View Full Version : Another rescue snake
06-28-2008, 07:32 AM
Solid proof that we never know who is reading our posts....
2 days ago I received a private message concerning a Cyclophiops Major, (Asian Green Snake) based on my keeping a flourishing one in captivity.
The snake wound up at a shelter in Virginia, and the shelter has no idea what to do, it's been 2 weeks and they still cannot get it to eat.
So long story short, it ships out next week.... They wavered the adoption fees, asked nothing of me but to take care of this snake and try to save it's life, how could I refuse...
Personally I wish the creeps bringing this species into the USA would stop, these animals require very special care, and daily attention..
Compulsive buyers pick them up, oh so pretty, I must have one of those..
Then find NO care sheets, NO husbandry information, NO dietary information, Just a pretty snake that will slowly die, and they do, FREQUENTLY, I hear it all the time, I post a picture of Limon and the stories start...
Fortunately, since so many people have had bad luck, not too many snakes get imported, not even close to the number of Ball Pythons imported, I only see them once in a blue moon offered on KS, and even then, "Vinny" has 4 or 5 to sell. He does not seem to care if they all should die, as long as he gets his $75.. I asked when I bought mine, What does it eat... at least he was semi honest (although he did try to fill me with BS about feeding pinkies)
It took some experimentation to get Limon to cooperate, I had to give him options and let the snake decide what the snake wanted.. Without someone to tell me what the snake needs, it was the only way to find out.
So after I quarantine the new one, get it eating, make sure it is healthy, I want to put the two together and see what kind of behavior takes place.
06-28-2008, 07:43 AM
I LOVE Limon! I'm so glad you said they're hard to care for. I now know to give them a wild berth.
Jeez, but my eyes got misty. "You're a better man than I, Gugga Dhin." You are one very special person and I'm so glad you're alive.
But I'm still NOT talking to you, you ratfink!
06-28-2008, 07:49 AM
I LOVE Limon! I'm so glad you said they're hard to care for. I now know to give them a wild berth.
Jeez, but my eyes got misty. "You're a better man than I, Gugga Dhin." You are one very special person and I'm so glad you're alive.
But I'm still NOT talking to you, you ratfink!
Gertie, I gotta laugh... My kids threaten to never talk to me again all the time, then ask for ice cream 5 minutes later:D
06-28-2008, 09:11 AM
Wayne, I think it's fabulous that they found you. If anyone can help that poor thing out, it's you.
Best wishes, and post pics when you get the new snakey!:)
06-28-2008, 09:15 AM
Then find NO care sheets, NO husbandry information, NO dietary information, Just a pretty snake that will slowly die, and they do, FREQUENTLY, I hear it all the time, I post a picture of Limon and the stories start...
Sound like someone (cough cough:rolleyes:) should start working on some care sheets ;) I'm half teasing, but it might not be a bad idea to put something on your website simply saying this is what has worked for me. While I'd rather they not be imported at all, maybe your info would save one or two from perishing?
Good luck with the new rescue! I really appreciate you being willing and able to take it on! I know we'll all be pulling for him/her! I also think it's pretty cool that your natural ability to nurture these guys to health is starting to become known to others. You definitely have a niche in this industry. :)
06-28-2008, 09:16 AM
I just got an email update, the snake is taking a turn for the worse!
His eye has become festered and swollen, the rescue shelter is going to take it to a vet first, they get huge discounts compared to us normal folks.
Whoever had it let the poor thing get quite bad before they gave up.
It cheeses me to no end that the importers do not even care what they are doing to these animals.
If they were mammals, the SPCA would shut them down, but no one seems to defend the lowly reptiles!!!
06-28-2008, 09:18 AM
:(:(:( Fingers crossed & prayes said... keep us updated Wayne.
Lori P
06-28-2008, 09:21 AM
Wayne, can I have some ice cream??!!
You ROCK for helping this poor fella out... I seriouly hope he gets the medical attention he needs. What rescue is he with? (You can PM me if you'd rather) If I can do anything to help, I will.
We'll be rooting for him....
06-28-2008, 09:23 AM
Oh, no! I'm praying for that kid! Oh, Wayne! I do hope you get it and can nurse it back to health. This is just horrible!
Tami said some really good things and I agree with her. Do the sheets and explain how HARD it is to care for these snakes.
