View Full Version : Garter not eating

03-24-2008, 02:46 PM

This is my first post. Hope somebody is out there to help me.

My garter is not eating. It´s been 17 days. Last time he ate he had four live fish, gyppy size. I´ve offered him everything from dead fish, earthworms to live fish. He seems aware of the food but doesn´t seem interested. I´ve had him for a little over a month now and I´ve feed him earthworms and live fish until now. But he never eats much. He´s a young snake, less than a year old. I try to make sure that the food is easy for him to swallow when I serve it. I´m not sure I´m ready to force feed him yet. He seems in good health. I see him every day climbing the branches in my terrarium.

Should I be worried ??? How long can he go without eating.

03-24-2008, 02:57 PM
Hi Rene, and welcome to the forum.:)
Seventeen days isn't too long, your snake can last much longer than this without feeding, so don't panic just yet. Certainly don't consider force-feeding yet.

Are you new to snake keeping? Is your snake preparing to slough? This can often cause them to stop feeding. What are the temperatures like in the snakes tank?

03-24-2008, 03:11 PM
Welcome aboard, Rene. :)

03-24-2008, 03:11 PM
Yeah I´m new. I´ve only had my snakes for 2 months. I´ve haven´t seen any signs that his preparing to shed. The temperature is 25C in the day and 20C at night. And i´ve got a local heat source ofcourse.

03-24-2008, 03:14 PM
The tank is warmer by the 'local heat source'? That would help. I presume you are providing plenty of hides etc? But really, at 17 days I wouldn't be worried just yet.

So anyway, do you know the species/sub-species you have? Can you post pictures? The guys and gals here love photos!

I see you're from Denmark... we have at least one other Danish member here; 'GGarter' (Tore).

Snake lover 3-25
03-24-2008, 03:17 PM
i raised the humidity in my tank and my garter started to eat right away.... but i'm not sure what your garter's problem is...

03-24-2008, 03:19 PM
About 32C warm local and they´ve got a place to hide in both sides of the terrarium. When should I start to worry ? Just how long can they go without eating ?

03-24-2008, 03:26 PM
The temps etc sound good then. Are you sure he's not going to shed? Has he shed since you got him,?

03-24-2008, 03:35 PM
He shed a month ago..No problems, one piece.

03-24-2008, 03:41 PM
I would wait and see who else offers suggestions on here, maybe post a pic of your snake set-up for people to comment on. But don't worry for a few more weeks yet.

03-24-2008, 03:45 PM
Thanks for all the answers.

03-24-2008, 03:48 PM
My male would stop eating about this time of year, maybe they just feel it's mating season.