View Full Version : Gertie's Gravid!

06-29-2008, 08:30 PM
I can't give many details as I'm still trying to figure them out, but YES!!! I am gravid and, actually, holding sperm for a second baby!

Thanks be to Mr. Wayne A. Harvey. God bless his heart! He's got a yearling he thinks needs my silly attention and who am I to disagree? My momma didn't raise no dummies!

He's also got a red-sided coming up for birthing... That's the one I'm 'holding sperm' for! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M PREGNANT WITH TWO GARTER BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!

Geeuz-christmas. Who'd a thunk? Chickens one day, feathers the next.

Needless to say I'm beside myself with joy. To be under the wings of a man I respect that has done so much for snakes, I'm truly honored. (Even if he is a horse's @$$ and sends nasty, fangy pictures!)

My gods! I'm SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dekay Wayne, thank you. Hugs and kisses.

Wayne's new website is:

www.danceswithsnakes.com (http://www.danceswithsnakes.com)

Wayne... Congratulations on what you're doing. I hope in the future I can be a foster home. Or... A FOREVER HOME!



06-29-2008, 08:39 PM
Um... Just a TEENY question;
What the F^%& is going on?!

06-29-2008, 08:41 PM

I'm getting two snakes from Wayne.

One is a yearling. One's not born yet.

I'M GOING TO HAVE BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-29-2008, 08:44 PM
Thank you for the English translation. XD

06-29-2008, 08:56 PM
You're welcome! Yeah, I'm super exited!

06-30-2008, 05:17 AM
You're welcome! Yeah, I'm super exited!
So am I for you :D

06-30-2008, 05:32 AM
Odie, thank you so much! I can't believe this is finally happening. And now that it is, I'm terrified. Will I be a good parent? Will the snake be 'happy'? Will it thrive? Will the tank size be okay? Temp? Substrate? Hides? Climbies? Diet?

It was one thing to covet and lust after all you guyes garters. Now that it's a reality I'm not so confident any longer. It's not like a lamp where you bring it in and plop it down. This is a living, wild creature. And while a snake's needs are easily met since I've not done it before, I gotta learn. Thousands have gone before me and did just fine. I know I will, too. Still... I'm scared. LOL!

I've named him Peepers. He's got the prettiest, cutest eyes. "Jeepers, creepers. Where'd ja get those peepers?" Maybe I *will* get two and name the other one Jeepers. :D

Maybe Wayne (who I'm still not speaking to, so this makes the transaction a wee bit difficult... :D) will post a pic here of my baby?

06-30-2008, 05:36 AM
If you stay with this site, you will get the info you need to be a good caregiver :cool:

06-30-2008, 05:51 AM
Gertie, I'll even forgive you for that "dancing with snakes" uh oh..

index (http://www.danceswithreptiles.com) its danceswithreptiles (dot) com

For Gertie's first, I felt a yearling would be best for starting out. Not quite as delicate and tiny as a neonate, but still has plenty of growing to do.

This one has been handled, he is a cutie and not real fussy about eating.

"Peepers" is the fella on the right.


06-30-2008, 05:54 AM
Thass MY boy! (popping buttons left and right; a very proud mama)

06-30-2008, 05:59 AM
Gertie and Wayne,
You two are just too much!!! Silly people...........:D:D:D
On that note, Peepers is simply adorable, and I'm envious!
And Gertie, you'll do just fine as a momma. Your enthusiasm alone should provide success!;):)

06-30-2008, 08:23 AM
Aw, Peepers is precious! Congratulations & good luck Gertie. You(and little Peepers) will be fine! Really, if I can raise a yearling with NO experience and a little help from forum members, so can you! You have a huge advantage over where I started! Don't stress, it'll be a piece of cake :)

Snake lover 3-25
06-30-2008, 09:04 AM
:D:D Good luck!!! :D:D

he's a cutie!!!!

07-01-2008, 06:16 AM
In for a penny, in for a pound. How's that, James, for speaking English? THAT's an OLD holdover from the days of the Great Tea Dispute.

Will get two kids: Peepers and Jeepers. Yeah. Dumb names, but Peepers so fits! And Jeepers goes along with - the song and all. And come to find out Jeepers is a shy so I could see him jumpin' outta his skin yelling, "Jeepers!" when surprised. :D

Wayne, do you have a pic of Jeepers you could put up? :D At work I printed out the pic o'Peepers and have it sitting on my desk. If you have any more of them, I'd love to seem them. Like his body.

Oh. Yeah. Penny/pound. I've decided I will get two boys. The price was too good to pass up. I'd be stupid to not get two. Actually, I'm getting one and the second's free - if you look at the pricing.

Gotta check my calendar and talk to my boss - I've no time left to take off... - but I'm anticipating giving birth next week, say maybe Thursday.

Then not that following Sun, but the Sun after that (two weeks from this coming Sun) I'll take the boys to work for the FIRST TIME!!!! I want to give them time to settle in before taking them to work.

You should see their tank! Looks like a field mouse lives in there! So that should be good - the set-up and substrate - for garters! The swimming pool is full, just needs plants, a light and maybe a basking light. Will have to see as it gets so hot up here.

Rock area on the left. One rock on the heating pad, then surrounded by the small river stones. Big rocks around that, kind'a keeping all the rocks in one place. Then going right, the swimming area, then the mopani wood/climbing area. Still want to get those rough fake vines as I'm going to train the pothos on them.

Only things not resting on the glass are the two hidey logs. Then my made up substrate all over. It looks like field mouse heaven! :D

07-01-2008, 06:30 AM
Gertie, I just saw digital thermometers at wal mart for around 10 bucks, get one, then you will know when it's safe or not.:)

I'll get out the snakes today and harass them with the camera for you.

07-01-2008, 07:41 AM
What department, Wayne? I need to go on my lunch hour enkneeweigh. Should I get two - one for each end? And where do I put them - inside or out?


07-01-2008, 07:46 AM
I found them between the garden center and pets...

Inside the cage, where it can read the ambient air temp inside the cage.

Probe thermometers were like $12, and can be mounted outside, with the probe inside.

The one I got measures humidity as well.

I am going to get another for Limon, I can hide the probe inside his fake vines and read his cage temps perfectly.

07-01-2008, 09:29 AM
It's a very good idea to have a thermometer inside your enclosures. All of mine have them.

07-01-2008, 09:33 AM
Strange as it sounds James, I set the whole room at 80F, 68F at night, then monitor the ones that require more.

07-01-2008, 09:41 AM
James, one or two? One for heat pad area and one for basking area? It's only a 20 gal L... Wouldn't one work?

07-01-2008, 09:43 AM
I have just one in each viv. At the warm end.

07-01-2008, 09:44 AM
Gotcha! Thanks!

Can I tell you? There's a possibility the boys will be here THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-01-2008, 09:45 AM
I hope you have your camera ready, Gertie!:D

07-01-2008, 09:50 AM
James, you're as bad as Lori! I don't have a camera yet.

But after the boys settle in I'll be taking them to the park on Sundays and they'll take pics for me - the park staff, not the boys. You'll get to see Winnie, too!

