View Full Version : How to make them hibernate without killing them

04-30-2008, 06:09 PM
hey i just found two common garter snakes and i got them sex from a professional vetrinarian and one is a male and one isa female and i might be planning on breeding them during the next spring but that means i'm gonna have to hibernate them but i don't how too. so i need ur help to tell me what kind of supplies i need

04-30-2008, 08:17 PM
i made a brumation sectioon in the general caresheet

hey i just found two common garter snakes and i got them sex from a professional vetrinarian and one is a male and one isa female and i might be planning on breeding them during the next spring but that means i'm gonna have to hibernate them but i don't how too. so i need ur help to tell me what kind of supplies i need