View Full Version : Tricks?????
Snake lover 3-25
06-16-2008, 05:54 PM
so... i'm REALLY bad about closing the cages.....:o but meadow... the adventurous one... no mater where i leave her... always ventures into my room..... even if she's downstairs!!! and every time i reward her with a worm... which is a special treat... is it posible to teach them a trick???? because if it is then she's learned it!!! every time she gets left behind:o or left in an open cage she always comes back for her worm...????? i've actually fornd her after i left her on the couch once...:o back waiting on her feeding cage like she is expecting a worm!!!! and then she gets one...:confused::rolleyes: the others just tend to hide and wait for me to find them.. but she always returns????? she MUST know!!! if she finds my room she gets a treat!!!! :eek:
06-16-2008, 06:08 PM
wow that does seem a little bit like a trick she must be a really greedy snake! when she hungry she just goes to your room for you to give her a worm!:D:D:D
Snake lover 3-25
06-16-2008, 06:19 PM
yes she does it EVERY time but i leave her out alot.....:o
i just have her with me ALL day long... i take her on my 2 hr walks with my dog... i have even taken her to my grandmas b4!!! i just pack her a cage with a lamp and she's set to go!!! i even hold her in the car with me!!!:D:D:eek: she's just so cute i cant leave her behind!!!:eek: but i'm with her so much that i get into a habit...and sometimes i forget...:o
Snake lover 3-25
06-16-2008, 06:32 PM
i know that this isn't the best way to find out..... but has anyone ever experienced ANYTHING like this????
06-16-2008, 06:42 PM
I don't know what to make of it, I try to be as open minded as possible, and have seen things that defy logic. This will be one of them.
This behavior is so rare, consider this pet a blessing. In years of collecting and trying to figure out what makes them tick, only one specimen ever displayed this sort of behavior.
Xena my copper phase Dekay brown DEMANDS handling, she will prance left to right up front of the tank until taken out. Then she will explore all up and down, and usually coil up (She likes hair, but hoodies and shirt pockets are fine.)
When taken outside, no desire to be put down, I think that she has been in captivity so long, that outside seems strange?? but she goes all stressed out if I place her on the ground, grabs tightly around my fingers, resists even being pushed off.
so this observation of yours does have some merit to it, I am not so sure about tricks, but Xena and a few others will stand up and sway at feeding time.
Garters have such varied personalities, that's what makes them so fun to have.
Snake lover 3-25
06-16-2008, 06:51 PM
she will prance left to right up front of the tank until taken out. Then she will explore all up and down, and usually coil up (She likes hair, but hoodies and shirt pockets are fine.)OMG!!!!! this is EXACTLY (to the letter!!!) what she does!!!!! is that weird or what!!!! :eek::eek::eek: every day she knows what time i come home i swear!!! she is doing that every day when i walk in my room!!!! but when i come in at night she knows that i wont pick her up because i'm going to sleep!!!!!!
only i've only had her 4 2 yrs and she loves to go out and hunt!!!:D:D:D
06-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Yes they do, and Xena knows when a storm is coming, if it is raining out and roughly what time it is.
when we lived 12 miles from here there were train tracks out back, that girl knew a train was coming a long time before we did. she could feel the vibrations in the ground long before us humans. and would essentialy go psyco whenever a train passed, probably seemed like an earthquake to such a small critter.
Since they feed after a rain, whenever it is going to rain, she becomes restless, I think they can sense barometric pressures.
Even on nights when I forget to turn off the lights, the go to sleep at about the same time.
Snake lover 3-25
06-16-2008, 07:12 PM
oh so that's why she does that?????!!!!!! that makes sense!!!!!:D:D
but i can't forget my lights!!!! they're on a timer and i sleep in there!!!:D:D
i love them!!!! they are just so lovable!!!!!! :D:D
06-16-2008, 07:26 PM
My girl Fatty has been with me since she was born, and I think she's learned to mooch body heat off of me; She's one of the only snakes I've ever had who I can trust to stay put when I set her down. She eats out of my hands when we're traveling too, which is a big plus. :P I think that once the garters and other snakes begin to associate you with food, they then begin to think of you as enrichment as well.
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 07:00 AM
she comes with me even if i'm going away for 2 or three days!!!! :D:D:D i used to bring the little one too.. but he's started to not like people???? idk so now i think i may bring either all of them or just her...:D:D:D
06-17-2008, 01:37 PM
I own an escape artist. His name is behemoth! He is a bit over 6 feet and boy is he good at getting out. If i don't place the bricks on his cage JUST right.... he will push his way out... but the good thing about behemoth is that hes huge and my snake room is sealed off so he can't go anywhere. One day when my snake room was being worked in and behemoth's cage was out of the room, I just put him on the floor and let him roam free for the day as well as over night. Every time he escapes or is out free, he goes back behind the wall unit on the right side of the room, never the left, and he stays back there with his head peeking out in the corner. He watches me work and if I want him to come out all I have to do is put my hand up to him and he will start crawling up my arm and out from behind.