07-01-2008, 11:55 AM
Forgot the VERY thing I went to WalMart for - garbage bags! But I did get a digital thermometer for $6.50/+tax. I can clip it, magnent it to something metal, or do a little easel-like stand thingy. It also tells the humidity. Even has CENTIGRADE and I'll be able to talk 'European'!!! Currently ittiz 25.9 degrees centigrade in this office. :D Yes. I'm sweating like a pig! I also got a scansifera (spelling!), Mother-In-Law plant.

Got a bluebird house at Petco, as well as the Flookers (?) scratchy fake vine for the pothos, and this backing stuff that's like growing medium that plants can attach to. You put it on the inside of the tank. It's similiar to those black, square poles philodendrons are trained up. It was originally priced at $35.00 for the back of a 10 gal, but I got it for $5.00 with my Petco card!!!!!!!!!! Actually I think there's enough in there to do the 20 I've got!

Now if it would just get around to be quitting time so I can go home and play with The Boys tank.

Realized Friday's the 4th o'July. So no Boys THIS Saturday. :( We're now shooting for Saturday the 12th. Dang it! I WANT MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!

07-01-2008, 04:28 PM
Otay. The background - didn't like it. Too dark. May use in the 90 gal in some way.

Don't like tank on computer desk. Can't get a good view of it - the tank. So put it back in the living room.

Birdhouse in and looks DARLING! Had to take out one log hide to get it in but that's okay. I needed the height anyway. Vine comes out of the rock area (left); goes behind and then around the birdhouse coming out the back again; down close to the swimming pool and ends up over in the mopani wood. Even fake and not having anything growing on it yet, it looks super good!

Temp in the warm area WITHOUT heating pad on 86 degrees. So I've turned the heat pad on and am doing a dry run to see what all's going to be happening here. Have the basking light on but it's one of those curly bulbs and isn't putting out much heat at all. I'm hoping it will be cool enough I can have the light on so I can see The Boys.

I'm so excited!

07-01-2008, 09:28 PM
Otay. Ittiz 92.5 at the end with the heat pad. I've moved the therometer to the other end - with the basking light off - to see what the temp is there. It's 10:28 PM here so I'm guessing the tmep down there is going to be about +/- 80 or so. This, again, will be w/o the basking lamp.

Got two pots of the Mother-In-Laws Tongue in.

We'll see what we see. :D

07-02-2008, 05:47 AM
She wanted a picture of the other one "Jeepers"

Here he is fresh out of shed. Say hello...


07-02-2008, 05:50 AM
Hello Jeepers!!:D
What a handsome guy...............love the colour!

07-02-2008, 05:57 AM
Hay, Sweeite!! (waving energetically) This is your muzzer and I LOVE YOU!!!

07-02-2008, 08:44 AM
Gertie, you are going to have so much fun with these two boys!!! Their new home sounds very nice, too! The only little thing I can see, though, is that if it was 92 at 10:30pm, it may be a little too warm in the afternoon? And, until you get them in the larger tank, you probably don't need both the heat pad and basking light. The light especially will raise the overall temp in the enclosure, not just the corner it's in. You have some time to keep playing with the heat sources and the thermometer, tho. With your enthusiasm, I know you'll get it right! :)

Dwayne, what temps are they being kept at now?

07-02-2008, 09:30 AM
Gertie, you are going to have so much fun with these two boys!!! Their new home sounds very nice, too! The only little thing I can see, though, is that if it was 92 at 10:30pm, it may be a little too warm in the afternoon? And, until you get them in the larger tank, you probably don't need both the heat pad and basking light. The light especially will raise the overall temp in the enclosure, not just the corner it's in. You have some time to keep playing with the heat sources and the thermometer, tho. With your enthusiasm, I know you'll get it right! :)

Dwayne, what temps are they being kept at now?

Yes, Tami, I'm on it! :D I've started 1.5 weeks prior to birth so that when The Boys get here things will be down pat. I'm going to have enuff on my plate when they get here I don't want to be worrying about where they're spending their time 24/7.

It was 92 on the heat pad at 10:30 PM. Dang spot on!!! As I type, the temp at the other end w/o the light is 81.5 degrees. I'm gettin' the hang o'this! :D

Now, I have to turn the light on and watch the temp again at the right end. The bulb is, I don't know if you saw this, is not a true basking light but a 'real' bulb - one of those new energy saving lights that are all twisty and curly. Suggested by that there guy, Mr. Dekay Wayne. It's a 25w that's the equivilent of a 100w. The heat from ittiz, I believe, negligible. BUT... gotta test it! I want to be safer'un sorryer. :D

I think more than my enthusiasum, my knowledge and studying will carry me through. I'm not one to jump into the care of animals w/o knowing what they need from me. But... I guess without my enthusiasum for doing things correctly and putting the animals before myself I'd not seek knowledge! So, maybe you're rite! :D

Gonna go turn the lite on (I'm home today... Long story...). Lite on! We shall see what we shall see!

07-02-2008, 10:14 AM
W00T!!!!!!!! w00T!!!!!!!!! Jeepers is up on Dekay Wayne's new site! :D My little centerfold baby!

07-02-2008, 10:25 AM
Currently, with light on, temp at 'cool' end is 83.8 with humidity at 47%. Humidity went down. Still spot on.

Will continue to watch for awhile and then move thermometer to the pad - leaving the light on - and see what the temp is down there with the light on. Let me say, I've got the smallest heating pad that whatever that company is makes. It's supposed to be for what? A five? Ten? gallon tank, and this is a 20 gal L. I wanted to make sure I had a good gradient and took into consideration the 'basking' light.

Today's cooler than yesterday. Only getting into the 80's. Yesterday was like in the 90's/high 80's. I was roasting up here yesterday. Today I'm very comfortable.

07-02-2008, 10:44 AM
Ambient home air average 80, so I am using no heat, they are happier under the water bowl right now:)

We have so many reptiles in so many cages, I maintain a room temp of around 80. Then we provide additional heat for the tropical animals.

Garter snakes live outside in such varied conditions, If it goes above 80 I turn on the fans. But when it's 65-70 at night I see a lot of snake activity.

My Garters usually ignore the heat. I put a hot rock in a tank one, set it on low so it was only moderately warm to the touch, and they did congregate on it for about an hour, then lost all interest in ever sitting on it again, except to crap on it.

For basking in the winter, I like 50 watt halogen track light bulbs in a reflector hood. the warmest spot I try to keep around 80.

07-02-2008, 10:57 AM
Sounds good Gertie! Thanks for the info too Wayne! Even with a 20 gal long I struggle to keep a decent gradient. I never did a basking light until this year, but Sly seems to love it, so it's staying. As long as i can keep the temp in the other corner to the low 80's he seems ok, but does burrow when the ambient temps go up in the afternoon. I've always over fussed about things, too, so I really do know where you're coming from Gertie and it's why I know you'll do well with your boys :)

07-02-2008, 11:40 AM
Hhuuummmm... Must reconointer here. Possibly only use the lamp and no pad in the summer. Yeah. That may be the best way to go. Right now on the 'hot' end with the pad ittiz 87/36% with the light giong at the 'cool' end.

Otay. Gonna unplug the pad and do testing.

