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View Full Version : OMG I kind of "rescued" a tarantula-- help!

Lori P
02-13-2008, 07:08 PM
Oh for the love of [insert diety of your choice]----

So I went to get live pinks for Desdemona this evening. At this pet shop, there has been for the last several months a rose hair tarantula kept in this tiny little critter keeper, in the very back of a display case behind some fish tank display pieces. I guess I kept looking at it after I first noticed it, because it had nothing in that little space but a water bowl, and that took up most of the space... anyway, over the last 2 or 3 months it's never sold. And I guess I started feeling sorry for it, with nothing at all to do in life but sit in that tiny plastic cage.

Well, today I get there and on the front counter is a bunch of sale stuff, and sure enough, in this deli cup is a tarantula-- marked down from 19.99 to 9.99. After checking the case in the back, I realized that was my little pal who had been there so long. And while I'm waiting for the girl to get my pinkies, a group of young total hoodlum teenage boys come in... start looking... one of them picks up the deli cup and SHAKES IT... and then they start daring each other to buy it, come on, it's only 10 bucks, etc etc... lots of crude language and they are tossing the cup around between them. Then they lower their voices, and I can't hear what they're saying but they start bantering with the young kid behind the sales counter, and I hear him say "Hey, once you buy it it's yours, I don't care what you do with it."

That was it. I FLEW up into them and blurted out, Oh, I just bought that tarantula, I'm sorry, the girl was supposed to set it behind the counter-- and I grabbed the cup and bolted for the back of the shop. LOL

So now I have a tarantula and I'M A LITTLE FREAKED OUT!!!! Ok-- here's what I have her in-- a 5.5 gallon tank with a screen lid. Mulch/bark type substrate. Hide log. Greenery to hide in/climb. Water bowl. Is this acceptable for now-- I can move her to a 10 gallon tank this weekend. I misted the substrate and the spider herself (I've decided it's a girl) and have left her alone. Pics:




Is this an adequate set-up for now? When should I first offer crickets? Will she eat pinkies too as I read somewhere? Would she eat f/t or does it have to move? Should I mist her or just her tank?

Don't worry, I'm going to read more on them but know some of you are tarantula experts!!! THANK YOU!!!!

And incidentally, the owner is going to hear from me tomorrow-- this is the attitude they promote in their store? "Once you buy it I don't care what you do with it"??!!!! Oh, yeah, hell fire and dalmatians are in store for that guy tomorrow!!!!!

02-13-2008, 07:15 PM
Good job! XD
I'm sure the little guy or gal thanks you for it. XD
Everything looks fine, just remember tarantulas don't like a lot of space. Give her deeper substrate to burrow and don't keep the temps too high; keep it humid-ish. She might be on or go on hunger strikes, so don't be concerned if she doesn't eat as long as her abdomen isn't shriveled and small.
My two cents.
Excellent rescue. <3

5.5 should be fine. Too much space will majorly freak HER out. :P

02-13-2008, 07:24 PM
Good for you!!!!! Those kids... I shan't say what I'd like to do to them!

That setup is great! Very nicely done! It looks big enough to me. I'd let her/him settle in for a while in that. Go ahead and give it a cricket. You may want to pinch the legs off or crush the cricket's head so it doesn't have to chase it down... but only if she's sluggish. If she's active, she should chase it down right away if she's hungry. See how she does with one cricket and then you can give her another one. Do you know how long it's been since she was fed? I think for Grammastola rosea (aka Chilean Rose) it's something like 4 crickets every week or two.

Here's the place for all you need to know about T's... Arachnoboards - Powered by vBulletin (http://www.arachnoboards.com/ab/index.php). I'm TikiChick on there also.

Oh and that's cypress mulch, right? Not cedar?

Arachnopets - Tarantula General Care Sheet (http://www.arachnopets.com/tarantulas/tcs.htm)
Grammastola rosea - Chilean rose Caresheet (http://www.arachnopets.com/tarantulas/tcaresheets/groseac.htm)
CARE AND HUSBANDRY OF THE CHILEAN ROSE TARANTULA (http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/%7Eschultz/roses.html)

02-13-2008, 07:26 PM
Good for you!!!!! Those kids... I shan't say what I'd like to do to them!

That setup is great! Very nicely done! It looks big enough to me. I'd let her/him settle in for a while in that. Go ahead and give it a cricket. You may want to pinch the legs off or crush the cricket's head so it doesn't have to chase it down... but only if she's sluggish. If she's active, she should chase it down right away if she's hungry. See how she does with one cricket and then you can give her another one. Do you know how long it's been since she was fed? I think for Grammastola rosea (aka Chilean Rose) it's something like 4 crickets every week or two.

Here's the place for all you need to know about T's... Arachnoboards - Powered by vBulletin (http://www.arachnoboards.com/ab/index.php). I'm TikiChick on there also.

Oh and that's cypress mulch, right? Not cedar?

Arachnopets - Tarantula General Care Sheet (http://www.arachnopets.com/tarantulas/tcs.htm)
Grammastola rosea - Chilean rose Caresheet (http://www.arachnopets.com/tarantulas/tcaresheets/groseac.htm)
CARE AND HUSBANDRY OF THE CHILEAN ROSE TARANTULA (http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/%7Eschultz/roses.html)
Actually looks like shredded cocoa fiber. :P
What a rabble rouser I am. XD

Lori P
02-13-2008, 07:49 PM
Thank you guys so much!!! Now Kyle-- when you say her abdomen shouldn't be shrivelled and small-- can I tell that from the top or do I have to pick her up? (I may have saved her but I'm not quite ready to actually HANDLE her yet, LOL!!!)

The substrate is Jungle Bed-- it contains Forest Bed, vermiculite, coconut bark and I think a touch of calci-sand.

Laura, those links are AWESOME!! I'm not sure I'm ready to join another forum-- I'd lose time here!!!-- but we'll see. The care sheets are great, thank you!!!

I'll put more bedding in there tomorrow to make it deeper... from what I've read, room temp is fine and no special lighting...

"You may want to pinch the legs off or crush the cricket's head so it doesn't have to chase it down..."

Laura!!! Sheesh... I better change New Hope to Last Hope... LOL!!!!!

