View Full Version : Dekay Brown Snake Enclousers

07-27-2008, 11:58 AM
Howdy!! I am wondering anyone that has a Dekay Brown snake what do your enclousers look like? Do you have any pics of them? I am gonna put Bennie in a 10 gal tank tonight and I want to get a good idea and give her a great home. What do you use for bedding and all that other fun stuff lol. Im planning on going to Michaels craft store later today. I just saw on the flyer that they have the Spooky Town Halloween village stuff on sale LOL Yes Halloween is my fav holiday and collect the Spooky Town stuff and I want to get fake plants for Bennie and my boxie turtle. Thanks soooooooooo much :D

07-27-2008, 12:33 PM
Aundrea, use your imagination, Wal mart sells these neon cave things with the fish tank supplies, $2 and the DK's love them.

I have a ceramic cottage that looks neat, and the holes are big enough.

Just be careful of any sharp edges. We saw this really cool thingy at the store, but it had sharp edges inside so I passed on it.

look on my site, theres hundreds of ideas......