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View Full Version : A Step forward, as well as some observations...

04-27-2008, 07:30 PM
So today, I went herping with my assistant Johnny. While at the plots, we found no snakes. So, while we were checking a compost heap, a man came up and asked us what we were doing. I said looking for snakes, and he said he'd showed us where to find them. So, we looked in his plot and found a dekay's hiding beneath a hay bail. After a few more snakes, and a ton of explanations about them, we found out that he's the manager of the Henry Ford estate visitor services! Better yet, he was so impressed by my knowledge that he wants me to teach a program in the field about snakes! I'm so excited! Seeing as he was the manager, he allowed us to "trespass" into peoples plots in search of snakes, and I made a few very interesting observations:
1. The ratio of male to female snakes of both garters and dekays snakes varies with the season. It appears as if males are more predominant as they spread out in a manifest destiny sort of way, seeking resources and following females. The garden plots not only provides multiple resources, but also various hides and shelters from weather. It also sits on the edge of viable garter turf, so as the garters spread out they collect here. Although we found both male and female garters, only female dekays were found. Whether or not the males prefer a different place to hang is yet to be discovered.
2. The main diet of garter snakes in the plot is worms! Yep, the high density of worms in the area allows the garters an unlimited source of food, and seeing as the soil is relatively moist and hides are easy to come by, the snakes have access to food at almost any given time. Every plot has a compost corner or some other moisture source, allowing worms to be found on ground level.
3. Garters seek other snakes to "board" with for the night. This may sound odd, but it appears as if the snakes know that being together with another snake conserves their body heat. We found garters clustered together under boards and newspaper, as well as a female-female pair of garter AND dekays snakes wrapped into a tight ball! We found another pair of garter-dekays as well. Most of the hides were identical underneath, meaning that the snakes must've sough each other out instead of remaining apart.

04-28-2008, 04:10 PM
way cool, Kyle
prepping and teaching is going to be great fun

so how often will you go back there to collect data
and where are the photos of the garter dekays ball?

04-28-2008, 04:11 PM
Good point, Rhea... where are the photos, Kyle?:confused:

04-28-2008, 04:23 PM
Well, unfortunately I was caught up in the moment with most of those snakes, but I will most definitely get pics when I head back on Wednesday!

Lori P
04-28-2008, 05:15 PM
Very, very cool Kyle!!! Way to go!!

04-28-2008, 06:29 PM
Wonderful news, Kyle! What an awesome opportunity for you!
And I also expect some pictures of these interesting observations you've made.......;)

04-28-2008, 06:48 PM
Should be heading back there Wednesday. :P