Hubby doesn't know she's here yet. Bets on how long it takes him to notice??!!

02-13-2008, 07:56 PM
Last Hope, lmao! The search on the forums will bring up all kinds of good info if you have specific concerns. Good place to look for pics of other's roses, other setups (and yours looks better than most of them by far!!) and tips, tricks, etc. I don't recall if you have to join to see the pics or not... I'm not very active on there, but I do enjoy looking for viv ideas there from time to time.

Oh, and your substrate should be fine :)

02-13-2008, 08:02 PM
Lori, good for you!!! Those kids need a good swift kick!
I know that normally you're absolutely horrified by spiders, so this just shows how big your heart is for creatures in need. Three cheers for you!!
I'm betting that by the end of the month you're posting pics of you holding her.........:D:D:D

02-13-2008, 10:24 PM
way to go Lori, and by the way its a very nice looking spider.....:)

02-13-2008, 11:23 PM
Lori- Great job. Sounds like a great start. Just read up on the species, as you already are, so you know specifically what it needs in the way of humidity and temps. I would say it probably could do ok on just crickets, and use pinks rarely or as a treat, but thats just my guess.
When it comes to handlng- if you dare- take a pencil and gently nudge her on the rear, and judge her reaction. If she is not aggrevated, you can try to very gently nudge her on to your hand. keep your hand low to the cage floor, in case she falls, falls can kill a tarantula. Do not blow on her- they hate that. Any time you want to make her move, just very gently nudge from behind. If she does seem aggrevated, I wouldnt hold her.
I just have one tarantula right now, and am not an expert, but thats just my experience. And a 5.5 g tank is probably just fine.
I caught mine myself while walking on foot in the desert in the middle of the night. Shes a real sweetheart. I just give her a cricket or 2 a week. Found my first Rosy Boa that night too.
Now I have to post more pics.

02-13-2008, 11:25 PM
And I can just about picture you grabbing that tarrantula from those kids- pretty comical in my mind.:D

02-13-2008, 11:51 PM
[quote=Lori P;42472]Thank you guys so much!!! Now Kyle-- when you say her abdomen shouldn't be shrivelled and small-- can I tell that from the top or do I have to pick her up? (I may have saved her but I'm not quite ready to actually HANDLE her yet, LOL!!!)

you don't need to pick her up.....the big round back end is her abdomen....will get larger as she eats more and shrink when she isn't eating...real easy to tell....
great job rescuing her!!!!! too many idiots in this world!!!!!!

02-14-2008, 12:13 AM
Nice find, Lori. :) And well done.

02-14-2008, 03:29 AM
good job, Lori
would I love to give those kids a good long shake by the scruff of their necks

I've got one tarantula, so I'm no expert, but she seems to thrive on very little care

02-14-2008, 03:34 AM
Great job, Lori. The setup is real nice.

02-14-2008, 03:55 AM
Way to go, Lori. My boyfriend has gotten into spiders recently. Luckily his is smaller than a dime. I have doubts if I will ever hold it. I have a very strong fear of spiders, but, as long as they don't touch me I'm fine. What can I say? He puts up with reptiles in every room in the apartment, I can't very well begrudge him a spider.

02-14-2008, 04:08 AM
having a tarantula walk on you is like being smelled by eight snakes
their little legs have the same gentle touch as snake tongues
it really surprised me that I like it

Lori P
02-14-2008, 06:40 AM
Well, she moved around the tank last night, and now she is nestled down in the leaves of the fake plant, so I think that's good. My first reaction to seeing her is "Ewww" but it's closely followed by "Aw. Poor thing." So hopefully the Eeeew reaction will fade with time! See, I'm trying to be a better person... :-)

I think I'll add a cricket this evening and see what she thinks. I'll ask them when she was last fed when I call today, but since I'll be giving them heck, not sure what kind of info I'll get. LOL

I read they can also eat mealworms. Anyone fed those?

Thanks SO much for all the help guys!!!!

02-14-2008, 07:42 AM
Hope you'll have fun with your new addition :)

02-14-2008, 08:20 AM
My lord, I suddenly find myself struck by a strange urge to go buy a tarantula...:eek:
....they're starting to sound "cute". What is wrong here???
Strange things happen to you when you talk on this forum for too long..........:D

02-14-2008, 09:26 AM
My lord, I suddenly find myself struck by a strange urge to go buy a tarantula...:eek:
....they're starting to sound "cute". What is wrong here???
Strange things happen to you when you talk on this forum for too long..........:D
go ahead - put it on your wish list, Anji
my wish list has sub-categories
there's even a "next life time" section (just to be realistic)

02-14-2008, 09:29 AM
if I was able to fill my entire wish list.....I would have my own huge zoo!!!!!! I do have 3 tarantulas....1 rose hair and 2 white striped bird eaters.... :D

02-14-2008, 09:39 AM
They are cute, esp. the really "furry" ones :D


These "starter" T's like you got are sweet and gentle (usually, lol). They're similar to lizards in handling - no sudden moves, support from underneath, try not to approach from above (like a predator would), touch them gently - though with these you gotta be really gentle.

There are videos on arachnoboards showing how to handle them. I have most of mine in little cups (because they're spiderlings, aka slings), so I just tilt the cup and "pour" them into my hand. In a tank, doing what Loren said with the gentle nudge into your hand should work well. Unless it's really frightened, you shouldn't worry about it biting you while you hold it - they don't bite the ground they walk on ;)

I got over my insane fear of snakes, so I know you can do it with spiders :)

Lori P
02-14-2008, 10:17 AM
I had this sudden thought that the tarantula gets out and comes strolling into the living room and out of sheer reaction I stomp it... LOLOL... but I don't ever stomp anything, so I wouldn't really do that. Well, sometimes I stomp wasps in the barn but only so they don't sting the horses.