06-28-2008, 09:32 AM
Gertie, thats the sad part, there are no sheets.
As much as I wish to remain "humble" I guess the best thing to do is compose a care/fact sheet and plaster them anywhere I can get away with it.
Anyone who wishes to help out with the cause, I will gladly accept or direct you to the charity that is trying to save this critter from euthanasia.
It's funny how word can travel? All I did was proudly post pictures of Limon, have been for months..... The gal at the rescue saw the pictures of Limon living the good life, and here we are.
06-28-2008, 09:55 AM
Wayne, that's what I said. DO the sheets! You must. It won't keep the die hard idiots from getting a Limon, but it will help those those that really care think again and help them should they proceed.
Good luck, big guy. I'm thinking of you and that poor snake.
06-28-2008, 01:16 PM
As always your post is wonderful... I am confident if you get the snake in time, you will be able to bring him back with your warmth and caring spirit. I am so happy that someone found you and reached out to you. They must have felt the same way I do when I read about you and your snakes... There is no better home.
06-28-2008, 01:29 PM
Andrea, That was very nice of you to say. I am flattered:D
It was one of those rare moments, I posted my recent macro close ups on kingsnake, I only really expected my friend Doug to reply, when A nice gal said that my Limon looked extremely vibrant and healthy, then she dropped the rescue bomb:eek:
I told her I was fairly tapped at the moment, (sent Scott way too much money) but I would love to help as best I can. After all night crawlers are free. and wood is not too bad at home depot.
But since Virginia is such a long way away, I have decided to suck up the shipping expense, And if the shelter is going to get the meds and vet care, it's the least I could do.
Thanks again for the kind words..
I'm hoping for the best, Wayne and totally agree with your feeling toward the uncaring people who cause situations like this. It happens far too often.:(
06-28-2008, 02:09 PM
this is so sad... I really hope the snake pulls through...
At the last hamburg show, some dumb dumb had some of these on his table. All underweight... and he saw me looking at them and hes like oh yea those guys are TOTALLY cool those are false boomslags NO ONE has those and I looked at him with a disgusted look and I said actually I do know someone who has one and he actually takes care of it, and they are not false boomslangs, that is a totally separate species of snake, these are asian green snakes. And I was like do you even know what they eat! And he was like oh i know nothing about them they are from my friend. I really wanted to take them wayne, and to PM you and get some advice because I am very good with snakes with lots of needs and who need work... but I just didn't. I kind of wish I did now.
06-28-2008, 02:41 PM
Shannon, what an idiot.... When you come across stuff like that you should let us know. I bet someone on this forum would help rescue them. I would wire money to you for all the costs to purchase & ship them to my loving, spoiled home. Since I have gotten my snakes (less than two months) I have spent like $600.00 or more and countless hours loving and stressing about all of our new family members (not "pets" they are way more than that) they are priceless...
06-28-2008, 03:07 PM
the only problem with that is that hamburg how is a one day event so once they are gone, they are gone :(
they may be back at the show in august but i highly doubt theyll make it till then.
these snakes also require specialized care, including a heavily planted arboreal environment... he wanted 12 dollars a piece for them, I really should have taken them but at the same it just sucks to give creeps like that money.
06-28-2008, 03:44 PM
Shanon I agree with Andrea, I would have chipped in too.
I honestly don't mind the care, heck I have been out all day catching tiny little toads that just lost tail so my baby red sides can eat.
Oh, Back to work, the whole fam is out by the creek.:eek:
(And I snuck in the house:cool: for a minute)
P.s. I hope Andrea was calling the show vendor an idiot, and not you
07-01-2008, 11:52 AM
Just talked to the gal with the snake, the vet got most of the retained eye caps removed, and tube fed him.
She has taken personal responsibility of handling this, I am so impressed, they so much don't want to put this beautiful animal down, because of negligence.
And I am flattered to no end that she insists that I be the one to take him.
Am I allowed to say the name of the rescue??
07-01-2008, 11:54 AM
Am I allowed to say the name of the rescue??
I can't see a problem with that.:)
07-01-2008, 11:58 AM
GREAT NEWS, DEKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you continue to keep us in the loop.
07-01-2008, 12:04 PM
Cool, I personally tip my hat to anyone who sacrifices for the good of helpless critters.
