View Full Version : rainwater

03-18-2008, 03:01 PM
I live in a garden house, and I haven't yet got water supply.
I do, however, have a roof drainage gutter thingy (English?). So I wondered, could I spray rainwater into my snakes terrarium. I don't do that very often, but hauling water around all day does get annoying after fashion:). My chameleon does need water a lot, so same question for him. I live in the middle of Amsterdam, so pollution is inevitable, but would it be very harmful?


03-18-2008, 03:07 PM
Oops, nevermind. For some reason I started thinking about well water. :o No, I wouldn't expose my animals to it.

03-18-2008, 03:14 PM
Ok, wont do it then:)

03-18-2008, 03:18 PM
Better wait for a second opinion. ;) I'm not any kind of expert, but to me it makes sense to avoid using water that you wouldn't drink (even if it's not going to be used for drinking water).

03-18-2008, 03:26 PM
Well, depending on the composition of the rainwater, I'd say maybe.
Wild garters have to get their water from somewhere, especially those in somewhat "barren" landscapes, such as the "garden" variety I've discussed in previous threads. There is no nearby water source, so rainwater provides their drinking source.
If it's highly acidic, of course don't use it. Perhaps you should get a water test kit, save up a large amount of rain water in a barrel, and test for high quantities of metals and whatnot, then compare it to that of the water you've been using for your snakes already.