02-14-2008, 10:24 AM
Now that's what I call true love! Feeling protective of the creepiest little thing and swallowing your discomfort for the sake of saving it from a nasty fate!
You are a real star, Lori! So, how's Valentina doing this morning? ;)

02-14-2008, 10:28 AM
Good save Lori....nice little Rosehair. Everyone's given good advice and the Arachnoboards are a great source of info. (used to be on there when I had a ton of inverts. many years ago) Watch you don't keep her too moist though.....she is a semi-arid species and if kept at room temp.(where I keep mine), too much moisture can lead to fungal infections...the spiders literally get "moldy". I keep my RoseHair in a ten gallon tank, and with out pucking legs or crushing head she does just fine catching her crickets. As far as mealworms, watch that they don't just burrow into the substrate and vanish. My little girl will sometimes take then, and if she's really hungry, I've watched her actually dig one up that had gotten away and burrowed under some. She looks a little "beat up" now, but after a good molt she'll look good as new and all furry again. Oh and hope you're into this for the long haul.......I got my girl Pink as an adult and I've had her now for 14yrs.....I've heard they can go into their 20's...gives you plenty of time to get used to her.:D Oh and don't feel that you have to handle her, I handle mine VERY little, just because of the urticating hairs and because I do think it stresses them out. Good luck with her.


Lori P
02-14-2008, 11:11 AM
Oh good heavens, now I have to worry about moldy spiders... LOL!!! Thanks so much Roy, really appreciate the info. I'm definitely a long haul kind of person, no worries there. Once I commit to a critter(s) I can't give them up unless it's for their own good. One thing I do keep running thru my head is, I want to make sure I don't get something that will outlive me... I tend to forget I'm not 20 anymore... I figure I have 30 more good years to give to my critters before I wear out completely. LOL!

02-14-2008, 04:00 PM
i love those!!!!!!!!!!!! that was my first exotic pet a rose hair. i named her rossie of course.....shes 12 years old now =) i love my spider i have her in a 10 gallon tank with oddly some hamster houses that she likes! u should feel really lucky. i love rose hairs and yes ur tank is perfect. (atleast for now 10 gallon is way better) remember don't use ne thing with cedar in it that will kill them. also u have to moisten the cage maybe once or twice a day with a spray bottle so the spiders book lungs don't dry out, they're tropical most rose hairs are from chile, and almost all are wild caught. they are really really hard to breed in captivity. also don't put too many crickets in at a time cause they will gang up on the spider. rose hairs are perfectly safe to hold they are probably the most friendly spider out there. molting is a pretty dangerous time though. when ur see ur spider lay on her back they're not dead...just molting remove all crickets and keep the cage super moist, and after they are done leave the exoskeleton, just leave her alone for like 3 days then put in crickets and she will eat them all cause shes tired.

congradulations!!!! and thanks for saving the little guy. i hate it when i see roses like that get such a horrible fate.i wish i could save them all but i can't unfortunantly.

02-14-2008, 06:04 PM
Lori- fear often comes from lack of understanding. Keep learning about her and observing her, and your fears will subside with time. Knowledge of the animal will override the misconceptions that have been burned into us by bad movies and whatnot.

Lori P
02-14-2008, 06:47 PM
i love those!!!!!!!!!!!! that was my first exotic pet a rose hair. i named her rossie of course.....shes 12 years old now =) i love my spider i have her in a 10 gallon tank with oddly some hamster houses that she likes! u should feel really lucky. i love rose hairs and yes ur tank is perfect. (atleast for now 10 gallon is way better) remember don't use ne thing with cedar in it that will kill them. also u have to moisten the cage maybe once or twice a day with a spray bottle so the spiders book lungs don't dry out, they're tropical most rose hairs are from chile, and almost all are wild caught. they are really really hard to breed in captivity. also don't put too many crickets in at a time cause they will gang up on the spider. rose hairs are perfectly safe to hold they are probably the most friendly spider out there. molting is a pretty dangerous time though. when ur see ur spider lay on her back they're not dead...just molting remove all crickets and keep the cage super moist, and after they are done leave the exoskeleton, just leave her alone for like 3 days then put in crickets and she will eat them all cause shes tired.

congradulations!!!! and thanks for saving the little guy. i hate it when i see roses like that get such a horrible fate.i wish i could save them all but i can't unfortunantly.

When I got home tonite, she was in a different spot again- still under the greenery but on the other side. :-) So at least she has some stimulation now and can stretch those hairy legs!! It looks like she hollowed out some of the substrate, too.

I actually looked at some hamster houses at Petsmart today!! They had some shaped like tree stumps with little thatched roofs. I'll have to get her one.

I think what I'll do is wait a few weeks and then move her to a 10 gallon. Give her time to settle first and start eating. Don't want to overwhelm her too soon...

You guys are all so awesome. Thank you again for helping me!!!!! :-)

02-14-2008, 10:52 PM
Here's my girl.

02-14-2008, 11:28 PM
wow nice save, i know my mom would actually kick me out of the house if i got one but its definetly going on the list of: "Small animals that i can keep in a college dorm room if i get a cool roomate". And if any species likes to be in the dark i can put the on the list of: "Small animals that i can hide in a dorm room from a not cool roomate".

02-15-2008, 05:04 AM
Mikhaila's pink toe definitely prefers the dark
and she is beautiful - will take photo later

02-15-2008, 02:58 PM
awesome rescue! i don't know anything about keeping spiders but your tank looks really cool, i'm sure she's happy there.
I always wonder how people who don't like animals end up working in a pet store! crazy.

02-15-2008, 04:32 PM
Rose hairs need that much humidity.. If you are comfortable with the normal house temp then your T. is comfortable also..

You don't have to mist as long as you have a dish of water in there for them to drink out of.. You need to put some river rock in the bottom of the water dish so that it don't get in there an drown.. You keep misting it'll cause mold to grow and thats BAD..

They take crickets (you have to get a jell called gut load cricket food it is a neon green color) and let the crickets eat that then feed the gut loaded crickets to the T... Sometimes but rarely they take a pinky.. I've tried mine to do that but they never have..

The substrate has to be about 3-4 inches deeps they love LOVE to burrow.. and it needs a hide.. I made one out of an old bowl I wasn't using anymore.. I'd use coca fiber.. It's really good on there little feeties.. and it easy to burrow in for them..

A 10g fish tank is all the room it needs the rest of it life..

If you could get pics of it's first 2 legs I can sex it for you.. if i can't tell by that then when it molts send me the molt and I'll sex it for you.. but right now as color goes I'm guessing female..

