View Full Version : Sooty injured!!!
Snake lover 3-25
05-04-2008, 06:29 PM
so Sooty the snake i've had for 1 week today has some kind of injury... when i first inspected him about a day or so after i found him i noticed a wound that at the time seemed to be a scar or a mostly healed wound at the most... but today he didn't eat... the first time since he got here... i tried everything but and he started to eat a mouse but then droped it and wouldn't eat anything else... so i picked him up hoping to warm him and get him to eat... i noticed that his wound has turned from black/ almost skin color to an orangy brown... with all of the recent snake sicknesses and infections i am very woried!!!!! i will try to post pics but all of the bateries are dead... i steralized his cage and put in paper towel...please help!!! :(:(:(
05-05-2008, 04:43 AM
where on him is the wound?
how big is it and what shape?
do you get any sense of what might have caused it?
is it swollen, soft, is there fluid seeping out?
can you be more descriptive in lieu of photos?
05-05-2008, 10:32 AM
Shanley, do I understand from what you're saying that you have been feeding this snake every day? If so it's not surprising he won't eat today. Even if I misunderstand you, one week is not a long time for a new snake to refuse food. I think you have done right to provide sterile conditions until the wound has been 'looked at', but don't panic yet. The fact the he started to eat the mouse before he dropped it is a good sign. Get some new batteries for that camera!
Snake lover 3-25
05-05-2008, 02:19 PM
where on him is the wound?
how big is it and what shape?
do you get any sense of what might have caused it?
is it swollen, soft, is there fluid seeping out?
can you be more descriptive in lieu of photos?
the wounds are about 3 inches and 5 inches down from his head...
they look like puncture wounds, like a fox got him before i did
there's not realy anything comeing out but his scale is damaged and it's brownish orange near the wound:(:(:(
Shanley, do I understand from what you're saying that you have been feeding this snake every day? If so it's not surprising he won't eat today. Even if I misunderstand you, one week is not a long time for a new snake to refuse food. I think you have done right to provide sterile conditions until the wound has been 'looked at', but don't panic yet. The fact the he started to eat the mouse before he dropped it is a good sign. Get some new batteries for that camera!
no he ate a little on sunday and on wednesday.... but i'm not really woried about him not eating... it just led me to the discovery of his wounds and he is usually very enthusiastic about feeding but he didn't even seem interested in it....:( but thanks for the encouragment:D:D
05-05-2008, 08:09 PM
Oh, dear.
I hope Sooty will be alright, Shanley. It's no fun when they're not well.:(
Snake lover 3-25
05-06-2008, 07:00 PM
Sorry they took SOOOOOO long.....:(
Snake lover 3-25
05-06-2008, 07:06 PM
i'm trying to get better ones...... SORRY!!!!!:(
05-06-2008, 07:22 PM
Looks like a cut to me. Or, I'm not sure of the proper term, but one of those sores from too much humidity. A blister? Some one correct me on this. XD
Snake lover 3-25
05-06-2008, 07:53 PM
Maybe these will help????
05-06-2008, 11:52 PM
Looks like a cut to me. Or, I'm not sure of the proper term, but one of those sores from too much humidity. A blister? Some one correct me on this. XD
I was thinking the same thing about it looking like a moisture sore or blister, although I definitely am not a vet.
I would make sure the water is kept very clean and that the bedding is kept dry, for starters. Maybe make sure he isnt soaking too much in the water dish too. Hopefully if you keep him in clean conditions, with proper heat and ventilation, the sores will begin to heal.
Like James said, if you have only had him in captivity for a week, he may still be settling in, so he might refuse food at times. Try to leave him alone as much as possible for the first few weeks, other than when you are cleaning the cage, or inspecting him.
I only feed my adult garters once a week, sometimes only every 2 weeks if they are full grown and in good condition- but I average once a week, although I feed rodents which I think seem to hold them over a little longer than fish and worms and such.
Make sure he has a good hiding spot or 2(so he can hide in a cooler spot or warm spot), and disturb him as little as possible in the time a few hours before, and also during, feeding.