Well, as of yet, I don't think I'm over fussing, Tami. This isn't over fussing but getting a good handle on what (watt? LOL!) I've got going. Once I've got things down and I'm comfortable with what the conditions are I'm not going to fuss. I will, as the year goes on, watch and re-adjust as necessary however. But I've never worked with heat pads and lights before. Once I understand their capabilities, that will be it. I'm not a fusser. I'm more of a "Okay, that's it" and moving on kind'a person. Fussing and messing can screw you up more than leaving be, or at least in my mind and experience. That's why I'm doing what I am now. Get it set, understood and stable. Then when The Boys get here I've nothing to worry about.

07-02-2008, 08:01 PM
Tank w/no pad and/or lamp is 81/37%. Has been at that for hours and hours.

While that's nice and cozy, when learning snakes need warmth to digest their food I took that to mean they needed to have warmth on their bellies. I understood that incorrectly?

07-02-2008, 09:20 PM
79 degrees at the end with the pad that's off. I turned the light on awhile ago, so will move thermometer down to that end and see what the temp is there.

It *is* a beautiful nite here. Perfect temp with a nice breeze.

I'm thinking the most difficult thing is going to be keeping the gradient in a consistent way. Guess that's why one has a thermometer! So it can be read and changes made accordingly! :D What a concept! LOL!!!

07-02-2008, 09:34 PM
""While that's nice and cozy, when learning snakes need warmth to digest their food I took that to mean they needed to have warmth on their bellies. I understood that incorrectly?""

Slightly misunderstood, the snakes like to bask on warm ground or rocks, but it is not necessary to warm their belly from below to digest.

07-02-2008, 09:44 PM
So, basically, just 'warm' temps? Huh. Wadd'ya know!

Thanks! Just want to make sure I do this right.

07-05-2008, 07:59 AM
One Week From Today My Boys Will Be Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-05-2008, 08:32 AM
How Fun! I'm so excited for you! :) At least it wasn't a 9 month gestation! Or even a 90 day garter gestation! :)

07-05-2008, 08:37 AM
Thanks, Tami. But Kenabec's is a 10 week or so gestation. Can't wait to get him, either!

07-07-2008, 07:00 PM
Okay. To the best of my knowledge Peepers and Jeepers are Common Eastern gaters, Themnophis sirtalis sirtalis. But they're brown vs. Winnie's black and greenish cream.

Would you guys please verify what Peepers (spotted) and Jeepers (striped) are and give me links to where I can learn about them. I know they're native NY snakes, and that's about it. Dekay, would you be able to post a pic o'The Boys again?

The reason I want this info is to be able to talk intelligently about P&J and why they're different from Winnie even though they're the same species and (?) subspecies of snake. And how they're alike. I want to be able to contrast and compare them to the park's visitors.


P.S. ONLY FIVE MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-07-2008, 07:05 PM
From the pics I saw they both look like true blue Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Coloration varies with many things, and around Michigan I've seen it mainly being genetics as opposed to environmental influence. I suppose the stripe on the back would tend to be more visible in populations with a high predator influence, as it's main use is to confuse the predator on how fast the snake is really moving. Snakes with more subdued dorsal stripes tend to come from areas where sitting and avoiding contact with predators is more prevalent, seeing as the blended color of their back helps them blend in more than a huge bright stripe.
This is what I can offer on the topic. :D

07-07-2008, 07:34 PM
Thanks, Zephyr!

07-07-2008, 09:11 PM
here you go MK more pictures.



I moved them both to indavidual housing tonight and fed them one last meal before shipping.

07-08-2008, 06:08 AM
OMG. "... before shipping." I've got *sparklies* and am already a nervous wreck.

Peepers is gorgeous. I love the spots, so different from Winnie and Jeepers. Jeepers looks like a brown version o'Winnie.

Sat I'll be up no later than 6:00 AM and will be pacing immediately!

Jeepers' nose is shorter. He has less of a 'happy' face. His reticince shows... :D

I'm a nervous wreck.

07-09-2008, 11:22 AM
After today, only TWO more days! I can't wait!

07-10-2008, 02:49 PM
Only TWO more wake-ups! And just ONE MORE DAY!

I'm going to love'un and hug'um and call'um Peepers and Jeepers!

Lori P
07-10-2008, 05:24 PM
LOLOL!!!!!! Now Gertie-- you must not hug them too tightly, ok?? You must step away from the snakies every now and then. Repeat after me: "Step awaaaaaaay from the snakies....." :-)

07-10-2008, 06:54 PM
LOLOL!!!!!! Now Gertie-- you must not hug them too tightly, ok?? You must step away from the snakies every now and then. Repeat after me: "Step awaaaaaaay from the snakies....." :-)
Next thing you know she'll have them eating dinner at the table with her...

07-10-2008, 07:01 PM
Geez Kyle, don't give her any ideas! :)

So excited for you Gertie!!!! Jeepers and Peepers are going to be some very loved, very spoiled, very lucky, little boys :)

07-10-2008, 07:18 PM
Lori, you're a poop. I'm gonna love'um and hug'um and kiss'um and call them MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!

Kyle, why shouldn't they join me, Pickles, Mayo, Dickens, Neon, Wes, Puddy and PeeWee at the table? As long as they behave and mind their manners. They should since they've no arms with which to grab the food.

Thanks, Tami! Yuppers! SPOILED ROTTEN!!! My boys, my boys, MY BOYS!!!!

I'M SO XCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-10-2008, 10:10 PM
I'M SO XCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really? I hadn't noticed. :D

07-10-2008, 10:20 PM
I'M SO XCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're starring in a porn movie?
Oh... OH.

07-11-2008, 05:07 AM
Jeepers and peepers are still minors:eek:

07-11-2008, 06:20 PM
ONE MORE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!

NO MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I will finally have my OWN garters to love and kiss and snuggle. We'll smile at each other, I'll feed them and watch them 'frog' their food. Their little eyes will sparkle and I'll change their tank around giving them something new to see/do. I'll have them crawl on me, take them outside for from real son, and cuddle and kiss them and thank them for being garters.

There is nothing like the couriosty of a garter. Their happiness in life, their joe de verve!

I'M GONNA BE A GARTER MOM TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-11-2008, 06:33 PM
lol, you are SO into this whole thing that you make ME anxious for you to get your babies!! hahaha!b you make me want to rock back and forth sucking my thumb while holding a garter snake :o

07-11-2008, 06:39 PM
Shannon, TOO FUNNY! I'n not sucking my thumb, but I AM ROCKING back an forth! Gods, but I want these boys. I love Winnie so much and want my OWN garters HERE, at home with me. Where I can pull them out at will, feed them, watch them, learn snakey ways, cuddle them, kiss them...

I LOVE GARTERS!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Winnie! Garters are the bestest snakes, but for Hoggies, in the WHOLE WORLD! I love their 'personalities,' their ways, their eyes, their 'looks,' the way they move, how they re-aligne their jaws, smack their lips, wipe their sweet little mouths...

There is NOTHING like a garter!

07-11-2008, 07:08 PM
Gertie, I am so happy your long wait is nearly over now!!
I bet you won't be able to sleep a wink in all your excitement!;)

07-11-2008, 07:13 PM
You're one smart cookie, Anji! However, I've have the assit of hops and barley. I should sleep well, but for that storms are coming - THANK GODS! - and the temps will drop. However, Missy Mayo is TERRIfied o'storms. She kept me awake all nite last nite... Shaking and shivering and panting... But... LOL!!! Yeah, I may not sleep enkneeweigh!

