View Full Version : ID please! :P

06-01-2008, 09:01 AM
kingsnake.com Classifieds (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=6&de=598678)

What kind of garters are those? It says eastern but I'm not convinced...

Snake lover 3-25
06-01-2008, 09:02 AM
idk but they don't really look like easterns......:)

06-01-2008, 09:10 AM
one looks like an eastern the other looks like a checker to me

06-01-2008, 09:14 AM
one looks like an eastern the other looks like a checker to meThe site says they were wild caught from his local, which looks like a southern state.

06-01-2008, 09:21 AM
im a bit rusty lol

06-01-2008, 11:03 AM
kingsnake.com Classifieds (http://market.kingsnake.com/detail.php?cat=6&de=598678)

What kind of garters are those? It says eastern but I'm not convinced...
If the seller is correct about them being from South Carolina they have to be T. s sirtalis, all we have here. My opinion is he's correct.

06-01-2008, 11:42 AM
Look like sirtalis to me. The male looks very nice!

el lobo
06-01-2008, 01:49 PM
Third picture down...pretty sure they are both T. s. s. They are beautiful!

06-01-2008, 01:51 PM
I agree, they look like T.s.sirtalis to me.

06-01-2008, 03:59 PM
Those are Florida blue easterns. I'm sure there is a "real" name for them, but that's what most people call them.

06-01-2008, 04:56 PM
both are easterns!!