Yeah females live up to 20 years.. Males only 2-3 years.. Most rose hair or Grammastola rosea or G. Rosea as they are called are wild caught when they make it to the pet stores.. But with this one I hope she don't pop out a egg sack.. :(

I think I covered it.. If I think of something else I'll post it on here..

02-15-2008, 04:47 PM
Here is Bill's baby, he/she has grown a little since this photo but is still tiny. It is a Pink Toe.


02-15-2008, 04:53 PM
wow i have 2 P. fastums (spelling?) a little smaller then that.. I love baby T's!!! :D:D:D

02-15-2008, 09:53 PM
roses do weird things sometimes...like mine when i first got her she didn't eat for like 2 months then suddenly ate like one cricket...we were like uhhh is this normal then i was reading up online and in some books and found out that they do weird things every now and again, oh and watch the hairs if u make her mad they will some times leave a hair in ur hand or arm and they itch really really badly

02-15-2008, 11:14 PM
Hey Lori, rescuing must be in the air.
Sos I'm at Petsmart today picking out fish for my grandpa's tank, and I see this one little red and white goldfish sitting in one of the "feeder" bins. I contemplated getting him and throwing him in with my rosies, until I get my pond back up in the summer.
So I'm checking through the other fish, and I see this little kid go up to the tank and start TAPPING OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD on the glass for about 2 minutes as this little fish just keeps dashing back and forth. So I'm listening to him and his parents, and he decides he wants the fishy. So a few minutes later they come back with a little bowl about 1/2 gallon size. It was at this moment I sprang into action and made my purchase.

So, I named the little dude Wing in honor of his colors. *Which look just like those of the Detroit Red Wings. XD*
I think a 10 gallon til summer will be MUCH better than a stagnant goldfish bowl. :P

02-16-2008, 05:13 AM
Here is Bill's baby, he/she has grown a little since this photo but is still tiny. It is a Pink Toe.


That Pink Toe is so cute! :D
I have a pink toe, but it's not that small.
(I'll make drache show you a picture of her TODAY-somehow)

02-16-2008, 07:04 AM
Bill loves that little thing, he has built 3 cages for it so far - all different sizes. Each one is set up for it to grow into. I bit excessive but what can I say?

Lori P
02-16-2008, 07:48 AM
Oh my gosh you guys she is molting or shedding or whatever you call it in the tarantula world!! Check her out this morning!!




I know this is a very crucial time-- please send any special advice-- and I just joined the arachnoboards so I'll look there for advice too. I remember James saying many die in captivity during this time!! Help...

Lori P
02-16-2008, 07:49 AM
And Kyle, good save on your little gold fish!!!!

02-16-2008, 07:52 AM
the only thing really to do is let it be and watch what happens.......;)

02-16-2008, 08:40 AM
Oh my gosh you guys she is molting or shedding or whatever you call it in the tarantula world!! Check her out this morning!!
I know this is a very crucial time-- please send any special advice--

It's called molting and the best thing to do is leave her alone.

Lori P
02-16-2008, 08:44 AM
Thanks Mikhaila!! How long will it take her to molt? How long has it taken yours before?

Oh, and what is yours named? :-)

02-16-2008, 08:48 AM
Thanks Mikhaila!! How long will it take her to molt? How long has it taken yours before?

Oh, and what is yours named? :-)

Mine is named Marieke.

It took her about a week.

It should take them about a week or two.

Lori P
02-16-2008, 08:52 AM
Very nice name. I'm thinking of calling mine Tatiana.

Ok, I'll just keep an eye on her and hopefully she will be fine. Thanks for the help. And don't forget to make your mom post pics of Marieke soon!!

Are you feeling better??

02-16-2008, 08:59 AM
Thanks! I named mine after someone that was on here for a bit. Then, unfortunately, she left. She showed me how awesome tarantulas were. :D

I just told drache to hurry up and stop being lazy. She said "Ok,ok,ok,alright"

And I'm feeling a bit better, although my ribs are aching *cough*

02-16-2008, 09:08 AM
Good going......one thing though, Do not mist the spider directly. Only the substrate and greenery. You will only need to mist about once a week or so till she goes into molt.

After the molt leave her be for a week or so....no food or anything, it takes time for their fangs and other parts to harden back up after a fresh molt.

02-16-2008, 09:10 AM
when marieke first molted, I though she was dead. But then we looked it up. She'll be fine.

02-16-2008, 10:28 AM
actually the whole process after they flip on there back about 2-5 hours.. just wait and watch.. you should sign up to this forum they are great at everything you need to know as a T owner..

ATS Message Board - Powered by vBulletin (http://www.atshq.org/forum/index.php)

I'm charlet_2007 there too

02-16-2008, 10:57 AM
actually the whole process after they flip on there back about 2-5 hours

i was talking about when they're getting ready to molt.

02-16-2008, 03:08 PM
Hope everything goes ok Lori.

Lori P
02-16-2008, 03:10 PM
Wow-- and she's done!




Someone may have told me this but... how long now to wait before offering her a cricket??

02-16-2008, 03:32 PM
Um.... Maybe a few minutes? Sorry, I wasn't the one to feed her when she finished molting.

02-16-2008, 03:34 PM
Good to hear her molt was successful.

Lori P
02-16-2008, 03:34 PM
Mikhaila, I *think* I need to wait a day or maybe more... her fangs need to harden up. I just couldn't remember exactly. Your mom will probably know for sure tho. Thanks for all the good tips you gave me to help out with her!! And yours is SO pretty... I saw the pictures. Very nice.

What do your friends think about your pet tarantula??

02-16-2008, 03:39 PM
Mikhaila, I *think* I need to wait a day or maybe more... her fangs need to harden up. I just couldn't remember exactly. Your mom will probably know for sure tho. Thanks for all the good tips you gave me to help out with her!! And yours is SO pretty... I saw the pictures. Very nice.

What do your friends think about your pet tarantula??
Your welcome and thanks!
Yea, drache will know.
i don't really show her to my friends.
Except one who has a corn snake, king snake, and 2 cats.
She loves marieke!

