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View Full Version : Some pic's of my animals

12-30-2006, 05:48 PM
I find it quite frustrating that I can only share 4 pics every post, so I'm redirecting you to this thread on a Dutch forum. There are 20 pics in the post:
kousebandslangenforum :: Bekijk onderwerp - redelijk wat foto's :) (http://thamnophis.multiforum.nl/viewtopic.php?t=73&mforum=thamnophis)

Recently I acquired 3 new concinnus and an albino marcianus. Of course I also included some pics of my older snakes. My snakes are not asleep, because I had a sudden death and did not prepare them for brumation... Enjoy the pics.

12-30-2006, 06:07 PM
Great pictures Snaky. Thanks for sharing with us. I have some new pics of my consinnus pair and will upload them to the gallery soon.


12-30-2006, 06:18 PM
Can you tell us more about the sudden death? How do you think it happened?

12-30-2006, 06:38 PM
You have very nice snakes! I'm not sure what kind of garter I'll get next, maybe a flame, but that'll be a long time away.

12-31-2006, 05:03 AM
Can you tell us more about the sudden death? How do you think it happened?
I think I mentioned it in my introduction. I had a male cyrtopsis. One day when I came home, I found him with a part of his body very rigid and he used to be very active when he saw me and now he just stayed laying there. I called my vet (reptile specialist), but he was in vacation. I got another vet on the phone (non-reptile specialist), but he couldn't help me. So of course, I hoped that he would survive the weekend, but the day afterwards the snake was death.

As the snake eat 2 days before and I never had problems with him, I went for an autopsy on monday. But that didn't give any solution. They could only tell me that the snake had eaten recently. No fractures or sudden trauma's. No obstructions of any kind. They did tell me that they found quite some fat. What made me change my feeding periods to every 3 weeks. But I never had such deaths, so I decided to not take them in brumation in case it was some kind of desease. Luckily no other snake shows any symptoms till now.

edit: thanks for the positive reactions :)