View Full Version : My new gold treefrog from petco..
06-14-2008, 03:21 AM
So I know this is a garter snake forum but usually people into snakes know something about other reptiles/amphibians. I just purchased three treefrogs from petco (they were 90 percent could I pass it up?). I did not really get to get a great look at the one before she put it in the box...I just bought all the treefrogs that were left. When I got them home I noticed one of the golden treefrogs was very skinny...I didn't really think much about it and put them in their new home...well..a few minutes later I noticed the frog "yawning"...alot. Now I had a toad a few years ago die from a disease that made him "yawn" and eventually he couldn't eat...I force fed him for about 5 months and then he was very sad..I don't want to have to go through that agian!!! So..does anyone know anything about this? They seem to "sweat" and "yawn". Does anyone know what this is called..a good way to treat it..or maybe a good place to find a good vet? Thanks for your time.
06-14-2008, 03:24 AM
I've never heard of this, Jenny, so I can't be of much help. All I would say is it might be a good idea to separate the yawning frog from the others.
06-14-2008, 03:31 AM
I found this....
Spring Disease: Caused by Bacterium ranicida, this lethal disease occurs in certain temperate species during breeding season. Symptoms include continuous yawning, lethargy and skin discoloration. Apparently, there isn't any reliable treatment for this disease, though experimentation with antibiotics may be worthwhile. Consult your vet.
06-14-2008, 03:48 AM
Thanks so much!! I will forsure. I already seperated him...I don't have a big cage for him right now so I think I might have to buy another! Here is a couple pictures of him.
Picasa Web Albums - jennifer - Golden treefr... (
06-14-2008, 04:04 AM
So I have been reading about Spring disease...really sounds just like it...too bad...the poor thing is most likely going to die. Maybe I should bring him back so I don't have to put myself through this, and then he won't be in the same house as my other frogs..which might be better...I'll think this over..make a decision tomorrow.:(
06-14-2008, 04:06 AM
I think you're wise to take him back, Jenny. Why sit and watch him die? And as you say, it might be safer for the others.:(
06-14-2008, 04:17 PM
If it is spring disease then the other frogs will almost likely to have the same condition, the yawning that is often seen in frogs is shedding and in a thin frog it certainly comes across as another problem. i would certainly treat all the frogs for parasites and keep the thinner one seperate inorder that he have the chance to build up his weight without haveing to fight for his food. in multiple groups of frogs bullying is commonplace especially if one frog is smaller and not as easily be able to compete for food. maybe ahve a look at another forum one that is dedicated to frogs.
i use this one talk to the frog (
some of the people on this site actually keep the same species of frog you have bought and will be able to advise you better on its basic needs.
06-16-2008, 06:06 PM
Thankyou both for your advice. I did end up bring him back to the store...I just didn't want to watch him die and put my other frogs in jeapordy. My other frogs are doing really well...they are eating great and look very healthy..I have been watching them close...I have had these frogs for a long time now (well the three golden's are new..but I have had the others for a long! )and I just love them...almost as much as my garters...but not quite!!...LOL!! I will take your advice and bring them to the vet to get them checked offense, but I really hope your wrong when you say my other frogs have it too:-(...I did have a toad that died a while ago from the same thing(atleast it had the same symptoms) He was living with three other toads and they are still to this day healthy as can be so I have hope!!;) Thankx again!!
06-16-2008, 06:08 PM
When I said I had these frogs for awhile...I ment I have kept frogs for awhile..three of them were!! I havn't had golden's before however..always grey.
06-16-2008, 06:15 PM
OH and thanks for the forum recomendation!! I will definatly check it out!!:-)
06-20-2008, 12:19 PM
I am sorry for your situation. In my experience with Petco, mortality rates among their animals are always higher. I will never buy animals from them anymore; I have seen too many of their "sicklings" die. And I would really raise an eyebrow when they put something on special. Our local store is currently on probation for nasty enclosure violations. The whole corporation right now is actually under fire because of their gross negligence. Most of the employees really don't have a clue as to what some of these animals need; some do not even care!
It's often a bummer, when you may not have other good pet stores to choose from. I have visited some horrific ma & pa stores! Luckily for me in our remote location, we have a few good ones, and one awesome store.
Good luck!
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