02-16-2008, 04:15 PM
Lori, I would just leave her alone for a few days before feeding or anything.

02-16-2008, 04:17 PM
Lori, I would just leave her alone for a few days before feeding or anything.

yea, that's probably a good idea

02-16-2008, 04:46 PM
wow that was a quick molt
Marieke usually spins a very thick cave of silk for her molting comfort, and that takes about a week or so
the actual process of molting, we don't really get to see

02-16-2008, 05:16 PM
wow that was a quick molt
Marieke usually spins a very thick cave of silk for her molting comfort, and that takes about a week or so
the actual process of molting, we don't really get to see

The i is first?
I thought it was spelling like this: Mareike

The way you just used looks better.

02-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Mikhaila, I *think* I need to wait a day or maybe more... her fangs need to harden up. I just couldn't remember exactly. Your mom will probably know for sure tho. Thanks for all the good tips you gave me to help out with her!! And yours is SO pretty... I saw the pictures. Very nice.

What do your friends think about your pet tarantula??

id wait a week she may not take it right away.. they are very hearty inverts..

02-16-2008, 07:09 PM
i want to know if it's actuly female or male.. it might have molted out male.. :(

02-16-2008, 10:28 PM
Parasites took the life of my beloved Charlotte. Chilean rosehair female that a very nice breeder gave to me after watching me fall for her. One day I found her on her back with worms crawling out of her butt. She was convulsing and I could tell there was no saving her, so I put her in the freezer to end her suffering :(

02-17-2008, 05:19 AM
That's sad :(
and disgusting

Is that you in the picture?

02-17-2008, 05:58 AM
you sure it wasn't her spinnerets? they sometimes look like worms because they can move them really weird at times..

Lori P
02-17-2008, 07:07 AM
Natalie, I was trying to read on the arachnoboards on how to sex it but I think my brain was too tired yesterday. LOL Can you tell from the close ups I sent (Or was that the wrong end, LOL) or can you tell from pics of the molt? I haven't moved the molted part out of the tank yet, don't want to disturb her. Is it ok if it lays in there with her? It's not wet or anything that will get gross is it?

02-17-2008, 07:08 AM
I wish I could breed tarantulas.

Lori P
02-17-2008, 07:11 AM
No you don't. There'd be thousands of little tiny creepy things ALL OVER your room.

02-17-2008, 07:15 AM
Cool! My dad would like that. Then he wouldn't have to keep telling me not to let the cats in my room! :D

02-17-2008, 11:38 AM
yes, that is me in that pic gartergirl. and tarantulas are surpisingly easy to breed and they have thousands of babies. (now thats granted your male doesnt screw up adn get himself eaten) that's why theres always an overabundance of slings (spiderlings). and there was no mistaking worms for spinnerettes. these were WORMS... they were eating their way out of her, and were also crawling around the tank. GROSSSSSS.

slings are nice because they can be kept in deli cups until they are about half grown. the only sad part is if you want a female you should buy a few to increase your chances of getting one.

02-17-2008, 11:43 AM
actually the most I've seen a T. have is close to 400 to 500 babies not thousands lol..

also 3 slings is a good number to work with to get a female..

You can keep them in deli cups only till there leg span reaches half there room in a deli cup.. A 10g tank is all they need for the rest of their life..

Sounds like you fed it a cricket that was infested.. it also sounds like Nematodes tho...

02-17-2008, 12:02 PM
i was not speaking quite as literally as you took some of the stuff i said to be lol! i know they dont literally have thousands. but there are still a lot. I always buy five little ones in hopes of a female. and i wasn't talkin deli cups like the tiny ones. BIG ones, and/or chinese takeout containers work great.

02-17-2008, 12:17 PM
ok sexing T.s 101 here it is lol

P. metallica ( Female Left) (Male Right)

B. smithi

Now how you can tell the difference.. This is Trev P. from the site i told you about..

I could be wrong but the paired lips are there and not to mention males usually don't have a raised edge along the front edge of the "beltline"

I've made a mock up of what I'm talking about.

Males have a single D on the front half of a ventral view along with the epiandrous fussilae shown here in blue.

Females have a double D aka "paired lips" and a raised edge on the flat side of the front D (if that makes sense).


and the original for comparison.


I hope this helps you..

02-17-2008, 12:22 PM
can you do this with babies???

02-17-2008, 12:28 PM
ever kept theraphosa blondi? amazing spiders. love when they go into defensive posture. the sheer size of this spider makes even an expierienced keeper wary! was always tempted to take mine for a walk on a leash ;)

02-17-2008, 01:20 PM
um no not on babies.. T. blondi are great T's... all T.s throw up the (jazz hands) if not handle enough or feel threated.. Here's my G. rosea she's a meaning but I love her still.. :p:p



02-17-2008, 02:57 PM
I kept a Trinidad Chevron once, years ago.... but it got out and dragged me all around the house! Never again!:eek:

02-17-2008, 03:28 PM
lmao yeah i know it sucks when you have escapees lol

Lori P
02-17-2008, 04:16 PM
Natalie, I have to thank you for that great course on sexing them! I'll be referring back to that when I'm brave enough to pick her up and check out her underside. Next year. Or the year after. Or I might just wait to sex her by seeing how long she lives...in two years if she's still alive it'll be a girl... LOL!!!! But seriously, that's a great bit of info there. :-)

02-17-2008, 04:47 PM
there was no mistaking worms for spinnerettes. these were WORMS... they were eating their way out of her, and were also crawling around the tank. GROSSSSSS.

Oh, poor Charlotte! :(

i was not speaking quite as literally as you took some of the stuff i said to be lol! i know they dont literally have thousands. but there are still a lot.

Well, my dad would think it was even more unacceptable to have tarantula babies crawlin all over my room. :rolleyes: But I still think it would be pretty cool.

02-17-2008, 04:51 PM
Wow, Natalie!
This info is awesome. I don't think I'll need it any time soon.

