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04-19-2008, 05:39 PM
Just thought of something. Garter snakes are often found sunning themselves which means that they are absorbing a lot of UVB rays from the sun. I personally have never used a UVB light with my snakes, but maybe I should? Do they receive vitamin D3 from worms and fish? I know that mouse eaters would get it from their prey but how much would they get from worms? Should I use calcium with D3 for them?

Sorry, I just got to thinking about it.

04-19-2008, 05:45 PM
Personally, I don't use UVB lighting for my Garters, Tori. I don't think they need it. I know that some others disagree. It certainly can't do any harm, especially if they have plenty of hides and can get away from it if they want to.

I think a good, varied diet is very important.... I use as many known 'safe' fish varieties as I can get, pinky mice, earthworms and occasional amphibians. I try to offer four different prey items every week.

04-19-2008, 06:27 PM
as far as I know, only lizards and turtles need the UVB lighting....a good varied diet is best for them1

04-19-2008, 09:29 PM
I've never had UV lighting. The local reptile store staff ensured me it wasn't necessary for the garters, but for my own peace of mind, I keep the tanks on the side of the room where the late afternoon sun shines for a couple hours. (not directly in front of the window of course!!)
Don't know if it makes an iota of difference to the snakes, but I like to think they enjoy the little sunbath every day!;)