Behemoth also did something really weird... he had a mate and they were co-habbed for their entire lives, according to the guy I got them from. Both of them never, ever refused food. Well I had them for a year and at that point his mate was unable to pass her eggs and she did not make it. Well tell you what behemoth would not touch his food for 7 months after she died. He would just crawl around in his cage.. like he was restless... he would hardly ever stop and settle down! I started getting scared he would starve himself. Could it have been the stress of not knowing where the snake that he had lived with his entire life went?
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 01:40 PM
wow cool not about his mate dying on you though... that sucks... but what kind of snake is he???:D:D:D
06-17-2008, 01:48 PM
he is half cornsnake, half black rat snake, double het for albino and anery (mean he can produce snows)
here is a picture
06-17-2008, 01:54 PM
Cool snake!
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 03:02 PM
wow i can see ho you can't lose him!!!:D:D:D meadow is just over 30 in so she's pretty hard to lose too!!!:D:D but i just don't understand how they can know that if they want food they have to go to a certain room????:confused:
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 07:47 PM
OMG she just did it again!!!!!!:eek: i took out baby and accidantally left the cage open for about 30 min ang guess where she was!!!!! waiting patiently on top of her feeding cage so i took her downstairs and got her her worm out of the fridge and this time she made me warm it up in my hands to room temp b4 she was interested!!!!!! more demaning every day!!!!! :eek: if that wasn't learned that i don't know what is!!!!!!:eek:
06-17-2008, 07:48 PM
I highly doubt that snakes are capable of learning tricks, shanley :)
06-17-2008, 07:49 PM
Lol!!!!! =D
Snake lover 3-25
06-17-2008, 07:51 PM
but she MUST have how else would she know to go right to her feeding cage???:eek:
06-17-2008, 08:21 PM
Perhaps she associates the cage with an extra feeding.
Hopefully my science fair project will shed some light on this...
06-17-2008, 09:01 PM
Well, it sure sounds like a Pavlovian thing.
I wonder how long she would wait before she got restless and started exploring?
Shanley, you may be the next great animal trainer! Hollywood might be looking you up! LOL
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 06:19 AM
Perhaps she associates the cage with an extra feeding.
Hopefully my science fair project will shed some light on this...
yes Zephyr!!!! you MUST try this!!!:D:D:D
LOL maybe!!!:D:eek::eek:
06-18-2008, 08:11 AM
I am leaning toward the association thing myself.
intelligence, inquisitiveness and curiosity are what makes garters so cool in the first place.
I have too many snakes that just sit there and do nothing, but not any garters that can even hold still, unless they are sleeping.
06-18-2008, 08:25 AM
one of my personal favorites my red sided Blake he loves to be handled if i don't handle him he will start to tap(which gets really annoyng) until i pick him up:D
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 08:44 AM
lol meadow just looks up at the top of the clear part in her kritter keeper.... which i have to keep her in for now untill sooty has her babies!!!:D:D but she just moves her head and rubs on it every time i walk by until i let her out :D she's so cute!!! but really every time when she gets out and i start to look around.... she looks at me like i'm stupid:(:( then i give her a worm and hold her for a while:)
06-18-2008, 08:55 AM
so... i'm REALLY bad about closing the cages.....:o but meadow... the adventurous one... no mater where i leave her... always ventures into my room..... even if she's downstairs!!! and every time i reward her with a worm... which is a special treat... is it posible to teach them a trick???? because if it is then she's learned it!!!
Sounds like she has YOU trained!:D:p:D
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 09:03 AM
LOL maybe!!!!! but not very well if every time i clean or take out the little one i leave the cage open!!!!:eek:
06-18-2008, 04:41 PM
Hmm... Perhaps they see this bonding as a way to get more food. Sort of like a first step in domestication through selection. IE: If I'm REALLY nice to whatever gives me food, I'll get more!
Snake lover 3-25
06-18-2008, 05:23 PM
well that's all tricks are isn't it???? if i do this i get rewarded!!!:D:D:D
06-19-2008, 12:00 AM
I say its just associating certain conditions or areas with food. But you can call it a trick if you want :) personally, I would try to quit letting it escape before she gets lost or hurt though.
06-19-2008, 03:00 AM
I wish my snakes would do tricks!!! That is such a sad story snakelovenbabe but good that he finally ate for you..very cool too..I have never had one of my snakes display this type of behavior. My snakes seem to like to curl up together..but that is about it:-)
Snake lover 3-25
06-19-2008, 06:50 AM
yeah.... i know....... i don't try to let her out..... i just am with her so often that if anything changes i forget???? i have had her around my neck and forgotten about her until i went to my friends and her mother screamed when she saw me...... woops :D:D:p LOL she's just sooooo tame....idk....... i <3 meadow:D:D:p
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