View Full Version : Herping

04-20-2008, 12:11 AM
okay so i went herping today, didnt find any snakes (was kinda cold) i found lots of blue bellies, ca slender salamanders, and 1 alligator lizard, ive decided to keep the alligator lizard because ive had some before and had good experiences, (i also caught one in my back yard yesturday) im hoping that ones male ones female then i can breed them hatch the young and let them go in my back yard (just for fun) but alen the one i caught today has some ticks around and a little bit in his ear, i tweezered off (that was hard, for little lizards alligator lizards bite hard) all the ticks i could, but what should i do for the ones kinda in his ear, and can there be ones completely in his ear that i cant see? lizard experts how should i get him tick free?

04-20-2008, 01:14 AM
are you referring to the tiny orange mites??? they can be treated like any other mite. they stay on lizards, never have seen them go onto snakes...snakes have the pesky little black ones. ticks are larger and drop off when they have had their fill of blood.

04-20-2008, 09:33 AM
there 1 or 2 orange ones then some ticks, i guess ill keep cleaning the cage and tweezering the ones i see off

are you referring to the tiny orange mites??? they can be treated like any other mite. they stay on lizards, never have seen them go onto snakes...snakes have the pesky little black ones. ticks are larger and drop off when they have had their fill of blood.

04-20-2008, 09:50 AM
Ticks can easily be killed by smearing them with a little Vaseline (petroleum jelly). This blocks the tracheal spiracle (breathing hole) and suffocates them.... then they fall off!

04-20-2008, 10:00 AM
I have always used reptile relief for both the little red mites, and for ticks. I rub it over them from head to toe, and put it on around the face with a q-tip. Once every 5-7 days for at least 3 treatments.
Regardless of how you treat it, keep it away from your other herps until you do, and wash your hands very good inbetween, and dont let the lizards touch your clothes and other stuff that the other herps might touch.- just to be safe. Remember, you cant always see baby mites/ticks.
Almost every aligator lizard I find has mites and ticks.
I havent seen the red mites on snakes either-yet, knock on wood, but I'd still be careful.

charles parenteau
05-02-2008, 06:48 AM
Yey .Today I will herping with Philippe Blais.We will go to 2 or 3 location for flame...we can't go to the best spot because its still full of snow(snow dump)... hope to find a pair ..

05-02-2008, 06:57 AM
Yey .Today I will herping with Philippe Blais.We will go to 2 or 3 location for flame...we can't go to the best spot because its still full of snow(snow dump)... hope to find a pair ..

Okay, now I am officially VERY jealous.:D:D Can you find a pair for me too?

charles parenteau
05-02-2008, 03:23 PM
We caught 4 female orange estern garter with amount of orange ganna show you some pic a soon as possible .Have to clean their skin all muddy or brownish .

05-02-2008, 03:33 PM
Ticks can easily be killed by smearing them with a little Vaseline (petroleum jelly). This blocks the tracheal spiracle (breathing hole) and suffocates them.... then they fall off!
hes right works on mammels and reptiles :)