I AM SO XCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

07-11-2008, 07:16 PM
just be sure to tone your excitement down enough not to plow over the poor delivery man tomorrow morning. You don't want to scare the guy so that he's unwilling to bring you any more packages!!:D

07-11-2008, 07:18 PM
**** the delivery guy! MY BABIES ARE COMING! :D

07-11-2008, 10:44 PM
Yep - they left here.... 20,000 feet and headed west:D

07-12-2008, 04:37 AM
I dreamed of snakes... Tossed and turned all nite, awake as much as I slept. Up at 5:00 AM. No more wake-ups! :D My stomach's doing flip-flops. Will the tank be too little? Too big? Too warm? Not warm enough? Is the substrate okay?

Will they get here alive? WHEN will they get here?

I've never owned and cared for a snake before. This ain't no dog or cat! Why did I do this? Why didn't I do it sooner?

Once they get here and I put them to 'bed,' I think I'll go back to sleep. I'll be xhausted by then.

Lori P
07-12-2008, 06:03 AM
Gertie, the couple of times I've ordered snakes I've had them shipped to my work. Well, the first time, all 3 of us in the office we waiting sooooo excitedly... then finally the Fed Ex truck pulls up... and the driver comes bouncing down the steps of the truck, bouncing the box up and down in his hands and spinning it as he walks toward the office!!! Well, imagine if you can the SHOCKED look on his face when we all three piled out the door screaming at him NO, NO, NO, DON'T SHAKE THE BOX!!!!!! Poor guy stopped dead in his tracks and you KNOW the first thing thru his mind was OMG, it's a bomb.... LOL

He was much relieved to learn it was garter babies and he even stayed to see them. And now, he still walks all of our boxes very gently to the door. LOL

07-12-2008, 09:26 AM
I am SO excited for you Gertie!!!! =D

07-12-2008, 09:33 AM
They're not here yet... I'm shitfaced and near tears. What if they don't make it? What if they... I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IF???????????????

My babies... My babies... WHERE ARE MY BABIES?????????

Peepers? Jeepers? I LOVE YOU!!!!! Their little home is all ready. Swimming pool full, light on - 77 degrees. I've made sure everything is on the bottom sos it can't bean'um. But for a couple o'pieces o'mopani wood and their little log hidey-thing. It smells so good because o'the timothy.

Every time I hear a car or motor, I run to the window...

Oh, I just want my babies...

07-12-2008, 09:35 AM
They'll come Gertie. And I know exactly how you feel... Come on Peepers and Jeepers! Mommy is waiting for you!!!

07-12-2008, 09:45 AM
I'm going back to bed. I'm xhausted.

WHERE ARE MY BABIES????????????????

07-12-2008, 09:48 AM
You have to sign for it MK, stay awake you can do it.....:D

07-12-2008, 09:52 AM
Yeah, don't go to bed! They'll get sent away!!

07-12-2008, 10:02 AM
It is now noon here, They promised delivery by noon your time...

Hold on to the light, only an hour more:D:)

I remember waiting for Limon, the connecting flights missed, he was 5 hours late!

I was fit to be tied, ready for a xanax....

07-12-2008, 10:49 AM
THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-12-2008, 10:52 AM
Peepers immediately went and HID! Jeepers went searching and got a drink outta the swimming pool!

THEY'RE SO LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peepers DOES have the biggest eyes! THEY ARE SO PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE SO MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE SO GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! SO PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!

I'VE GOT GARTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-12-2008, 10:52 AM
Yay!!!!!!! Thats great news!!! I have been sitting here waiting with you. =D

07-12-2008, 10:53 AM
Dekay Wayne, Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More!!!!!!!!!!!!! More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Want More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-12-2008, 10:54 AM
Unpacked. Jeepers crawling all over the place. Peepers hid but then came out. Then I came here to let you guys know they're here.


07-12-2008, 10:56 AM
Uhhh-oh... I just ate them alive... :D

I LOVE MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE PERFECT!!!!!!!!! Momma's Sweetest Boys!

07-12-2008, 10:58 AM
Lol!! Just don't squeeze 'em to death either. lol!! =D

07-12-2008, 10:59 AM
Peepers is WAY bigger'un Jeepers! They're snaking around, sticking out their tongues, looking a the top o'the cage...

Peepers is fat, Jeepers is skinny. I'VE GOT SNAKES IN MY LIVNG ROOM!!!

This really happened and ittiz NOT A DREAM!!!!

07-12-2008, 11:01 AM
Now I'm crying! I'VE GOT MY BABY GARTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh. They are so sweet, gods love them. They're so brown and yellow and perfect. Gods wonderful little creatures.

OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOTTA CALL DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-12-2008, 11:02 AM
Isn't it great!! When I first got my puget sound boy, it was like, I couldn't stop staring at him. It was SO unreal. That blue and black thing I had seen so many pics of was ACTUALLY in my room! Now I am getting three more this coming week. =D

You will become addicted Gertie...

07-12-2008, 11:03 AM
I love seeing a former "non snake person" SOOO excited!! Just don't faint...

When is your Hoggie coming?

07-12-2008, 11:04 AM
Whee, they are safe.

Glad they arrived, and in good shape.:D

07-12-2008, 11:20 AM
as i type i have mr wee jeepers in my letf hand. he CANT BE A YEAR OLD. HE IS LIKE BUUTER snake so soft. his eyes are about the size of the big end of a pin. as long as i krrp him in myhand kinda tite, but not res-allt - you kno - he is quieit, i have him on my fay belly and he has put his tongue away. I .LOVE MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-12-2008, 11:23 AM

Dave, in his introvert way, said, "So. You have snakes. Ahh... May I say you're excited?" :D

07-12-2008, 11:30 AM
I would kill for a camera right now. Jeepers is hanging outta the bird house in a perfect "I'm ****-o'the-walk; Mr. Egyptian Asp" pose! Now he's mostly back in with just his head out, kind'a perched on/at the opening birdie style.

Peepers has taken to the hills and only every once in awhile will show his most perfect precious face.

The gods never ever ever put on this earth two more perfect precious snakes. Sorry, you guys.

I'VE GOT GARTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

07-12-2008, 11:38 AM
Dekay, Dave asked if I was bringing them tomorrow (THANKS FOR MY VERY FIRSTEST EVER SNAKE SACK!!!) and I said I wasn't as I thought they should settle in...

Dekay, ah... I REALLY want to take them. I don't want to be w/o them and they're going to be going there weekly and all... And I don't really want to go to work w/o them as I LOVE THEM.

Ah, you think I could take them tomorrow? After a day and nite of settling in? I really want to. I really want to and have nibbled Jeepers' tail off already (I've heard it will grow back...) and don't want to leave them - I LOVE THEM!

You think it would be otay? Not that I'd like get much done tomorrow with them with. But nibble and kiss and hug and snuggle them. Winnie is HUGE compared to my Boys!!!!!!!!! But... We've the meand to keep them comfy - if I'm not waling around with them next to my heart - and I could get worms for them and feed them, if they'd want to eat. I think Jeepers would (so much for HIM being the SHY guy...) and they'd be park worms w/o any pesticides and all that.

Whatchew think, Gran'pa?

