View Full Version : Still Muddy!

05-31-2008, 07:49 PM
Found this puppy about 10 minutes ago under a big rock.. I never found or seen one this big in my neck of the woods.


http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl6MiO3c7hSRyedUIvaisZAnDmFUiF5kPoiMaEJ S_W0GpkMgCQhns32bPfbYlgXArkI

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl6bVFE-UBxZ3iosceNeqGbXoDzE50dI68dur980UHPBoJs40mvakICU3z P1PPSjo2E

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl4A2XU9aCQa39rfZxgTf4H86V9DyxM1s8yrxdQ Wi4xijhj0w4NPWLlP-7OJsawmYTU

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl5Wquq6DEKDDkmk9pqBcdxEjBUVL0ONSn_8QNJ WzHDXixc55s4dCQNcpzQ7Is6NG_8

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl5HmAShyPCK7WGbxkUJNBcSI3Ld1rO7vrjfY8t J9WgjLZ0pIZbTVgsmTESB5WmrrRs

Snake lover 3-25
05-31-2008, 10:09 PM
Yup pretty big....... how long?????? looks like she may be gravid????????:D

05-31-2008, 11:50 PM
looks like a female thats in shed

06-01-2008, 05:12 AM
very pretty

06-01-2008, 05:15 AM
Shes probablly around 2 feet. That would be cool if she was gravid.. She looks to be in shed to me to, noticed it last night when i was watching her with a flashlight. The blue really came out in her eyes..

06-01-2008, 05:20 AM
Very nice find and good photos. Thanks for sharing.

06-01-2008, 05:47 AM
ya know now that I think of it, I choose not to re-freeze my pinkys after I fail to feed my garters :) So I threw them outside on the edge of my lawn / woods. She was under the rock directly next to where the pinkys where.. I checked this morning to see if I could find the pinkys but couldn't. Maybe she already had a meal on the "house" :D

06-01-2008, 07:52 AM
lol she probably thought you had opened a free snack bar :)

06-01-2008, 08:59 AM
I found another big one today and two babies... I think they come out a bit later up here in the north due to weather. I did not keep any I have no more room :) I am goning to go out in a bit and try to get some "natural" pics. Im not sure I have any other garters besides "Easterns" in Maine. I am going to do some research on that and see.

Snake lover 3-25
06-01-2008, 09:01 AM
you can check with the snake finder on the links page of this site!!!:D

06-01-2008, 09:24 AM
I found another big one today and two babies... I think they come out a bit later up here in the north due to weather. I did not keep any I have no more room :) I am goning to go out in a bit and try to get some "natural" pics. Im not sure I have any other garters besides "Easterns" in Maine. I am going to do some research on that and see.
I believe you may have northern ribbon snakes and maritimes.

06-01-2008, 10:28 AM
Well I spoke to soon !! I found a few more easterns I got a pic of one.

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl7T4dpGHrjF1iKtI3ZvdSy7QDcPYKBgV1WvGnM qeq4ZEcG_xg3rboUwEblsnMi70f4

It is AMAZING they live in the wild so long.. They are so funny! This guy would poke his head out and wiggle around everytime I walked 5 feet away. He did bite me and drew blood.. My first snake bite!!! weeeeeee!

And I am pretty pumped about this find and just might have to add it to my collection..


What is this guy???

...and more of him...

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl5KGryemn8vBFCWzRdEpnCCK5GrpiEImx0zIJ7 mdtggV3bM72o85odQNY3OQXLpxZI

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl7CLoufOYRmxZBkq3_qEI7ceQlVzU_asngn5xR 2viekb_uuRJl5aZvcWsB0nWF66Bw


http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl5BbyM4sOdtwhnLTFSJhyFi3F0iPUczPs7pqgG 2goJ2e9iuc9hPs-QG6NEhZ5N4sOM

06-01-2008, 10:33 AM
Northern ringneck snake I think.
Eats worms, slugs, salamanders, and snails.

Snake lover 3-25
06-01-2008, 12:12 PM
WOW cool snake!!!!!:D:D:D:D

06-01-2008, 12:18 PM
It is a Northern Ringneck and I would think it better to just let it go, they are very hard to get to eat and the one I had ended up dead, but it is your call, they like damp leafy like substrate, and eat mainly worms, very nice find and a good sized one to boot.........:)

06-01-2008, 12:20 PM
Here's the one I had..........


06-01-2008, 12:24 PM
It is a Northern Ringneck and I would think it better to just let it go, they are very hard to get to eat and the one I had ended up dead, but it is your call, they like damp leafy like substrate, and eat mainly worms, very nice find and a good sized one to boot.........:)

I think I'm with you. After reading a bit about them I am also seeing they are tough to keep captive. I may give him a week or two to see if he will eat.

06-01-2008, 12:26 PM
I think I'm with you. After reading a bit about them I am also seeing they are tough to keep captive. I may give him a week or two to see if he will eat.

thats a good idea, and then after that if she doesn't eat let her go....;)

06-01-2008, 12:30 PM
Look like they have some *mild* venom also in there "rear" teeth, however can rarely get their rear teeth into humans.. Kind of interesting I guess :rolleyes: and if they did it would pretty much just itch.. Tough little guy :D

06-01-2008, 12:33 PM
yes, awsome little buggers they are, and they to come in little verying colors.......:D