View Full Version : The things I do.... (pics)

05-10-2008, 08:16 PM
..for my girls.

Hello, Everyone. This is a really slick forum! Nice work!

I am a 30 year old single father of the two most precious girls in the world Kiah (4 in Aug.) & Kalin (3 in Jan). One day last fall the girls and I were outside "exploring" and ran across a garter snake... then a second one. So one thing led to another and I was at the pet store spending a hundred bucks.

We were able to pull these two guys through the winter with no issues what so ever. The kids love them! It is also a good way to keep em away from our sl#t breeding society aka brat dolls and such.

Today me and the girls found our third garter outside in an old logging trail. As of today we have the three garters, a leopard Gecko and a green anole. I house them all in the same tank. I have had no problems yet.

Well here are some pics. You will probably see many questions from me in the near future, just wanted to introduce myself and my critters in this post...

(and back to the post title... Truth be told I am hooked on these guys now so thanks to my girls at 2 & 3 for introducing me to a great new little world.)

The newest addition. (Big Red)


The smaller of the first two we caught. (Thing Two)

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl5OXm0w_8dw7I42XCNInDk5TDTTgkdvKGAvZRS TE_NCDxAbVY07Bi-wkIqE4vxiNtk

The bigger of the first two. (Thing One)


This is Grover!

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl7dQ2KLdmY4OC92G6a4JNl6_5nWNsqtFVg5DBy eIr7sjtLdp1dGZGRE9GFc3CSUfI4

And this is Elmo!

http://byfiles.storage.live.com/y1pj1s4pia8Zl4fPYhgj6P9DKuNVQNs1UawEPQSsAO_erM9i4r W3qOqmsMBVHIqIWoJEZhpJtiM5_w

My enclosure


Any suggestions to make this more snake friendly is welcome, Aspen base with bark top.

I guess six pics is the max. Well thats them not nearly as cool looking as some I've seen here but I like them just the same.

See ya!

05-11-2008, 03:25 AM
Hi Brett, and welcome to the forum.:)
Nice story, and nice pics too.

05-11-2008, 04:54 AM
hi and welcome
we used to have two garters called Thing One and Thing Two
over time they became Thing One and Whizzy Thing - now Thing and Whizzy
nice photos

05-11-2008, 04:58 AM
Nice introduction, Brett. Welcome to a great forum.

05-11-2008, 06:22 AM
Welcome on this beautifull forum Brett!

today me and the girls found our third garter outside in an old logging trail. As of today we have the three garters, a leopard Gecko and a green anole. I house them all in the same tank. I have had no problems yet.

Keep an good eye on this combination. Leopardgeckos originate from the arid parts of afghanistan / iraque / iran. Anoles originate from moist forests in the united states. I not syaing you shouldn't keep them together, because that is always you're choise, but it might be wise to seperate the species.

05-11-2008, 07:10 AM
Welcome aboard, Brett. :)

I don't recommend keeping any combination of snakes and lizards together, though. Especially not desert species with tropical species and species from a temperate climate. ;)

05-11-2008, 07:29 AM
Hello, and welcome!:)
That's a beautiful introductory story, and a lovely collection of critters!
Are those snakes still babies? They look tiny in the photos. If so, you'll probably need a considerably larger tank for them as they grow.
Prepare to spend more money at the pet shop, Brett...........:D

05-11-2008, 08:44 AM
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

This tank is actually my second one so the petstore and me are becoming good buddies. Given your suggestions due to enviromental issues it does sound like a good idea to seperate them. I have a smaller tank I might put the gecko in. I did try to simulate a few environments in the current enclosure with sand under the log for the Gecko and sand in other spots.

As to the snakes size I guess they are babies, I have had the two for almost a year and they have shed probably three times. Does this sound like the norm? The biggest of the two just recently had a third shed which seemed to be a nice big full shed. Where as the others I found smaller peices around the tank.

I assume these snakes are all easterns? The new one has the same markings just has red on it instead.

Thanks again.

05-11-2008, 09:59 AM
hello brett! lovely animals you've got there, I just have one question... the picture with the garter in the water bowl... that looks like a gold fish on the side there... is it? if so you may not have known that goldfish are toxic to garter snakes... if you are using goldfish feeders I would switch right away!

but anyways, I love the leo, I used to keep leopard gecko's and sometimes I miss having them!

05-11-2008, 10:34 AM
hello brett! lovely animals you've got there, I just have one question... the picture with the garter in the water bowl... that looks like a gold fish on the side there... is it? if so you may not have known that goldfish are toxic to garter snakes... if you are using goldfish feeders I would switch right away!

It's actually a danios.. A big one forgot the exact kind.. Are these OK?!?! I thought I read somewhere they are.

but anyways, I love the leo, I used to keep leopard gecko's and sometimes I miss having them!

Yea he is great, good for the kids because he is slow and pokey... We actually take him outside in the sand box from time to time :)

....and OT I assume my posts are being moderated because im new?? How long does this last before they realize im not a spammer ;)


05-11-2008, 11:25 AM
....and OT I assume my posts are being moderated because im new?? How long does this last before they realize im not a spammer ;)

I'm sorry about that, Brett... I went off doing other stuff for a while!
You're right, your early posts do go into a moderation queue... I have no control over it, it's automatic. You may be clear to post 'unmoderated' now, or maybe just one more.

05-11-2008, 11:37 AM
hello and welcome Brett, nice collection you have going there...........:)

Snake lover 3-25
05-11-2008, 05:00 PM
VERY cute I LOVE ALL of them!!!!!:D

05-11-2008, 05:21 PM
welcome to the forum.
hope you are learning as much as me, im fairly new too and my head pretty much spins from the info you can get from these guys.
seperate the species if you can, it will be better and safer in the long run.

05-12-2008, 12:20 AM
I like the way they moderate post for the first few times
more forums should have it

btw awesome snakes