View Full Version : My snake JUST escaped.
06-17-2008, 07:18 PM
I think he was planning it all along. Just watching me... sitting in his water dish... waiting for his window of opportunity... which apparently came in a 1 min. window after I put the worm in with him and before I changed his bedding to find him.... vanished!!!
Sigh. The tank was already used when we were conned into buying it. You have to be aware when you're closing it because the lid is warped. I wasn't because the snake has been so lethargic lately and he's never tried this before. He shed his skin and then peaced out.
Boo, I say. Boo to this, snake!! Boo!! Not cool!!
We just moved into a new one bedroom apartment, so it's better than if he had escaped at the other house, but still. Boo. :mad:
06-17-2008, 07:26 PM
I am so sorry I home you find him. Did you check his bedding really well? Sometimes they burrow...
:( Andrea
06-17-2008, 07:36 PM
Yeah - I was using newspaper during the move and I unfolded it all to check that first when I was still saying "What the....?!?"
What makes it worse is that I had a dream last night that my snake was escaping and I accidentally stepped on him and crushed part of his body. Then I put him in the freezer to put him out of his misery.
So now I'm paranoid about what might happen to him now that I have no idea where he might be.
06-17-2008, 07:47 PM
Oh... I hate dreams like that. I hope it doesn't become reality. Look under the couches and behind things. Maybe set a food item out in the area he escaped from? Search all rooms really well then put towels really tight in the bottom cracks of the doors, that will keep them isolated to the room he is in? I have never had this happen I am just throwing ideas out there for you.
Keep us posted.
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 07:51 PM
o that stinks.... well i lose mine all the time the bigger they are the easier they are to find!!! and you just moved so there shouldn't be too much clutter right???? but i'd DEF stuff things under the dors to keep him in isolation.... he'll come out some time!!! good luck!!!:D:D:D
06-17-2008, 07:59 PM
Reminds me of a story....(segue dream sequence)
I was coming home from school one day, many, many, many years ago. As I was crossing a footbridge over a creek I found a baby Garter. So I picked him up and took him home. I knew both of my parents hated snakes and there was no way they'd let me keep it. However, I figured if I found just the right moment to ask, followed by a show and tell demonstrating how unassuming this little fella was, they'd change their mind.
So, I didn't have a place to hide this poor snake, and the best I could find was a wicker clothes hamper. In he went.
Later that day, I went back to retrieve him and......OH NO! He's gone! Oh boy am I in trouble! So I foolishly told my older sister what had happened. She immediately went to my parents and spilled the beans. Man did I get it!
I tore through the house (on the command of my father), looking for a tiny snake. Couldn't find him anywhere.
Several days later I was in the basement where the scene of the crime happend. Low and behold the snake was sunning himself on the floor in a beam of light coming through a window. Right under the ping pong table, not 3 feet from the hamper. Hurray!! Now Mom and Dad can sleep in peace again and maybe I won't be in Purgatory any more!
Thus ends just one of many childhood adventures.
Oh, and I had to let the snake go.
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 08:08 PM
ROFL!!!!:D:D so there you go!!!! dark places and bright places!!!! oh... wait... that's just about EVERY WHERE!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:p
06-17-2008, 08:23 PM
LOL - yeah... I just went through all the drawers and such (every place I could think of) and then stuffed a blanket under the door to keep it closed off. There's large gaps under every door except the front and back doors, so that is good at least.
The place is a mess anyway, so I'll just be extra thorough as I clean it. Then I'll leave out the heating pad and the sun lamp. He'll show up eventually. I just hope he's in good health when he does.
The ribbon snake I had as a kid was always escaping. I was always so upset. Then I would be getting dressed, rifling through my drawers, and find the snake among my under ware. Or one time I found it when I happened to glance down before vacuuming my room and saw it's head sticking out of the vacuum machine the second before I turned it on. Jeez.
Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone.
06-18-2008, 04:14 AM
the most snakes I ever lost was when we were moving
I guess with all the overwhelm, I was just not thorough enough
06-18-2008, 05:12 AM
Fingers crossed for you!!!
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 06:23 AM
one time I found it when I happened to glance down before vacuuming my room and saw it's head sticking out of the vacuum machine the second before I turned it on. Jeez.
OMG lucky you you ALMOST lost him for real that time!!!!:eek:
06-18-2008, 06:44 AM
hope he turns up soon
06-18-2008, 06:51 AM
Good luck!!
For folks that have hide a bed sofas, our corn snake escaped once when he was only a couple months old.
Dorothy ("the boss") was about to extend the hide a bed (lots of places to hide in there) I had a funny feeling and said STOP!
Got on my knees and shined a flashlight up and under, "Cy" had wrapped himself around 2 metal bars, next to some springs. Had Dorothy completely extended the bed, the 2 steel bars would have scissored little Cy in half.
Look down at your feet while walking, eyeball the entire door jam before closing the door, open and close drawers very gingerly, if a snake were curled up under that little piece of wood, just behind the drawer, and you were to slam it shut, it could be a devastating result.
Its an awful feeling, I think we have all been there, most of the time there is a happy ending, (well define happy) Last week I DESTROYED a chair to get my Pueblan milk snake out of it. I swear that snake loves to torture us! Last time before that, we had began unloading the contents of the house out onto the lawn!!
