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View Full Version : Got Adelophis?

04-28-2008, 12:45 AM
Hi, this is nick and i have been researching on other species of natricinae and i came accross some info linking the species adelophis with thamnophis and i have looked everywhere for photos of one, i guess they are called meadow snakes and they are supposed to look and be similar to garters even in dna so if any has any pics or knows of where i could find some then that would be appreciated thanks, nick

04-28-2008, 05:55 AM
Hi Nick, I searched my entire herpetological library, but can't find a single photo of Adelophis. They're actually more akin to Storeria than they are to Thamnophis.

Maybe our resident 'Google Meister' (Stefan) can find a photo on-line.

04-28-2008, 06:22 AM
Maybe our resident 'Google Meister' (Stefan) can find a photo on-line.
Sorry, no. I think they saw the last one before the camera was invented. ;) Couldn't find foxi or copei.

It's highly unlikely that I would find a picture, we probably use the same source.

04-29-2008, 10:52 PM
lol haha yea i guess, well darnit, according to the report that rossman gave, IN 1960 something, lol he said that the dna almost matched that of the garter snakes and darn i wanna see them, and even if i were to get my carcas over to mexico i doubt ill find because there range is no more thann the size of a needle head on a map so hmm phoooey!!! lol well thanks anyways guys....im still lookin for smooth green snakes lol lol lol

04-30-2008, 08:21 PM
I find smooth green snakes by the truckload in northwestern PA in late summer.... but only on my grandparents farm. I think they do so well there because its a large amount of property with no humans, and not as many predators because it's a farm and there are also lots of places to hide and propagate