM
I have to admit Stefan, I was negligent and left the cover off for a "minute or two" turned around and was freaking out!

It was feeding time, and I went to grab some more food items.

Happened once with the Savannah monitor, but Silver knows better now:eek:

Little dinosaurs with talons and attitude are a lot different than a garter snake, and Silver found that out in a hurry.

08-13-2008, 06:42 AM
Wayne, that's a cool pic! A Kodak moment, for sure. If I ever saw my cat (Harley) in Jr's cage I don't think I would be able to grab the camera before grabbing Harley...but since you've had that experience without harm to the snake, I guess the cat (at work) may not have killed Jr. after all, but he may have, too or injured him. Either way, you're right about "I bet kitty was not real happy that you took away his/her new "toy":D"