07-12-2008, 11:42 AM
i'm glad you love your babies gertie

07-12-2008, 11:48 AM
thanks, kev. i've now got peepers on my belly. HE'S GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-12-2008, 11:50 AM
So, I guess you're quite pleased with your new Garters, Gertie!:D

07-12-2008, 11:53 AM
i hav4e never sees a more gorgeous snake than peepers. he is greenish bluishih with black spots and gold hilites. i am the worlds luckiest mamma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

07-12-2008, 11:57 AM
nah, jamres. ther'r sucky and i paid too nuch and i want ny money back and dekay is a butt-head.


yes, i am very hpppy and much in love. peepers has finally settled down and is sleeping on my belly.

finally i have my own garters. i love winnie to death, but peepers and jeepers are MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-12-2008, 12:03 PM
THANK U ALL FOR OUTTING UP WITH ME AND MY EXCITEMENT. not that i'm going to turn into an introvert, but thakx for putting up with the over the tpo excuitement, thuings sgoy7ld settle down a bit for ne noe.

peepers is still snoozing in my handm tongue awaym in my brelly, am i not the luckiesyt mamma?

07-12-2008, 12:05 PM
i've baby snakey poos on my hand! :D

07-12-2008, 12:27 PM
I'm loving the enthusiasm. lol

07-12-2008, 12:33 PM
Poor gal is trembling so bad, she can't even type anymore.....

MK if they seem as if they are adapting well, I'd say your OK taking them to work.

07-12-2008, 12:34 PM
Poor gal is trembling so bad, she can't even type anymore.....
Perhaps she's having a seizure?
Snake overload? lol

07-12-2008, 12:37 PM
Isn't it great!! When I first got my puget sound boy, it was like, I couldn't stop staring at him. It was SO unreal. That blue and black thing I had seen so many pics of was ACTUALLY in my room! Now I am getting three more this coming week. =D

You will become addicted Gertie...

Rockster, I've so enjoyed you being with me and hanging in there while I went beserko. Yeah. just the way you described it. I looked at Peepers and Jeepers pics at work this past week and then today I kept thinking it was a weird dream or I was nuts.

YOU GO, GIRLFIEND, with you new snakes! I understand the *sparklies* you've got and why! I want to hear ALL ABOUT THEM!!!

07-12-2008, 12:44 PM
Poor gal is trembling so bad, she can't even type anymore.....

MK if they seem as if they are adapting well, I'd say your OK taking them to work.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since they and I are attached at the umbilicus (sp?) and I can't take the Pugs...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will take me boys with tomorrow! And I won't have to hurry home from work to be with them as I'll HAVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much thanks, Gran'pa!

I'll call Dave so he can have a temp home set up for them.


07-12-2008, 12:57 PM
It was cool "being there" Gertie!!! =D

And the other thing wierd when you finally have that snake in the room with you I have noticed. Is that when you look at them. It's like they are crystal clear and stand out so oddly. And when you focus on them it's so strange, like you can't take it in fast enough... I have always found that odd. I like taking my eyes off them and the looking back. Over and over. SOOO weird! lol!! I guess that is why we call ourselves obsessed!!

Yeah! About the puget sound girls!! I have been looking for an adult female blue puget sound for about 2 years now with no luck!! I FINALLY found one through a want ad here... And I am getting "3"!!! 3 year old females!!! AHHHH!!!! OMG, OMG! So I FREAK out. But I didn't have the cash just yet. So he held them for me for about a month. And I have the money now and I hope to get them next week!!! WEEE! I am so darn excited everytime I think about it I get butterflys. And I am checking my email every 10 seconds to see if he can ship them next week. Blah!!! My boy is finally gonna get some girls! They already have names of course... Rachel, Silvie and Mikil. lol! All from the Ted Dekker Circle Series books (my fav author). I haven't seen pics of them. Which I think is even more exciting... It'll be a big suprise! Whoo!
Another thing I find funny. One of the girls has a scar on her back. She is from the infamous "Bob" but is a long term captive. I haven't even seen her yet and I feel a special spot for her for those two reasons. lol! I am such a pathetic softy. I also have a thing for retired racing greyhounds with missing eyes, legs etc. and that have scars all over. Yeah I know. But they are just SOO special!!
But yeah.. Bascially I CAN'T wait for them to get here and will be posting pics as soon as they are here!

Oh, yeah. AND I am getting 1.1 BABY flames from Tina! They are SOO cute!
AND I will be getting 2.2 Sooty Babies!! OMG!! Every waking moment will be spent with all my precious little snakies!! Uh oh.... I am becoming that "snake lady" all my friends joke about. Who cares! They are all MINE.

Enthusiastic enough?? =D

07-12-2008, 12:59 PM
I was NOT shaking or having a seizure, you bozos! I had wee little yearlings in my hand when I was typing that! I was typing one handed.

Just talked to Dave. He will have a sterlized tank for me, I'll bring substrate and a swimming pool, AND THE BOYS WILL GO TO WORK WITH ME TOMMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!

I'll use them in the program but won't let anyone touch them. I'll just hold them and show. They're not ready and/or tame enuff for folks to be poking at them. I'll tell about how they're from NY and how they're different from Winnie, but the same.

But... nobuddy but Muzzer will touch. Though, I'll have to let Jo, who did Ripley's soak and took his skin off, touch and cuddle. Else she'd kill me.

But the visitors? Nope. My Boys aren't ready for that yet. But they will be someday! :D

07-12-2008, 01:00 PM
I get SOO nervous when people touch my snakies... I rarely allow it...

Have fun at work with them Gertie!

07-12-2008, 01:03 PM
man i wish i had a pair of puget sounds your so lucky you can problably make good money off that too
think about it if your male mates with all of them that is a lot of babies

07-12-2008, 01:07 PM
Yep!! Added bonus there... Can't wait till I have plenty of puget babies to go around!! =D

07-12-2008, 01:09 PM
Geez, Rockster! I feel brain dead compared to what YOU'RE going through!

Yeah. Softies. Mayo's a rescue Pigglette. What can I say?

I've heard o'Bob... Not much. Just heard similar to what you said. I guess I should stay away from him?

You're rite about the looking, looking away, looking again. I've looked at an empty tank for 2+ weeks and now when I look and see one o'the Boys, I almost do a double take. And I look at them and STARE. They are SO BEAUTIFUL, so PERKY, so GARTERY, so MINE... I can't believe it and believe they're real. That's why I HAD to hold them so soon. Just to know for real they're here, they're mine and I've got them.

I'm not ready to breed yet. But I must say, after looking at wee Jeepers, my heart aches to have my own kids.

James, Stefan, don't read any o'this. I know James is gnashing his teeth and you, Stefan, are pulling your hair out. But... I'm not you. I LOVE these guys. They ARE my pets/babies. I'm not going to make xcuses for it. I've just a different perspective/mindset than you guys have.

Yes, I kiss my Boys. Yes, I hug them. They are wonderful, blessed, fantastic, gorgeous, fabulous creatures and I'm going to acknowlege them in the way *I* know. Not in their way.

07-12-2008, 01:09 PM
#1. I don't think Pugets are genetically compatible with the others

#2. even if they were, no one would ever dilute the genetics of those beautiful Pugets, it would be a mess.

