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View Full Version : must vent!!!

05-07-2008, 04:59 PM
okay I use to have this great bush out side my house, it was a snake magnet an every year it would yeald snake after snake, well they pulled it up today.
verry mad this is a bunch of bovine waste products .
just so mad.
I just got a snake from that bush ,just 3 days ago. and now its gone.
glad I got the last snake from the snake bush, its a dekays snake like sal and a girl snake to boot, so sal is very happy. but I am sad thAT my magical bush is gone!
now I will have to search high and low for snakes that I am sure will never come back to my front yard.
bummed so bad . was in shock that tha landlord took them out!!
how dare he remove a bush from his house!!!
just kiddin, oooooo just really pis&*.
thanks for letting mye vent
a verry sad , michelle

05-07-2008, 05:09 PM
The local snake population will soon find an alternative bush, Michelle. Don't worry.

05-07-2008, 05:25 PM
If you had all those snakes in a bush right outside your front door, just imagine how many are in nearby fields and vacant areas. They're probably a lot closer than you think!:)
I have to travel halfway across the city to find an area to look for snakes. Not one near my house, even in the bushes.

05-07-2008, 05:55 PM
well I live in the city too,
and there are no real woods here only public parks, but I still can go there and check near the water.
but ooooo just so mad, my snake bush is gone

05-07-2008, 05:58 PM
yea james your right , it was just to convienent to go out side my door and snag a snake, crying... heeee...
will get over it though!!

05-07-2008, 06:01 PM
Yeah, I can see how that would be upsetting.
I'd feel the same way if the neighbours cut down the big tree in their yard. Lots of neat birds, especially a couple of woodpeckers, hang out there, and I'd miss seeing them. But I have no right to stop them from it either.
I hope you find another place to snake-watch soon, Michelle.