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05-10-2008, 01:18 PM
I like Horror films but why do they make Snake,Aligator,Crocodile and Spider films and make the said creatures very hungry all the time.
Lake Placid was ok but really an Aligator firstly growing that big and eating constantly. Also the same can be said for Anacondor 1&2.
Really again if a Snake or any of the others got that big they would only need to eat a big meal once a week or longer as it would take a while for it to digest such a meal. Size would not make it more hungry. It is an insult to our intelligence. I have not seen Snakes on a plane or the one on a train but should a lot of venomous Snakes escape in such transport they would head for some where hot and not go around bitting humans.
Haveing said all that the look of surprise on the Bears face when the Aligator grabs it in Lake Placid is worth watching. Also Radiation has a lot to answer for in these films. It is the exsuse they need. As in Eight Legged Freikes. Spiders growing to huge proportions and all being crontroled by one type of spider(I dont think so). They would all go of on there own and not cooporate witheach other. If you enjoy these films thats ok as i have watched lots of them and take them with a pinch of salt.

Lori P
05-10-2008, 03:33 PM
Lake Placid is one of my favorite films simply for the actor's roles... I loooove Oliver Platt and he's so perfect in this one, Brendan Gleeson so dead pan and trying to cover his irish accent, Betty White and her sweet face and heavy sarcasm-- the whole thing was so well cast. Well, I don't really like Bridget Fonda all that much but the others make up for it.

I tend to watch movies for who's in them, and not so much the plot. So I'm not a very good overall reviewer.

Lori P
05-10-2008, 03:38 PM
Oh, Anaconda is another one I like, just for Jon Voight's role. Don't know why, just love him in it. And, I'll watch anything with Owen Wilson. lol

05-10-2008, 05:48 PM
There is a species of spider in the middle east that has a social hunting network :D ... and in equador. But yeah ... those movies annoy me ... I have to say the annaconda ones annoy me the most.

05-10-2008, 06:24 PM
yea....I thought anaconda sucked! I did like lake placid!! loved Betty White's comments!!!! she was a riot!!!

05-10-2008, 06:25 PM
There need to be more snake comedy films. Like some old dude trying to get a garter den out from under his house. XD

05-11-2008, 07:02 AM
Come on, Lake Placid doesn't deserve to be in that company, it was funny as hell. :D Intentionally!

Just don't watch Lake Placid 2. Please don't. Seriously.