View Full Version : Feeding and other novice questions

06-09-2008, 11:33 AM
So, there is so many questions... I feel like a four year old asking why, why, why all day...

I gave my MALE snake with a girl name some fresh trout there was no interest there. So I will get a pinkie or two today. He did like the live fish I put in his bowl. But can you tell me the exact kind of fish I am supposed to get? There are several kinds of guppies or maybe there is something better? Do I just put a pinkie in the cage? I have seen that some of you put them in another container... Like a small box? And how much do I give him and how often. I know this will be trial and error, I just don't want his life to depend on my error. I measured him and he is 22 inches but he is pretty skinny definatley not able to eat anything really big... His head is tiny...

Oh and his eyes were only foggy for a day? They are nice and clear now. Why would they do that?

I will owe anyone visiting the Seattle area a pint of beer or two or three for all of my questions... Thank you very much!


Odie: There is pictures (same on both) of him on two of my posts... New Snake Owner & Pictures.

Andy: I live in Kent and my species is a normal wandering garter (Thamnophis elegans vagrans) per some very educated people :) in this forum. I did look at a www.albinogartersnake (http://www.albinogartersnake/), a breeding site and that is exactly what he looks like.

06-09-2008, 11:39 AM
don't feed them any kinds guppies or any of gold fish there bad for there health.if it doesn't like trout try giving it salmon. if your feeding it pinkies you can give it either 4 or 5 of them

06-09-2008, 02:59 PM
their eyes become cloudy when preparing to shed 1-3 days before it sheds their eyes clear up

06-09-2008, 04:25 PM
don't feed them any kinds guppies or any of gold fish there bad for there health.if it doesn't like trout try giving it salmon. if your feeding it pinkies you can give it either 4 or 5 of them

4 or 5? Really? No wonder my guy is still thin? Would this be just to fatten him up or a normal diet for a mid sized male?

Sorry Beaniesmommy, just had to add to your questions! lol I thought I had all of this figured out, but maybe not! Btw I started with a little guy that my kids brought home and have had him for 6 years now. You'll get the hang of it!

06-09-2008, 05:47 PM
4 or 5? Really? No wonder my guy is still thin? Would this be just to fatten him up or a normal diet for a mid sized male?

Sorry Beaniesmommy, just had to add to your questions! lol I thought I had all of this figured out, but maybe not! Btw I started with a little guy that my kids brought home and have had him for 6 years now. You'll get the hang of it!
4 or 5 is the "Fattening diet." However, I'd think that feeding the snake 4 or 5 at 2 day intervals is better; a little bit of food often is better than a lot of food rarely. A fuzzy a week is good for a male that size, possibly with a small treat halfway through the feeding week.

06-09-2008, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the clarification Zephyr! We're doing 2 fuzzies a week for my guy up from two pinkies most of his life, so was just wondering :)