Lori P
02-21-2008, 06:15 PM
Just a quick update, Tatiana has eaten two crickets. :-) And I got to give one of the girls at work, Shannon, an absolute coronary by leaving Tati's molt on Shannon's keyboard. :-) It was a good day. LOL

02-23-2008, 09:43 AM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How high did she jump?:D:D:D:D:D:D

02-23-2008, 09:56 AM
Just a quick update, Tatiana has eaten two crickets. :-) And I got to give one of the girls at work, Shannon, an absolute coronary by leaving Tati's molt on Shannon's keyboard. :-) It was a good day. LOL
Would love to have seen the reaction:D

Lori P
02-24-2008, 03:53 PM
Actually, I actually felt a bit guilty because she jumped clear out of her chair and then I thought she was going to cry-- turns out when she told me she was petrified of spiders, she actually meant, she was petrified of spiders.... :o

And the fact that I still laughed my butt off made me feel even MORE guilty... :D

She warned me to watch my back tomorrow, because I really was mean to her all last week. I locked her in the x ray room one day and then on another day scared her witless when I popped a plastic bag right behind her head. But she's so easy to pick on... she's only 17, so she gets the brunt of it... :D

Oh, and I put a still-juicy dead worm on her keyboard too and she didn't see it till she touched it... that was a good one.

02-24-2008, 04:16 PM
hahaha O god that rocks i wish i could see her face!

02-24-2008, 05:05 PM
Actually, I actually felt a bit guilty because she jumped clear out of her chair and then I thought she was going to cry-- turns out when she told me she was petrified of spiders, she actually meant, she was petrified of spiders.... :o

And the fact that I still laughed my butt off made me feel even MORE guilty... :D

She warned me to watch my back tomorrow, because I really was mean to her all last week. I locked her in the x ray room one day and then on another day scared her witless when I popped a plastic bag right behind her head. But she's so easy to pick on... she's only 17, so she gets the brunt of it... :D

Oh, and I put a still-juicy dead worm on her keyboard too and she didn't see it till she touched it... that was a good one.

your such a twat I think I like you!!:D

Lori P
02-24-2008, 06:08 PM
LOLOL Hey, have to keep things interesting right?!! If you can't laugh...

The girl who used to work there, Betsy, was scared to death of mice and made the mistake of telling me... oh, I tormented her sooo much but it was so easy to do. I'd buy those real-fur cat toys, shaped like mice, and hide them in the cabinets at the office or under her desk... in her car... and every time, every single time, she'd freak. It was awesome when she'd reach in the cabinets and her hand would land on it. She would literally fling those things while screaming. LOLOL But she kept falling for it so I HAD to keep doing it!!!

She came back to the office one day from making a deposit at the bank, and she had accidentally kept that little plastic box that they have in the drive-thru, you know? So I had my husband call her and pretend to be a police officer, called on by the bank to arrest her for theft... omg, she was in a panic, it was AWESOME. LOL

It's possible I have too much free time at work...

02-24-2008, 08:04 PM
It's possible that you're the devil reincarnated, too, you nasty girl!!!
But I must admit, it sure sounds like fun working where you do, so long as one doesn't make the mistake of telling you what they're fears are........:D

Lori P
02-27-2008, 07:00 AM
I noticed this morning that the tarantula has a pretty bronze color to her now that she's shed. It's on her back. Does this mean she might be a he, you think?? (I was thinking the boys seem to be more brightly colored)



Anyway, she/he is actually quite pretty with this new fashion look. :-) Her toes are almost blue-ish.

02-27-2008, 07:36 AM
she is pretty
I can see that bluish greenish tint on her toes too

Lori P
02-27-2008, 08:03 AM
OMG!!!! CHECK IT OUT!! I'm feeding the snakes and I said to myself, "Self, I wonder if Tatiana will eat a frozen/thawed pinky??" And myself said back, "Well, Lori, try it..." And I did...

And she IS!!!!


I held it on loooong tongs ('cause I'm not reaching in there quite yet) and jiggled it... she walked over and kind of "felt it" with her front leg things... and then I accidentally dropped it and she grabbed it right in. TOO COOL!!!! This is just-- to cool!! LOL

02-27-2008, 08:06 AM
how big is she?
now I'm wanting to try it with Marieke
she's not all that interested in the lobster roaches, but I haven't tried the turks on her yet - Ronnie the frog really likes those

02-27-2008, 09:39 AM
Hey, Tatiana is looking really nice after her molt....oh and I do mean her. From the last pic you had with her and the pink, you can tell it's a female. There are no papal bulbs and no tibial hooks on the front pair of legs...tell tale signs of a male. That's great that she took the pink too. A lot of the time, T's will eat almost anything after a molt. My girl Pink is usually kind of picky, but after she molts, she'll eat anything that moves. Good to see she's doing so well for you.

Lori P
02-27-2008, 11:03 AM
Thanks Roy!! She was busy munching away when I left home. I hope I wasn't under-feeding her after her molt-- I only gave her 4 crickets last week. I hope she wasn't sitting there hungry!!!! But, I guess today is a good feast for her!!

When should I offer her feed again, do you think? I guess we'll see how much of the pinky she finishes...

Rhea, um, I don't know how big she is... she could fit in the palm of my hand with her legs pulled up, but if they were stretched out she would go a little beyond the palm, I think...

02-27-2008, 11:38 AM
After they molt, T's are usually famished. They also usually need a period of time to "harden up" after a molt too....and won't feed for the first couple of days to a week after. As long as she doesn't get too cool, feed her pretty much as much as she'll eat. The pinky will be quite a meal for her, so she'd be good for the week, but I'd try again this weekend with some crickets again. If you look at the size of her abdomen towards her cephalothorax (the front part with the legs), her abdomen should be about twice as large as the cephalothorax for a female. This isn't going to happen over night, but it's pretty much an end point to shoot for. At that point she'll be well fed and can settle down into a routine feeding schedule. After this weekend, I'd probably try offerning her food every three days or so. T's are usually pretty good about not overeating in my experiance.

Lori P
02-27-2008, 01:14 PM
Thanks Roy!! Can you tell in the pics if she looks ok or looks thin?? I need to go over to the arachnoboards, I think, and see if I can see pics of a thin one to compare.

Jamie still doesn't know she's there-- LOL!!!! And she's right on my bedroom dresser, next to Esme's tank. We're taking bets at the office as to how long before he finally notices!!!

