View Full Version : Hello.....New here

07-29-2006, 10:15 AM
Hi Folks,
I'm Kevin from England.
47 Y/O Happily tied down to a missus and six kids, Danny, the youngest (and last!!) was born in February this year
I've been keeping and breeding snakes since I was eight, and it all started with a half-grown Natrix natrix which I found underneath a piece of corrugated Iron
Main interests Thamnophis (Duh obviously) with Natrix and Nerodia coming close second and third.
I've been outa keeping Garters for a few years, and have just started again....Looking forward to being a part of this community.
Do we have any other members in the UK?

08-01-2006, 11:37 AM
Hi Kevin

My names Chloe, i am based in North Wales near Llandudno. I breed various garter snakes as well as the banded water snake.

What snakes do you currently keep?

08-23-2006, 03:04 AM
Hi Kevin, welcome here.

Wow, six kids.
I already turned bold after getting three (sons) :)
Wonder how that is with you :D

08-24-2006, 05:41 PM
..you know when you see that couple with six kids...and they point to the youngest and say "If we had had that one first we wouldn't have had any more!". . . . . well I had one of those first...

Mother of one son....but believe me he has been like having six!! as a toddler he slept on average 3 to 4 hours in every 24.....and talked constantly for the other 20...... thankfully as a teenager he is calming down (slightly...)

wow 6 kids...I shudder....well done! (oh and hello Kevin, yes in the UK, in Wales!)