I had to pass on a chance to buy a gravid female Puget, it was Bob who had it listed..

Puget is its own species of garter. Flame, Melanistic, albino, silver & snow are all some of the passable variations of a species, for instance Easterns (T. s. sirtalis), so crossing those is widely accepted practice.

Crossing a Puget with say an eastern or a radix is rather unheard of, and if someone succeeded, I wouldn't buy any.

My favorite 2 Garters, Puget & Flame:D:D

closely followed by Thamnophis everythingus

07-12-2008, 01:13 PM
a puget not compatible with another puget?

07-12-2008, 01:18 PM
Kev, it has never entered my mind to breed these boys. They're just ordinary NY garters... But for maybe Mr. Peepers! :D

Nah. I've bred Abyssinian cats. If you breed correctly and put the breed first, you don't make money, you lose it. Granted, snakes don't need the rearing kittens do. HOWEVER, if you breed correctly and put the breed (in this case species) first, you're not going going to make money hand over fist.

Here's something else breeders need to consider and it's prolly one of the very most IMPORTANT things: You're only going to keep, say, about 1% of what you breed. The rest you're going to pet out.

Keep in mind what you're doing with your breeding. Because 90% of what you breed is going to go to people like me - that love their babies with their whole heart and soul and just want them to snuggle and love and appreciate. You breed in double negative resessives, or inbreed too much, not only are you HURTING THE BREED (SPECIES) but you're breaking the heart of those people that just wanted a pet to love and cherish.

I know. I lost my very firstest Aby because her breeder bred for show wins and not to better the breed.

Watch what you do, guys. Put the species first, over and above any money you hope to make. Then you'll make tons! :D

07-12-2008, 01:24 PM
Yeah... Stay away from him. He has pugets and valleys for sale right now. Many people who bought from him lost their snakes... Can't bear to think what that would do to you! Stick to the trustworthy and honest. ;)

Ahh! The horrible thing about my puget girls.. Is that a few months later... I will have to brumate them! Gah!! Darn it. But I want to breed them. So I will just have to wait all over again. *rolls eyes* Sigh...

Who said they were going to hybridize pugets? Did I miss something?
I would never ever mess with those colors!

Totally agree Wayne!! Pugets and Flames are #1!! And by the end of the month I can't believe I will have 4 Pugets and 2 Flames. Whoot!

I nearly gave Bob money for a gravid Puget a year ago... Until I was warned.

07-12-2008, 01:26 PM
I follow up my previous post with, "What about Bob?"

Think of your reputations as you breed. Always put the species first. This will give you a good reputation and endear you to others in the fancy and pet owners like me.

I want my Boys to have the 10 years that's expected in captivity. Should I find they only lived five years - Wayne, this is suppositional - due to a butt-head not knowing what they were doing when breeding, I would - as I did with the breeder of my first Aby - ream them a new butthole and SCREAM in pain and loss on the phone.

07-12-2008, 01:27 PM
Ahh! I think I see where you misunderstood.
When Kev said "if your male breeds with all of them", he meant all three of my female pugets I am getting. ;)

07-12-2008, 01:37 PM
Rockster, good things come to those who wait. Better to breed well than breed in haste.

And I, yours truly - the nutcase, manic Garter Lover - will be on your waiting list for a drop dead, gorgeous blue that will out live me. :D

07-12-2008, 01:38 PM
Ahh! I think I see where you misunderstood.
When Kev said "if your male breeds with all of them", he meant all three of my female pugets I am getting. ;)

"Ah, ha!" sayeth the pet buyer! Thanks, Rockster!

07-12-2008, 01:40 PM
OMG Gertie! :eek: I would LOVE it if any of my puget babies could come and live with you!!! Spoiled rotten and all!
And on the list you go! :D

07-12-2008, 01:41 PM
ya that is waht i meant :P sorry if it wasn't clear enough :P

3 gravid pugets wow that would be amazing and i agree with everyone pugets and flames forever

07-12-2008, 01:42 PM
i doubt i will ever get a puget
unless i get rich and find some1 in europe that somehow has a puget

07-12-2008, 01:45 PM
Ahh! I think I see where you misunderstood.
When Kev said "if your male breeds with all of them", he meant all three of my female pugets I am getting. ;)

Yep that's they way my fried out brain perceived the comment, sorry Kev.

Bob is no breeder MK, he simply rapes the Puget Sound area stealing up snakes and selling them right out. mites parasites and all.

If it was me, First I would gather a few gravid moms up in the spring, keep them until birthing, release mom and 25 percent of the babies.

Feed & nurture remaining babies for several months, ensure animal health, and then I would offer them at a reasonable price.

I would eventually keep and raise the bluest of the blue, and cross them, to produce captive pugets with the highest of blue standards.

He recently offered me a gravid female, and had the audacity to ask for $125 for a wild caught snake.

07-12-2008, 01:47 PM
he sure sounds like bad news and $125 for a w/c i would pay $5

07-12-2008, 01:47 PM
Rockster, you and Wayne! LMAO!!!

James and Stefan prolly do not think highly of my "spoiling." But what can I say (shrugs shoulders)? My snakeypoos ar no different tome than the Pigglettes and The Cats. They're my babies and if they were of hardier stock would sleep with the rest o'us! :D

What can I say? They need little jungle-gyms, swimming pools, grass, rocks, plants - they need to be as cared for as any other pet. They need their specific needs/wants met so they live HAPPY captive lives.

Actually, being non-domesticated animals it behooves us, in my opinion, to replicate their natural environment as closely as we possibily can. We must, if we're going to keep them captive.

Just me. Your sappy-in-love with garters nutcase! :D

07-12-2008, 01:50 PM
It makes me sick seeing his adds posted over and over. Because I KNOW he is selling them. And I know that it is making an impact on such a beautifully colored wild population of snakes... Oh... it makes me sick...

I personally catch and keep some wild caughts and have traded some out of state in very small numbers to reputable breeders. But NOT EVER in the manner he is doing it. Just Sick...

07-12-2008, 01:52 PM
I can just see James and Stefan now! Sitting at their computers reading your posts with looks of disbelief. ROTFL!! :D

07-12-2008, 01:53 PM
you got it wrong its ROFLcopter

07-12-2008, 01:54 PM
he sure sounds like bad news and $125 for a w/c i would pay $5

You know what Kev, if the guy was for real, and asked for like $20 each, No screw that..,. Bob just sucks.

There has to be some sort of a negative impact, these handsome devils live in such a limited range, there should be a law against what Bob does.

We have just Eastern garters here, tons of them.. but I try to give back more than I take. Maintain a balance.

I would be really unhappy if my wild garters dried up and went away:mad:

So is this douche really putting a dent in the Puget population?

07-12-2008, 01:54 PM
Dekay, me? I'd release 75%... Just me.

07-12-2008, 01:56 PM
Grrr. With such a small range... I am sure he is. Maybe if we all shoot him an email at once he might have an ephiphany. Or we could just throw rocks at his head.

07-12-2008, 01:57 PM
i would think so
i only have 2 garters both W/C but im am holding out to find myself a male so i can try and get some of georges colors out in her babies and since there arent a lot of people i can give babies too i would most likely let 90-95% of the babies go

07-12-2008, 01:58 PM
I are snot gonna say what *I* paid for Peepers and Jeepers. :D Suiffice it to say I don't me or the garter population got raped. He-he-he! (cheep, cheep, cheep)



07-12-2008, 01:58 PM
Dekay, me? I'd release 75%... Just me.

