View Full Version : Its a little slow today...
Snake lover 3-25
03-31-2008, 05:53 PM
so I decided to ask this:
Do your pets have any strange qualities or habits?
for example...
my cat sometimes sits in the sink and she eats my dog's food:p
my snake crawls up my leg after I let her explore in my front yard:D
my dog will always move up and sleep on my brother's bed and no one elses:(
count dewclaw
03-31-2008, 08:54 PM
Our beagle likes to lick feet and knees.
P.S. I've been having trouble getting this site to open up, maybe others have too and that is why its slow.
03-31-2008, 08:55 PM
my female dog humps my female cat
04-01-2008, 03:50 AM
I've been having trouble getting this site to open up, maybe others have too.
I believe the server was 'down' for a while last night. It happens sometimes, when we are overrun with 'automated-search-spider-spam-thingies'!:mad:
04-01-2008, 07:09 AM
I believe the server was 'down' for a while last night. It happens sometimes, when we are overrun with 'automated-search-spider-spam-thingies'!:mad:
yeah I think so James because I couldn't even get on last night........:mad:
as for pets my Great Dane sleeps on her back with her legs in the air....
Lori P
04-01-2008, 09:05 AM
I have a rooster who makes mad passionate love to the goats. I have a turkey romancing the emu. My three year old thoroughbred, Zephyr, chases one of the potbelly pigs, Mike, and bites his butt to make him squeal (like he's her own personal squeaky toy). My 30-something year old Tennesse Walker, Chase, loves to chug beer or soda from a bottle, and steals your tools when you're out in the pasture working. My goat Rio sleeps on a doggy bed on the front porch, and sneaks into the house at every chance to nibble things off the counters...
04-01-2008, 10:53 AM
I have a rooster who makes mad passionate love to the goats. I have a turkey romancing the emu. My three year old thoroughbred, Zephyr, chases one of the potbelly pigs, Mike, and bites his butt to make him squeal (like he's her own personal squeaky toy). My 30-something year old Tennesse Walker, Chase, loves to chug beer or soda from a bottle, and steals your tools when you're out in the pasture working. My goat Rio sleeps on a doggy bed on the front porch, and sneaks into the house at every chance to nibble things off the counters...
Ummmm............okay, Lori's weird animals win.:D
I so much wish I could just hang out there for a day or two-- sounds like a hoot!!
04-01-2008, 12:49 PM
I'll trade any of them for my 2 shih tzu's....should be called shih teaters.....keep raiding the cat box for treats:( I also have a maine coon mix that follows me everywhere and sits and stares at me.... he loves me!! :D
04-01-2008, 01:05 PM
My cat sits in front of the mirror, trying to see what he looks like with his eyes closed!
04-01-2008, 01:15 PM
so I decided to ask this:
Do your pets have any strange qualities or habits?
No, not really. ;)
They only do this when I've "forgotten" to change the water.
04-01-2008, 01:59 PM
Deejay did 'that' to me just this morning, then she shed to make sure I'd really give the tank a good cleaning!:D
04-01-2008, 02:51 PM
My cat likes to use my hands/face as her chew toy. And she figured out that while I'm standing at the bathroom sink she can jump onto me and then on top of the shower.....unfortunately she's a superquiet ninja cat so when she does this it scares the crap out of me!
My other cat attacks my feet at night when they hang off the bed. He attacks most everything in my house, but the strangest yet is the pocket door. He jumps on it and wraps his paws around it.
Snake lover 3-25
04-01-2008, 03:28 PM
my snakes poop in their water dish too!!! but they never seem to poop anywhere else in their cage... just in the water... it makes for easy cleenup... it's like they are litter box trained!!! anyone know why they do it? it's gotten so bad that i've had to put a larger water dish that they dont poop in in the cage... so my problem's basically solved but i just wonder why sometimes... maybe they enjoy having a cleaner cage???:):):)
04-01-2008, 03:33 PM
"Everybody poops easier in water."
04-01-2008, 05:07 PM
"Everybody poops easier in water."
Is that spoken from experience Stefan??:D
04-01-2008, 05:13 PM
lol stefan poops in the pool
04-01-2008, 05:13 PM
"Everybody poops easier in water."
ROTFL!!!! :D
04-02-2008, 12:30 AM
Is that spoken from experience Stefan??:D
Nope, that's a quote. :D
04-11-2008, 07:23 PM
I also have a maine coon mix that follows me everywhere and sits and stares at me.... he loves me!! :D
Don I have bad news for you
I just read this in a book by some cat expert
staring means he's trying to dominate you - when he blinks it means he loves you
Sienna, our female cat, is totally fascinated with water
she's already fallen into the bathtub (filled with hot water) several times, because she needs to get just a little bit closer
she also tries to look into the faucet, to see where that water is coming from (while it's running)
when I take a bath or shower, she's always there
she loves everything about the bathroom
I have a 5 year old female Eastern that will bang on the door of her cage with her tail when she wants to be fed and won't stop until I do. Very hard to miss or ignore. Makes studying for school a bit hard sometimes. I also have a australian water dragon that thinks my eyelashes are bug antennas (I'm guessing, he didn't tell me that) and will lick me in the eyeball if I don't keep an eye on him if he gets that close. Guess I'm lucky he doesn't try to bite it. But I usually get an eye infection if I don't catch him in time.