Lori P
02-27-2008, 06:36 PM
She ate it ALL!!!!! LOL She was still working on a tiny bit when I got home... and I can actually see that her abdomen is more rounded. :-)

02-27-2008, 06:39 PM
She seems to be doing really well with you, Lori.
I still shudder to think what her fate would have been had you not been shopping in that pet store when you were. Glad to see she's got a nice happy life now.:)

Lori P
02-27-2008, 06:46 PM
What's that, Anji? Send Tatiana to you? You need another critter to cuddle? Why of course!!! :D:D

Thanks. I'm quite glad she's here, too. I think if I can just get up the nerve to let her touch me for that first time, too, I'll be a lot more comfy with her.

02-28-2008, 08:20 AM
[quote=Lori P;43823]What's that, Anji? Send Tatiana to you? You need another critter to cuddle? Why of course!!! :D:D

Why sure, send her right over!!!:D
Actually, I'd love to have one, but almost everyone in my family said they'll never, EVER enter my home again if I do. And since I kinda like my family, I guess I'll have to pass..........:p

Lori P
03-11-2008, 06:12 PM
Well, I did it!!! I got brave enough to let her walk up on me...


I was a nervous wreck at first but quickly got over it. :-) She was pretty outgoing and curious; I'll have to get her out more for her own sake, she seemed to enjoy the stimulation. She walked all over my dresser. She did flare her front legs at me once when I moved too quick, but I am a fast learner and backed right off. LOL

She's been eating one pinky a week. Think that's adequate?? :-)

03-11-2008, 07:29 PM
lol she looks pretty healthy, it seems like it would be hard to hold them, is it?

03-11-2008, 07:32 PM
I really want a rosehair, but can't seem to find one for "cheap." D:

03-11-2008, 11:27 PM
Yeh that diet is ok now.....just post shed and all, but is going to be a bit much eventually. I try not to make pinks a major part of the diet....a lot of fat. T's don't have a very big metabolism, and although I haven't actually heard of any detrimental affects, I figure since they usually subsist on a rather more "lean" deit of inverts. I'd be safe then sorry. Also not to be a downer, but be careful when handling her. The big worry here is her falling. I can't tell how far off the ground she is in the pic, but a fall can pretty much be fatal. They're rather delicate. So if you'r going to handle her, do it over something soft and not too far off the ground. Good for you for over coming your fear of her though.:D

Lori P
03-12-2008, 06:20 AM
Roy, thanks, I was holding her over the bed but you know, I could feel her little feet grabbing on-- kind of prickly-- I keep reading that they can fall easily but I wonder how? Esp. after watching her climb up the glass and around the edge of her tank. I'm not arguing, believe me, and I'll be very careful but they really do grasp on so what's up with all the falling talk? Lack of gracefulness? lol

I'll feed her crickets today. May be best to alternate the pinkies to maybe just once or twice a month. With my luck I'd keep feeding her pinkies and she'd keep growing to the size of a large poodle... LOL!!

Reed, it wasn't really hard to hold her but I never really picked her up-- I let her walk up on me and then let her walk off onto the dresser and bed, and would just put my hand in front of her to walk back up on to. Her feet felt kind of prickly, and once when I raised my hand (she was half on my hand, half on my shirt) she "held on" to my shirt and hand both, and it scared me that I was stretching her and she wasn't letting go! So I had to wait until she walked all the way up onto my hand.

Pretty cool, for sure. And she really has grown and colored up; I just love the copper color on her back. Or, front. Or, whatever that part of her is. LOL

03-12-2008, 10:27 AM
sounds great Lori, she really is pretty for a spider, keep up the good work....:)

03-12-2008, 11:12 AM
Good job, Lori!! I knew you could do it!!:)

03-12-2008, 11:42 PM
i WOULD NOT let her eat a pinky ever!!!!! crickets are enough for her.. pinkies contain to much haserious crap to give to a spider... :( who told you can give her a pink once a week?:mad:

03-12-2008, 11:48 PM
i WOULD NOT let her eat a pinky ever!!!!! crickets are enough for her.. pinkies contain to much haserious crap to give to a spider... :( who told you can give her a pink once a week?:mad:

I agree that it shouldn't be a staple, but an occasional pinky does no harm to a T. Especially after having fasted before a molt, it's a good start to get them going again. My Redrump bird eater and my Rose hair have both taken pinks before, and my Rose hair is going on 15yrs. now. There's really nothing wrong with them, it's just a bit of a lot of food for them all at once to be giving it on a regular basis.

Snake lover 3-25
03-16-2008, 07:08 PM
my 2nd grade teacher had one in the classroom and he used to let us feed it crickets! :)

03-16-2008, 09:37 PM
pinkies and rodents are ok to feed them, they eat animals like that in the wild, have seen videos of them eating birds and ufortunately even a snake!!! It's just a bigger meal and takes longer to eat.

03-17-2008, 04:02 PM
feed them onlyt crickets and every know and again give her a meal worm they like them. and remember when ur holding her and she flares her front legs up she almost certainly wont bite u. they do that to grab on, but remember u have to be firm with her or you will never get her undercontrol. when i was learning how to take care of my rossie along time ago 8 years now =) i kept a hat with me so when she was geting tempermental i could scoop her up in it and put her back till she cooled down. and about they only time you would ever get bit is if your fingers smelled like food ( t food crickets things like that) or if you sat there and wiggled your pinkie finger infront of her like a worm. but if they feel like they are going to fall off your hand they may bite in to hold on but wont use venom, if u do get bit dont panic and squish her or drop her, just bite the bullet and set her down. cause if they fall they will die. if you think u might have gotten some venom in ur arm or hand get an alcohal pad scrub the cut then wash it out with soap and put a band aid on it. also if ur alergic to bees really try not to get bitten cause the venom is really close to a bees. and what ever you do dont think you can get her defanged cause thats cruel and it will almost certainly kill her. i hate it when people ask me if i got her defanged and how i could keep a dangerous pet like that with a permit...its insulting and makes me wana slap those people silly. well any ways
good luck with ur rossie they are great pets. and yeah no more pinkies those are pretty bad, just stick with the meal worms, and crickets, u can even give her some night crawlers every now and again. idk if my rossie ate apples but when i would put half an apple in her cage she would go and lay down ontop of it. and when u clean her cage remember to rearange the stuff in there so its completely new or every now and again go through and put new stuff in and take old stuff out. the rose hair is a wandering tarantula and needs different things to stimulate her because they dont make permanant homes.