You still would not sell the 25% you kept... you would be keeping them all:D


07-12-2008, 01:59 PM
lol gertie you are insane
but anyways i can't wait to have little george's running around

07-12-2008, 02:02 PM
Lovely pic of Sky!



In tribute to the population being scarred by one sorry individual...

07-12-2008, 02:04 PM
omg sky is stunning
man i love pugets

07-12-2008, 02:05 PM

Wayne, you SURE you personalilized those Boys correctly?

Jeepers is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Peeper is snot to be found...

07-12-2008, 02:07 PM
You still would not sell the 25% you kept... you would be keeping them all:D

Gosh, you've got sessy hands! :D Ah-hem... Back to the discussion...

And so, Wayne, your point is... What? Bozo! :D

07-12-2008, 02:12 PM
OTAY, OTAY! I'll step to the fore here and make it my goal to help the Pugest.

I'll take a bazillion of'um to live the life o'luxury. Little garter coats for the winter. Little muffs for their non-existant ears. Cute wee little stockings tied to their sides so their non-existant feeties don't get cold. Swimming poolis with diving board sor the summer. A smorgasbord o'worms, fishies, bunny drumsticks and pinkies for their delite.

Send them to me! The Mother of Spoiling! :D

07-12-2008, 02:20 PM
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Peepers and Jeepers are next to each other, Peepers is WAY SO MUCH BLUE/GREENER!!!!!!!!!!!!! A BAZILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wayne, are you SURE you sent me the correct snake?

Lori P
07-12-2008, 03:19 PM
OMG... how on earth could I have missed all the excitement??!! Gertie, I am so very very glad that they arrived safe and sound. :-) You simply MUST get a cheapo digital camera so we can see them now!!!!!

07-12-2008, 04:08 PM
lol gertie you are insane

Yeah? So, what's new? You just NOW gettin' that? :D

07-12-2008, 04:10 PM
Yeah? So, what's new? You just NOW gettin' that? :D

no i just thought i would put that out there :D

07-12-2008, 04:50 PM
Looks like I missed all the craziness and excitement!
Gertie, I'm so glad you finally got your babies. You must try to get some pictures of them for us. I'd love to see their new home, and how cute they are together!:)

07-12-2008, 04:53 PM
i agree with anji you know all of us here love pics :D

07-12-2008, 05:39 PM
Awwww, finally made it through all the excitement! Congrats Gertie! Glad the boys made it to you safe and sound!!! Ummmmm, did you say you have a digital camera at work? Since the boys will be there anyway....

07-12-2008, 05:40 PM
Perhaps you could bribe a visitor to take pics of the boys and email them to you?!?

yeah, we love pictures...

07-12-2008, 06:39 PM
Yeah! Pics, pics, pics!!

07-12-2008, 08:01 PM
I don't know if I feel better for having slept or worse. And how will I sleep tonite? Sheesh!

Jeepers is *not* the shy one. He's curled on the grass under the lite. I've no idea where Peepers is. He's a very hidey kind'a boy.

Tami, you're a genius! I may have thought of pics once I get to work tomorrow but prolly not as that's not where my mind is currently. Gee... I wonder where my mind is? :D I'll have Dave and/or Jo take pics o'The Boys and Winnie, too.

BIAB - gotta go stare at snakes.

07-12-2008, 08:22 PM
Jeepers and peepers....

The first 3 are peepers, last one jeepers. I am looking at my volumes of photos trying to find more of Jeepers.





07-12-2008, 08:30 PM
Peepers is not that brown in real life. He's almost the exact color of the timothy grass in their tank. I think I may have made my tank too good - those Boys are gonna be the dickens to find in there because they blend in so well.

Found Peepers. He's under the log hidey I bought. Had to take a flashlite ("torch") and search all over. Found his sweet little head and those gorgeous peepers he has. Both Boys are in the warm end (81, up from a stable 77 for most of the day).

It is taking everything in me *not* 'play' with them. Still watching them is fun. Even if they don't move! :D

Edit: Peepers' greenish/bluish part is almost the exact same color as the timothy grass.

Edit edit: Jeepers is darker brown than the pic.

07-12-2008, 08:44 PM
so glad to hear you got your babies!
Sadly, two years ago, I had no idea who bob was and what he did... and I got suckered.

I ordered 1.2 and I lost 1.1 within the month! I still have the bigger female though... my treasured Bluebie! she SHOOTS out of her cage and onto my lap every dinner time. She will sit tehre on my lap with her head in the air.. mouth ever so slightly open! its silly how trained that snake is... or rather how much she has ME trained :rolleyes:

here's my Bob survivor...



07-12-2008, 08:48 PM
Awww!! She is gorgeous!! Those Bob survivors are so special...

Cute about her begging habits. ;)

07-12-2008, 09:11 PM
Sky was from Bob, Cost $100 in vet bills! Came with mites and infections.

07-12-2008, 09:16 PM
She is gorgeous, Shannon.

My connection keeps dying. I get a bunch o'stuff typed and then WHAM! It gets blown away. Literally. I think there's another storm moving in. The temp is dropping, there's a really nice cool breeze, and the screens are whistling and the windows rattling every once in awhile.

I'm still finding it hard to believe there are two darling snakes in my front room. I looked for what feels like FORVER outside, in pet stores - everywhere I went I'd case the area wondering if it was good snake territory. Sheesh! Dashu goes out today and finds THREE snakes! I can't find my not-so-small butt with both hands!

I am so glad I found this place for many reasons. I wish we all lived close so we could get together and socialize. But I guess talking will have to do. It's really nice to have others that understand and feel my joy and happiness. It's fun to share this with appreciative friends!

07-12-2008, 09:21 PM
YIKES! On the vet bills, Dekay.

P & J seem pretty healthy. I've managed to hug'um and kiss'um and I've no little red bugletts swarming on me.

Good lord but yearlings are wee things! Say, you know... I could easily handle about three more yearlings in that 20 gal L, without ANY PROBLEMS whatsoever! :D

I want to thank you all, especially you Dekay, for being here and sharing your time and expertise - and your snakes. It means a lot to me to have you guys and this forum. (sniff, sniff... "Group hug!")

07-12-2008, 09:23 PM

Shannon, This photo, is the bomb! Nice!!:D I like your photography.

07-12-2008, 10:21 PM
And we are glad to have YOU here Gertie! =D

07-13-2008, 07:08 AM
Well. Didn't get to sleep until after 1:00 AM. Was up at 4:30 AM. Had to run out to the living room and double check:

1. P&J were real and it wasn't a dream.
2. They were still in the tank.

Both were true, but Peepers has given me my firstest heart attack. Could NOT find him. Tore apart the entire tank. Of course he was in the LAST place I looked - under one o'the plant pots. While I'm doing this PeeWee is going nutz on the floor with what I believed to be Peepers. Fortunately it was just a blind cord. WHEW!

The Boys are packed up (in their shipping container, in their snake bag, in the shipping box...) and I've got all the stuff I need to keep them cosy today - substrate (gotta do something about the substrate in the tank. Looks GORGEOUS but is not practical not to mention too dusty. Back to the drawing board on substrate), heater, swimming pool and rocks. Park has tank(s).

