View Full Version : A"Bulge" on the Left Side of My Eastern?

Jack Neary
07-14-2008, 03:56 PM
Looking over my Eastern while I was holding her yesterday, I noticed a Bulge on her left side, midway down the body. Is this normal? It's not like the normal bulge when shet has eaten a frog, etc... It feels like she has a few missing or broken ribs when I feel down the entire left side of her body?:(
She seems very relaxed and never darts away from the enclosure like the other Eastern that I have placed with her when I approach or try and pick her up. I'm hoping she's ravid, but I don't know if she is or not (I previously posted some pictures of her and a few of you were kind enough to provide me some feedback with the thought she is looked ravid)
I will try and post some pictures, but would appreciate any suggestions as to what this bulge could be?
Hope she's OK... :confused:

07-14-2008, 04:00 PM
Hmm... I will wait for pics but I have had some experience with migratory worms that collect under the skin. Making these "bulges".
I had a WC Checkered male that someone off craigslist didn't want to just let go. So I took him. His entire second half of his body was limp and he was covered in lumps.
6 months later, the feeling in his body has returned, all but the very tip of his tail and all but one or two of the worms have been removed. Which will be soon. I expect a full recovery! All through this he has eaten great and is otherwise clean and healthy.

Now it could be a number of things... Just thought I would share.

07-15-2008, 04:14 AM
Jack, may I correct you? the word is Gravid

Is the bulge the size of a pimple? around 2-3mm scales raised up, like a small lump?

My Puget had 2 of these, we took him to the vet and they were filled with pus.

They are gone now....