04-12-2008, 03:47 PM
My dog eats all sorts of weird things. Like our thermometer, phone and my sisters mobile phone (though I'm sure she was just trying to call us with it :D). All of our remote controls have her bitemarks and she seems to love all sorts of hand and nail creams... And she also likes all sorts of alcohol drinks, weird little poodle :p
Snake lover 3-25
10-22-2008, 07:58 PM
oooo we have some new members!!!!! and some new pets too:D so come on:D tell us all about your strange pets!!!!!
o and i got a turtle who loves to run more than he likes to swim lol his name's forrest:D
10-22-2008, 08:41 PM
ACE our Cocapoo (dog) who grew up with our cats, thinks he's a cat.
Climbs up on things, sleeps on TOP of the couch, and lays on window sills.
When we first got him, we were caring for another persons 3 leg dog "Brutus"
Brutus is missing one rear leg (it broke my heart when she came and picked him back up) and whenever he would pee, he raised his good leg, not the stump, resulting in his whole rear end lifted up in the air while he balanced on his front legs.
Well ACE started to copy this behavior, funny as all get out, he thought he had to lift up both back legs and stand on the front ones to pee:eek:
Then after his surgery (Ace is neutered now) he squats like a girl for the last year.
Snake lover 3-25
10-22-2008, 08:44 PM
lol too funny:D:rolleyes:
10-22-2008, 11:35 PM
My cat Jake thinks he is part dog & part human.
He can growl like a dog, he is my watch doggie/cat. And on the human, he wants to be everywhere I am, in the kitchen washing dishes, he is there to help, making dinner etc.
Ginger my other cat, likes to scoot her butt... she has been checked for all kinds of worms, she is free of them all. Just likes to scoot her butt.
Also she meows this loud meow, like she is DYING. ALl she wants is some love & to play. She carries her little puffball in her mouth will drop it in front of me, for me to throw it.
I have a ?, when my cats get done using their litter box, they go over to the food dish(not near the litter box) & scratch over by the food dish?
My Iguana is FAMOUS for pooping in his water dish. LOVELY!! When he moves into his new home(much bigger one) he will have 2 water bowls. One for poo'ing & one for to drink!!! LOL
George my ball python, I look in his home, he is in his hide all curled up. I just go over to look, say hi. then walk away. Come back 5 min later look in his home. he has his head out peeking to say HI to me.
I had a yellow lab named BO. He ate anything you can imagine. He was so sweet, very nice looking lab, very strong, handsome. But he had to be - umm not all up there. When he did bad things, instead of hiding his head or tail. He wagged his tail. He ate pillows, blankets, his dog bed, sport balls, barbie dolls(not my hubby's)lol !!! I learned that lab's require alot of LOVING & attention. When they feel they need more, & no one is around.. they start to chew & eat things. He did the chewing.. but the actual eating, was not right.
I did manage to train him to stay in the front yard with me, also he never went out back with his collar on(which we have an under the ground electric fence). He only left the yard 2 times.
We miss him alot, but that eating anything he could get his mouth on, was making him very ill.
10-23-2008, 12:45 AM
One of my Italian mutts, Duke, thinks that anytime I laydown is time for bed.
olive oil
10-23-2008, 05:00 AM
I have a black lab who comes to visit me whenever she is left out to long. I can get a rock out of the creek and then throw it back in without her even seeing it first, and she will search for a while and actually bring me back the same rock. She will keep that same rock all day in her mouth all day.
10-23-2008, 05:08 AM
my black lab/golden retirever hybrid thinks she is my GF. if my girlfriend even gets close to me to give me a kiss the black lab will run up and but in between us and lick all over my face, in bed she pushes inbetween me and my girlfriend if she see's us laying together.
she plays with an icecube for aslong as she can, tossing it all around and playing fetch with herself.
she likes to chew power cords :eek:
she swears she is a lap dog, whenever i sit down she climbs onto my lap and can never seem to get close enough to me.
she loves to bite and lick yer toes as yer walking or trying to sleep.
thats all i can think of, but shes a friggen nut!
Snake lover 3-25
10-23-2008, 05:48 PM
lol too funny:D my old dog would let my little cousin dress her up and go for a ride lol i miss her:(
10-23-2008, 06:51 PM
ok...I have a pretty weird one. We have a male cat that is probably nearly 2 years old who still occasionally tries to nurse our DOG. We found him when he was a little kitten and the dog would clean him and back then we thought it was kind of cute. Now its just plain weird.
10-23-2008, 07:15 PM
My red tail boa Sabrina loves LOVES to curl up around my hair bun and stay there for hours.. Don't know what I'm going to do when she gets to be 8 foot lmao
oh and i also have a neutered male cat that lets baby kitten nurse on him like he was there mother lmao
Snake lover 3-25
10-24-2008, 11:11 AM
lol too funny:D:D
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