Hopefully he will shed soon, and that will help heal also. Also, if he is just starting to prepare to shed, it might not look obvious yet, but it could affect his appetite.
05-07-2008, 01:17 AM
Shanley, those sores are the beginnings of 'scale rot' I'm afraid. This is normally brought on by damp or dirty conditions. You will need to thoroughly clean the tank, replace the substrate with kitchen paper or similar and reduce the size of the water dish for a while. If you keep the snake in sterile conditions until it's next shed, it should improve by itself.... that said, a little Neosporin couldn't hurt. Don't ignore these early signs, it can become very bad, very quickly.
05-07-2008, 06:58 AM
James beat me to it, but I was about to say scale rot aka "Blister disease" as well.
Blister disease: Is common in many captive reptiles. It is most often associated with the maintenance of these animals in damp, filthy environments. The first sign is usually a pink to red appearance of the bottom-most scales. Later, these scales become swollen and infected by bacteria and fungi. Treatment involves use of topical and injectable antibiotics. Further, the underlying sanitation and hygiene problems must be corrected. Blister disease is preventable if you are aware of it and if the enclosure in which captive snakes are housed is kept dry and scrupulously clean.
Please keep in mind that this doesn't mean you caused it Shanley!! He could have been hanging around somewhere damp and dirty outside, to start it off. Just be sure to keep everything dry, sanitized, and use a good antibiotic ointment, as has already been mentioned by the others.
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 12:56 PM
oh no!!!! but as soon as this started he started to soak in his dish more.... especially in that part of his body... i took a pic of him doing it this morning and i was going to post it.... and so since he had neosporin on i figured that he must be contaminating his drinking water so i added not only a second water dish but a third also!!!!!!!!!!
oh no, oh no!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:( Wouldn't he realize that soaking was making it worse?????!!!!!!! oh no!!!!!!!!!
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 12:58 PM
but when i got him he had it but it was black..... and his cage was clean... and not damp at al.... only one small shallow dish.... then it started to get worse......
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 01:59 PM
woooooo wait a sec........i remember meadow (adult female snake) had something like this........ i didn't get a pic of her with it.... but i do have the sheds..... here are som pics... i have more.... and she still has a scar...... so i'll take one of that too!!! the first 3 are more of sooty.... the rest are meadow's sheds..... there are more... hold on....
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 02:08 PM
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 02:08 PM
that spot is about 2-3 in above her cloca.....
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 02:09 PM
but it has shown up in her last 4 sheds........
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 02:59 PM
but hers just went away... i didn't even clean her cage.....
05-07-2008, 03:01 PM
It's not very extensive, Shanley. I think if you do as I advised early on in this thread, it may clear up by itself again...... but keep a really close eye on it. Hygiene is the key with this.
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 03:04 PM
okay.... so i should just keep putting on the neosp. and keep it on the paper towel w/ less water???
also it's not contageous right?????
05-07-2008, 03:19 PM
I don't know for sure that it's not contageous. It might be safest to presume it is.
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 03:30 PM
oh...... they're in diff cages and haven't touched.... but his cage is just above hers.... is that okay????
05-07-2008, 03:32 PM
It should be, but clean etc. her first, then him. Strict hygiene, Shanley.
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 03:34 PM
okay... i've been washing my hands before and after i handle him which is only to clean his cage and put on neosp.
05-07-2008, 03:35 PM
Last summer 3 of my WC snakes showed similar injuries. Rick thought it might be scale rot and suggest an antifungal. I used Neosporin AF (their antifungal cream), and it cleared up more with each successive shed. They were pretty well healed when I released them. Here is a scan of what it looked like. P.S. this was done by placing the snake on my scanner rather than a photo, smart person on this site suggested doing that (don't remember who:() but it works like a charm for doing snake bellies. :D
Snake lover 3-25
05-07-2008, 03:47 PM
wow thanks!!!! but i don't have a scanner.....:( LOL but that's just like mine!!!! i'm using bacitracin.... do you think that alot of the WC snakes get it from the switch/ change in environment/humidity????????
