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View Full Version : The oldest snake

Lori P
03-24-2008, 10:05 AM
So... I wonder who has the oldest snake on this forum?? Anyone have any real seniors?

http://www.1clipart.com/clipart/animals/snakes/82-908974243.gif"Where's my creamed pinkies??"

03-24-2008, 10:55 AM
Not me, all mine are young.:)

03-24-2008, 11:16 AM
No old garters, but I do have a PI king that's going on 19yrs. old.

Gijs & Sabine
03-24-2008, 11:34 AM
we have a couple of sirtalis sirtalis, they are both 8 years old.
And then we have our giant radix female, she is 120 cm and probebly 11 years old, maybe older. She's my absolutely favourite http://www.mymix.nl/mf/images/smiles/hartje.gif (javascript:emoticon('(L)'))


03-24-2008, 11:38 AM
Wow. Eleven years. That's awesome! ^^
I hope my guys and gals live that long. :D
I'm pretty sure these guys could live to 20 actually...

03-24-2008, 01:21 PM
She's a beautifull monster!

My oldest snake (as far as I can tell) are my marcianus. I believe they're from 2002 or 2001...
But on the other hand, I do have an monster like the radix above...Sadly I have no idea what her age might be...

03-30-2008, 09:23 PM
I don't, my snakes are all young.

03-31-2008, 06:48 AM
My snakes are actually in the of between 1 and 6 years, because I had to reduce my collection for breeding projects.

charles parenteau
04-01-2008, 05:54 PM
beautiful snake... huge mama.

04-01-2008, 07:09 PM
I know sssnakelovers mel is from 2000.

04-01-2008, 07:15 PM
I've had my largest pacific gophersnake for almost 5 years, and she was over 5 feet long when I caught her, so I would imagine it would take at least 4-5 year to grow that size in the wild, if not more, and absolute minimum of 3 years. So 8 plus years old? Probably more like 10.