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04-27-2008, 11:21 AM
This may be a silly question but I'm going to ask it just to make sure.

I know that I can have more then one garter in a cage but can I have more then one of different types? Say Puget Sound Garter and Albino Garter? Those were just two that were picked, the care of garters is the same all the way around is it not? So what risks would there be of having two or three different types vs having two or three of the same types.

I know the normal risks, one might not eat which would be taken care of as they would be removed from the cage to eat. Won't be able to tell who has pooped and who has not and if there is a regurge won't know who it was from. So other then the normal reasons are there any others ones for my question above? I really dont want to hear about all the normal stuff that I tell people all the time. Just any reasons I may not know.


04-27-2008, 11:59 AM
I really dont want to hear about all the normal stuff that I tell people all the time. Just any reasons I may not know.

Just tell us everything you know, then we'll know what we need to tell you.;)

Of course there is always the chance of unwanted cross breeding.

04-27-2008, 12:09 PM
If it would be done I would try to have all the same gender. I don't feel like messing around with breeding right now.

Lets see problems with co-habing. Everything is amusing the snakes are 100% in good health.

Not knowning who eats and when. (Would be taken care of by feeding in another tank.)
Not knowning who pooped and who has not. (Is that a big problem as long as there is the same number of poos as snakes?)
Not knowing which one regurged. (Would put them all on an regurge plan)
Stress. (The cage would be large enough so each would have the space they need)
They may eat each other. ( A risk but how often is it if they are all about the same size?)

I think thats about all, of course my brain is watching a movie while I try to do this.

I really just want to know if I can have more then one species in a cage.

04-27-2008, 12:13 PM
Apart from the breeding question, I believe there is no problem in housing multiple Garter species in one viv. It would be the same as housing multiples of the same species.

04-27-2008, 12:20 PM
Thanks that what I needed to know.