05-07-2008, 06:31 PM
I caught mine in the spring, just out of burmination, so they probably were in contact with a damp environment (in holes around the pool and under the solar heater) for quite a while. That may have something to do with it. Snakes have a petty tough life on the outside. The snakes that were in my sunroom did not show any signs of it, but they were probably in a dryer environment (under the floor) all winter. Just a guess on my part.:rolleyes:
BTW: That is a gravid female if that helps anyone with sexing.
05-08-2008, 02:29 AM
I agree.
If the snake keeps soaking, make sure it doesnt have mites, another reason for soaking.
Also, you could always remove the water dish and just offer water to it for a short time every day or 2. Then it wont soak too much, and you can assure it has clean water.
Snake lover 3-25
05-08-2008, 02:52 PM
yes i found mine this spring too!!! wait you mean SOOTY????!!!!!!! i thaught it was a male!!!!! you dont mean this one right????
and yes i took out it's water except for one small shallow dish that it doesn't soak in.......
Snake lover 3-25
05-09-2008, 01:40 PM
yay he's going into shed!!!!! his eyes are just starting to turn blue!!!! i thaught they were a little less bright yesterday!!!!!!:D:D:D:D but unf. i think that it's 2/3 layers deep.....:(:(
05-09-2008, 01:41 PM
Hopefully you'll see a difference in him, even after this one slough.
Snake lover 3-25
05-09-2008, 01:46 PM
i hope so.. but i think that it was from brumation.... because he was kept in clean conditions and he only had one small shallow dish.....:D:D:D
Snake lover 3-25
05-12-2008, 04:46 PM
okay i thaught of a new thing.... we already know that neosporin and bacitracin are safe for snakes.... but has anybody ever thaught about spray on band-aids??? i mean for an open wound... not so much for scale rot... :D just wondering...... it is an interesting idea.....
Snake lover 3-25
05-13-2008, 08:00 PM
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooty's HEALED!!!!!!!!! his scale rot was only one layer deep!!!!!!!!!!! and the best part is that i got to help!!!!!! i helped till the last second!!!!!! i even checked on him right when his shed was just curling over the tip of his nose!!!! so i got to help him shed as well!!!!! and now he's HANSOME!!!!!!! he's SOOOOO cool i can see so many diff. colors in him it's amazing!!!!! but if i posted pics..... (when i post them......) i don't think that the colors will show up very well.......:( i'm SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!:D
05-13-2008, 08:15 PM
thats happy :D. now post pics.:)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooty's HEALED!!!!!!!!! his scale rot was only one layer deep!!!!!!!!!!! and the best part is that i got to help!!!!!! i helped till the last second!!!!!! i even checked on him right when his shed was just curling over the tip of his nose!!!! so i got to help him shed as well!!!!! and now he's HANSOME!!!!!!! he's SOOOOO cool i can see so many diff. colors in him it's amazing!!!!! but if i posted pics..... (when i post them......) i don't think that the colors will show up very well.......:( i'm SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!:D
Snake lover 3-25
05-13-2008, 08:24 PM
lol time to go to sleep.......
(still doing HW) :( maybe i should have done that b4 playing with my pets?????:D
05-14-2008, 04:13 AM
so glad, Sooty's all fine now - yay!
Glad to hear the good news, Shanley.:)
05-14-2008, 06:01 PM
Great news!! Glad it was only a single layer of skin. Now you'll be able to stop worrying so much about Sooty!:)
Snake lover 3-25
05-14-2008, 08:30 PM
yeah right now i just have to worry about her DELIVERY!!!!!!:D
05-15-2008, 07:24 AM
Well, there's always something, Shanley! Guess I should have said "now you can worry a little less"!:D
Snake lover 3-25
05-15-2008, 09:58 AM
LOL yeah lol but at least i'll have some babies this year even if they weren't from the right mother!!!:D
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