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06-03-2008, 07:21 PM
Today, I'm gonna teach ya'll how to make a perfectly delicious meal for any size garter! I call it mashed tilapia, and it's sure to hit home with even the pickiest eaters!
Step one, gather the ingredients:
Fresh or frozen tilapia, not necessarily thawed as it will be when you're finished.
Goldfish, for scenting purposes, can be substituted with rosy reds.
A blender, for making the "gravy;" you can use a knife for this also.
Miscellaneous bowls, duh.
A knife, yet again, dur dur dur.

ACTUAL step 1. Proceed to dice the tilapia into a sticky paste, placing it to the side in a bowl.
Step 2. Decapitate the goldfish/rosies, either leaving the carcass whole in a bowl until step 4 or placing the body(s) into the blender.
Step 3. Add a slight amount of water to the blender if using one. Turn the blender on, allowing for the fish to be throughly ground into "gravy."
Step 4. Either rapidly roll the fish through the tilapia paste or knead the "gravy" into the paste. If this is your first or second time doing this recipe, it may be better not to add vitamin supplements, so as not to possibly discourage your customers from eating it. Also, if using the whole corpse, be sure to remove the body parts unless feeding to adult snakes.
Step 5. Best served fresh; simply put on a lid or in a feeding bowl. The strong scent of goldfish should attract the snake, who will the proceed to clean his/her plate. This meal can be used to feed large groups of baby snakes, seeing as the mashed tilapia is easily swallowed.

This has been Cooking with Kyle. :P

Snake lover 3-25
06-04-2008, 05:00 AM
wow...... well that helps me!!!!! i'll feed this to Sooty's babies!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

06-04-2008, 06:17 AM
Here's one.
Step 1. Take a piece of tilapia, cut pieces of proper shape and size.
Step 2. Rub them on a goldfish or rosy.
Step 3. Put the goldfish or rosy back in the aquarium.
Step 4. Feed the snake.

Why make the kind of food that's the most difficult to swallow for an animal that has no lips and can't use its tongue to guide food down its throat? Have you properly tested it, Kyle?

06-04-2008, 06:50 AM
Having had a bit more time to think about it, it is starting to look more and more like a bad idea. The snake, which has evolved to specifically eat solid food items, is very, very likely to have problems with mashed tilapia.

06-04-2008, 07:56 AM
I have to say I would have serious problems killing a goldfish and chopping its head off, before or after death. It's interesting to hear of different foods for the garters, but I think I'll pass on this one, lol.

06-04-2008, 09:33 AM
not a great idea.....I just cut pieces of tilapia to the right size for each garter and put it in their cage....they chow down on it without scenting with other fish...

06-04-2008, 10:31 AM
I found the problem with babies is the size of the meal. The mashed isn't exactly "liquid," but it holds enough of a shape for the snakes to swallow it easily. It sticks together when the snake grab it, but if the snakes wishes to break/rub off a dangling/too large of a piece, it can be broken off. Especially with baby snakes, I'm sure there are repercussions to feeding too large of a piece of food. Sorry if the term "mashed" was misleading, I guess a better term would be "minced."