So! The Boys and I are off like a prom dress for P&J's Big Adventure! :D Pics to follow!

P, J, Gertie

Lori P
07-13-2008, 07:57 AM
Ok, today must be the day for "loosing" snakes in their own darn tank... so I haven't seen Desdemona out for a while-- several days-- which is a switch from her usual pacing the tank lately. I go to look for her this morning and can't find her, not in her usual hide, not anywhere. I'm looking in every single nook and cranny in that tank and starting to freak out-- of course I haven't seen her, she's escaped, I just know it, even with the top very well weighted down...

So I take a step back to regroup, and stare at that damn tank...

And Desdemoma peeks her head out of the BIRDHOUSE. The one that's HANGING ON THE BACK WALL OF HER TANK. LOLOLOL How blonde am I????? I looked all over the floor and my eyes never once went to that birdhouse that I myself hung in there... Oy!!!

Did I ever mention I'm also of Polish descent?? Yeah. A blonde Polack. No offense to anyone else Polish, of course, as I myself hail from there in the distant past.

07-13-2008, 01:48 PM
lol george keeps on hiding inder the substrate and every time i dont see her im luck **** did she get out so i start sifting through all the substrate with my hadn then all of a sudden she just pops her head up and i calm down :)

07-13-2008, 05:40 PM
What a day. I'm so tired I can hardly breathe. Not to mention my breakfast of Sliders (xtra cheese, xtra onions) didn't sit too well and I left early. I'm getting too effin' old to get as xcited as I do. What a weekend.

SOME PEOPLE'S KIDS! And I don't mean the visitors' kids! I mean the two BONE-HEADS I adopted! They ate one worm, fairly good size, each and turned their noses up at Winnie's fuzzy's drumsticks! Second worms offered later in the day, "Huh! Ish! Yuck!"

"Fine. Starve to death. There are starving snakes in India and you're gonna be sorry you didn't eat and I'm sending YOUR food to those poor snakes in India."

They didn't bat an eye...

Things didn't go too bad, considering they've been moving all over the country and the greater Twin Cities area for the past 48 hours. Would NOT settle down WHATSOEVER unless they were on my belly, next to my heart. Then they'd 'sleep.'

They flipped, they flopped, they made lariats outta themselves. They twisted - how in the name o'the gods they didn't break their backs, I've no idea!

THEN... I'm packing them up to leave. Get Jeepers in the little deli-thingy. Then put in Peepers who I could hardly control and he kept getting away from me. FINALLY get him in the deli container they came in AND HE'S THE ONLY EFFING' SNAKE IN THERE! I screamed bloody murder for Jo and MaryJo, who both came to my rescue. Jeepers was found under one and between two stacks of drying boxes for plant seeds that were on the table.

The Jos had to do a he's-going-your-way-now-he's-going-mine-wait-now-he's-back-that-way deal. Jo, the calm sweet one - that JEEPERS TRIED TO BITE THREE TIMES TODAY!!!!!!! - got him, hugged him, and the three o'us got him in the deli container with Peepers. SOMEHOW managing not to break their backs in 10 places or smoosh them when the lid was put on tightly.

SHEESH! Oh! I must say of Jo, every time Jeepers struck trying to bite her, she never moved a muscle. He's never tried to bite me, ever, but her he did. We found it quite funny.

I kept dozing off during the snake presentation even though I was sitting up front, by The Boys, next to the screen. I'm telling you, I'm really tired. Not too much sleep this weekend. Oh, well! Very worth it! :D

People really seemed to enjoy the comparison between Winnie and The Boys; both being Common Eastern garters but different looks. Was fun to explain about all the different garters. I never let any one touch them and only let the visitors watch me feed them the two worms that they did manage to eat. I did take them out off and on during the day, but no one but me - and Jo catching Jeepers - was allowed to mess with them. Just way too little yet.

Winnie looks like a huge effin' MONSTER next to The Boys! :D And she was always my "wee baby girl." She's HUGE! :D

The Boys knew when they were 'home.' I'd taken out all the substrate I'd made and put in that cocoa nut stuff until I realized I didn't want it in there as it's too dusty. So used the remainder of the pretty big bark chips and that repti-bark or whatever stuff.

Fresh, clean water and in went The Boys. Both calmly cased the joint, smelling themselves and home. Peepers then went and hide between the glass and one o'the plant pots. Where Jeepers is, I've no idea.

What a day. What a DAY.

Would I redo what I've done? Never. It took Winnie freakin' FOREVER - like all winter - before she calmed down quickly in my hands. Peepers and Jeepers will come around. They've just had as big a weekend as I have and are prolly going on as little sleep, too.

We'll be fine. :D

07-13-2008, 05:55 PM
The pillow case I gave you is safer, just drop them in and tie the top shut.

The struggling, I know, we had fun getting them in that deli cup the first time,.:D

07-13-2008, 06:06 PM
I didn't want to use the bag alone as they're such small, sweet, wee things. I felt they'd be safer in the deli cup, in the bag, then in the box.

Rite now both are out like lites. "Lucky them," she says... They scooted around when first put in - even Peepers, the reticent one - and then sacked out. Wes, Mr. Mouser, has discovered Peepers' hiding place between the plant pot and the side o'the glass and just STARES at Peepers. He used to do this with my 45 gal fish tank, for HOURS on end. Nice I can give the cats interactive toys. :D

Again, thanks Dekay! They're lovely boys, especially Peepers with that tourquisey bluish/green and his chocolate spots. He's a sssseessssy, handsome dude!

Oh! Jeepers is starting to spot up vs. be all stripes. And there's the teeniest hint of tourquise on him. I don't think he'll be the glamor boy is 'bro' is, but you never know! :D

07-13-2008, 06:09 PM
sound like you had quite the day gertie and ya the pillow case is the best way i always take one when i go out snake hunting its the best way to catch a snake well i think so anyway

07-13-2008, 09:52 PM
Choas!!!!! lol! =D

07-19-2008, 09:55 AM
I just found out Kenabec, my Hoggy hatchling, is ready tomorrow.

I've asked to wait to get him, about two weeks. 1) I get paid; 2) I have to set up his wee little plastic carrier home-thingy; 3) If Peepers and Jeepers are yearlings, GOSH! A hatchling is going to be no bigger than a minute!

Dekay, you're so SMART! After getting Peepers and Jeepers I'm quite hesitant to get a hatchling. It's not that I don't think I'll take proper care of him, but bigger snakes are more hardy. Little tiny things are SO FRAGILE!

I'm so excited to get him! But...

Yeah, at least two more weeks...

07-19-2008, 08:54 PM

You know, a hognose hatchling will be sturdier then a yearling garter. They are fatter. ;) So don't worry to much.

Whoohoo!! Come on Hoggy Kennebec!!!

Snake lover 3-25
07-19-2008, 09:51 PM
congrats!!!!! good luck with the babies!!!!:D:D:D

07-19-2008, 11:21 PM
Really, Rockster? That's really good to know! However, finances will make me have to wait.

Thanks, Shanley!

07-20-2008, 09:20 PM
Yep. Cute, chunky little guys... I gotta get me some! ;)