Roxie's Fund for Animals (
07-01-2008, 12:08 PM
Congrats. I hope you can help turn things around. You've definitely got me thinking... And I just found one of their leos for adoption who looks like she could use a good home and a belly full of roaches...
HEY!!!! I knew you all were talking about me!!!
OK, just kidding! This is Sonja, proud caretaker of Wayne's new Asian green snake. I just got an email from a kind stranger in Michigan (who could it BE??) inquiring about one of my rescue critters and mentioned being referred by a friend adopting the green I had to do some sleuthing to see what is going on and Google found you!
Wayne has gotten all of the details right, as far as I know them, except for 2 things:
I am in Maryland, not Virginia. And, we do not get huge vet discounts!!!! Unfortunately. So far, Roxie's Fund has spent over 10 times what the snake would have been sold for!! But, such is rescue work. We have to balance out the fact that we are a non-profit trying to save animals with the cost to save the more drastic cases. Since Mr. Greeny (don't laugh, the vet needed a name for his file) has a home waiting, we have decided to see if we can save him. We may have had to come to a different decision if an animal has nowhere to go (although, truth be told, most of those animals end up staying with me).
So, everyone keep Mr. Greeny in your thoughts and hope that he gets well enough to ship to Wayne. Speaking of which, we don't normally ship rescue animals, so if there is anyone in MD willing and able to help me ship, please contact me!
I look forward to looking around this forum.....I have a garter snake of my own.
: )
Lori P
07-01-2008, 01:14 PM
They're in MD... look like a great rescue!!! I really really hope this guy pulls thru, sounds like they are on the right track. I can't wait to see him!!!
I love Larry the ball python... he has a hat he hides in! Gives me more ideas!!!
07-01-2008, 07:50 PM
rescues can be a lot of fun! I work with a friend that does a reptile rescue here in Salt Lake City. He spends a lot on the animals her with a vet. I even sent a gt basin rattler to him last year that was injured and he took it to his vet to try to save it, unfortunately she wasn't able to save him. she tried tho!! he spends probably a thousand or 2 a month on feeding, vet care, and cleaning supplies and stuff on all his herps (and a few coons and skunks). he charges minimal adoption fees to cover some of the cost of care, and he's a got his non-profit paperwork. He is also the only private citizen in Utah with venomous permits (he's even got a gila monster!!! the only captive one in the state - and an awesome looking fella too!!!) we do shows, classes for law enforcemant and animal control agencies, and work at the wasatch reptile expo here. he does a little breeding of some snakes to sell at the expo to help with the cost of caring for all these animals. he also takes donations. lots of fun working with him (he's also a good friend!!)
07-01-2008, 08:13 PM
WELCOME, SONJA!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad things are working out for Mr. Greeny. Wayne's a sucker - as most of us here are - for the unloved and uncared for. We've a couple or three or four or so folks that do rescue.
So glad you found us. So glad you joined us! Nice to have you here. Kiss your garter baby for me.
07-01-2008, 08:17 PM
HEY!!!! I knew you all were talking about me!!!
OK, just kidding! This is Sonja, proud caretaker of Wayne's new Asian green snake. I just got an email from a kind stranger in Michigan (who could it BE??) inquiring about one of my rescue critters and mentioned being referred by a friend adopting the green I had to do some sleuthing to see what is going on and Google found you!.....
.....I look forward to looking around this forum.....I have a garter snake of my own.: )
Hello, Sonja! And welcome to our forum!:)
You'll have to post some pics of your gartersnake, too!
Hi, from Oregon, Sonja :) and thanks :cool:
07-02-2008, 08:53 AM
Welcome Sonja & thank you for all the work you do for the animals! It's much appreciated!
07-02-2008, 10:58 AM
Going to use this to build a giant arboreal enclosure with real trees in it for the jungle greens to roam in.:D They should like having a lot of room to roam about. I have a couple more sheets like this, they are almost 6 feet tall, and that chrome is nice too. And it is tempered safety glass, its totally safe.
07-02-2008, 11:55 AM
Nice door. :D
Lori P
07-03-2008, 12:38 PM
Welcome, Sonja-- and soooo sorry for the loss of Mr. Green. :-( Good to have you here tho, and definitely post some pics of your garter for us!! :-)
07-03-2008, 12:53 PM
hi sonja, thank you for all the work you do for animals. and welcome to a great forum.
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