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 09:07 AM
OMG!!!!!! mine gets lost in the chairs all the time but our chairs have open bottoms so i can just fish her out...:D:D
06-18-2008, 09:15 AM
My worst nightmare is an escapee! I've been very lucky so far, even with a few careless events. I left the lid off when I had my first garter, and was fortunate that she only travelled as far as the nearest desk lamp to sun herself.
I also learned that those ExoTerra terrariums have vent holes large enough for young ones to slither through, when I discovered a month-old Deejay on top of, rather than inside of, her tank!
Hope you find your little MIA snake's always a big worry.:)
06-18-2008, 07:38 PM
So I'm walking around in my bedroom and I happen to glance down at the snake tank and to my utter confusion the snake is back inside... somehow.
I mean... I took that tank APART making sure he wasn't in it. If he was hiding in the plants or the petco log we got him, he certainly would have darted out the second I started messing with them. There was no snake. Now there is definitely a snake.
I have NO IDEA what is going on, but that's okay. He's in the tank now, where I can see him, and I'm just going to leave it at that.
His new name, btw, is Rick "Houdini" James. lol.
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 07:40 PM
btw that happens to me all the time... read tricks...:D:D:D:D
was he in the closed tank or the open tank???
06-18-2008, 07:45 PM
And you didnt even have to shred up your furniture...
06-18-2008, 07:48 PM
Glad to hear he's back!:)
06-18-2008, 07:51 PM
btw that happens to me all the time... read tricks...:D:D:D:D
was he in the closed tank or the open tank???
Apparently, both. I think the tank sat open for several hours - possibly all night.
But he disappeared again just now, so I checked the log over one more time. My boyfriend has been telling me there's a hollow part in it that the snake can crawl into, but I didn't believe him because I couldn't see any holes or anything. But, turns out, he was right! Theres a tiny, baby snake sized hole just behind a ledge which I assume leads into his new secret chamber. Those petco people are evil geniuses!
So now the snake is going to go all "angsty teenager" on me and spend all of his time in his room and not eat his dinner. Great. lol ;)
06-18-2008, 07:53 PM
HA! Don't you just love it when they hide right in the tank? Sneaky little devil.........:D
06-18-2008, 07:53 PM
Truly inside the hide.:D
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 07:55 PM
lol too funny!!!!! so he was there all along!!!! you should def. get some glue and clog up that hole!!!!!:D:D:D you can put in the glue and then put a piece of tape over it until it dries do he doesn't get all gluey!!!!:D:D:D
06-18-2008, 08:00 PM
Lol - I think I might have to do that. Having a hide is one thing, but this is ridiculous! lol!
06-18-2008, 08:02 PM
That is a horrible feeling when you realize one of your snakes is missing..I'm sorry!!:( I really hope you find it!!! Good luck!:):)
Nevermind I just read the rest of the thread..I really need to quit posting before I read the whole!! Good for you!! That is pretty funny!
06-18-2008, 08:03 PM
Oh I am SO happy for you. Sneeky little bugger! :p
06-18-2008, 08:33 PM
Glad to hear he's safe and sound! :)
06-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Glad to hear you found your snake!:D
06-19-2008, 02:28 PM
good to hear he's back
06-25-2008, 02:38 PM
He just escaped again, only this time he's actually inched open the lid himself and left the tank.
Lol. Yep. It's officially time to get rid of that piece of crap tank. He's eating way more now anyway (he actually took the fish from my fingers the other day, which was so cool!), so he's about to out grow it.
At least I'm not freaking out this time. I had a test run so I'm just going to wait for him to show up, which he undoubtedly will. Gotta love it.
06-25-2008, 02:40 PM
Oh for heaven's sake!!
What a little troublemaker Houdini is turning out to be!:eek::D:eek:
Best wishes for his safe (again!) return..........:)
Snake lover 3-25
06-25-2008, 02:47 PM
well his name sure fits him!!!!! :D lol hope you find him..... mine escaped yesterday..... :mad: still looking..... but i'm sure he'll turn up soon........:o:rolleyes:
06-25-2008, 02:53 PM
lol - I got him.
I pretty much just sat down facing the doorway he was likely to come out of and started reading my book and sure enough I look up and see a little black snakey thing slithering along the wall towards the kitchen. As soon as I stood up he stopped like "Oh no! Caught!" and went back to the hall closet, where he was indeed caught after quite a tantrum.
But then I held him for a while, noticed how he was getting some really pretty green undertones, and put him back.
Definitely going to need to start taping that lid. :(
Hope you find yours as quick, Shanely. They're good at hiding, but they've got to move around, too, so it's only a matter of time before you two bump into each other. lol.
Snake lover 3-25
06-25-2008, 03:16 PM
how big is yours???? mine is 15 in... much harder to find than his 30 in mom who i leave out regularly....... but she always goes back to the same place and gets a worm!!!!:eek:
06-25-2008, 05:21 PM
They have these lid lock things at the pet stores that work with the meshy metal lids. $4.00 for a pair if that is the type of lid you have. :)
Glad you found him.
06-25-2008, 06:03 PM
Little stinker! Glad he's safe and sound... again... lol
06-28-2008, 08:26 AM
[quote=LyrisFlame;61955]lol - I got him.quote]
Good news!! Sorry I lost track.....
Always great to get them back:D
Congratulations on finding the escapee. Really glad to hear it:D
06-28-2008, 04:13 PM
Glad he's back again!
Sounds like you're gonna have your hands full with that little one!:)
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