Lori P
03-17-2008, 04:17 PM
Thanks so much for all of the great info!! I have read so many different opinions on feeding them, it's hard to know what's right. Soooooo many people seem to feed theirs a pinky every now and then, or even baby quail. I do have crickets and lobster roaches for her to eat, and can easily get mealworms.

Thanks for the info on getting bit, too. I would never drop her or overreact if she did bite me, no worries. Getting bit is just part of animal ownership, it's bound to happen from time to time. I just don't ever want to stress her to where she feels she has to bite, so I'm going slow with her. :-)

I'm curious about the apple now-- will have to put a piece in there and see what she does!!

I'm thinking it's time to move her to a 10 gallon, and I have lots of ideas for climbs and hides. She is moving around more in her little 5.5 gallon, and I want to keep her stimulated and busy. Should be fun setting her up some new things. :-)

OMG-- defanged??!!! I would NEVER. I don't declaw cats or debark dogs, either. I do however know a lot of humans who should be debarked, declawed, defanged, and sterilized!!!!

03-17-2008, 10:48 PM
ok so your telling me this one i have the female shes not traying to bite me lmao ummm i dont think so joe lol



03-17-2008, 11:47 PM
the only food items i would feed any of my spiders would be cockroaches, locusts or crickets main one would be cockroaches as they are cleaner, there has been some debate on feeding mice to tarantulas those including the large T. blondi where people have been having problems with moults in which the T has deformed fangs this i think is something to do with the feeding on mice, i think the article is on Arachnoboards - Powered by vBulletin (http://www.arachnoboards.com) but i would recommend feeding all t's on insects but thats just my opinion. cheers Roger aka ( tarantula_man )

03-18-2008, 07:28 PM
I havn't read every page, but did we ever hear of what became of that unfortunate store keeper? It sounds like he may end up needing rescuing! Certainly if I were to get at him...

Lori P
04-06-2008, 03:42 PM
Well, today I moved Tatiana to her new 10 gallon tank, in the living room. She has become so active and was going all over her 5.5, so I thought the timing was right. I have become rediculously attached to this spider-- who'd of thunk it??!!

Before I show you the pics, I want you to know that the goat skull in her tank was hubby's addition-- at first I told him NO, but, now I think it looks pretty cool. :) I still think she needs a bigger tank... would a 20 really truly be too much space for her???

Hey, how often do they generally shed? She's got another thick matt going in front of her log, and I was careful to move it into the new tank. I wasn't sure if they only build matts when they're about to shed.

Here's her new abode:




She came right out to explore... she's probably checking out the feng shui... LOL


Lori P
04-06-2008, 03:47 PM
I havn't read every page, but did we ever hear of what became of that unfortunate store keeper? It sounds like he may end up needing rescuing! Certainly if I were to get at him...

You know, the whole experience actually gave me a migraine out of sheer frustration. He was so condescending and so outwardly uncaring. I started out with him calmly, rationally, but at his complete lack of interest in what I was saying, my head kind of exploded and I ended up in a sarcastic, nasty, loud rant to him and for the benefit the other customers, then left and never went back. I reported him to the BBB, not that that does anything. And I called into the local animal control, but again, he did nothing to break any law, it's just a complaint on record if they ever get enough to do anything. I think I may have called him an uneducated uncaring maggot, but that may have just been in the dream I had the next few nights.

I don't handle confrontations well.

04-06-2008, 04:12 PM
Lori, thats one awesome looking tarrantula cage.

04-06-2008, 08:36 PM
Love the goat skull!! Tatiana's new place looks nice, Lori.:)

04-07-2008, 04:28 AM
you're an inspiration
that is a great set-up - Tatiana's got it made
I bet she blesses the moment you snatched her out of those evil ignoramuses' hands

04-13-2008, 05:17 PM
i had one when i was younger,there very cool pets..once i got over the fear of it D:

i never knew they shed there skin...i came home from school one day and thought it was giveing birth

04-13-2008, 08:26 PM
lol no a 10g is fine actually to big but thats as big as it needs just letting you in on something i would take the skull out ( very cool tho) because they can fall from not very far at all and it'll kill them..

Lori P
04-14-2008, 10:51 AM
Natalie, she climbs to the top of the tank frequently too... and I guess could easily fall from the glass as well as from the skull or from the foam "rock" I have propped up in there. And you know, she covers every bit of that 10 gallon-- she's really quite active!! For a long time when I got her she was so low key... guess she's feeling better now, more secure or something. She's a very cool girl!!

Lori P
09-20-2008, 06:59 AM
Hey tarantula people-- I'm reserecting this thread because I think Tati may be ill-- she has been very low key for a while now, not eating as well as she used to, and then yesterday I noticed she was hunched down in a corner under a hide, with her legs pulled in. I thought maybe she was getting ready to molt, but, this morning she was in exactly the same spot. I very, very gently lifted her out because I thought she might actually have died, but she did (barely) move. Her legs are pulled up tight and in fact, when I lifted her, some of the substrate came with her.

She did eliminate in my hand... yellow fluid.

Here is what she looked like:


I put her back right where she was and there she sits. Any ideas?? Could this be a precursor to a molt?? Any thoughts would be great...


09-20-2008, 11:00 AM
Hi Lori!
It could very well just be getting ready to molt, Lori, but I dont know for sure. We will see what some of the other T keepers think- but I am thinking that they sometimes go almost dead looking like that for days before molting if I remember right.

09-20-2008, 02:03 PM
Lori, you are a finer lover o'anjumuls than I, Ghung Din. You've the balls of a brass monkey.

I salute you for your nerve - and love - of icky, scary spiders.

You're awesome.

P.S. Hippo Birdies Two Ewes. Sorry I missed it. $ probs and constraints and all that. LOVE YOU!

09-20-2008, 07:00 PM
That's what you call a death curl.. IF she was molting she would have made and think layer of silk called a molting mat and she'd be on her back.. SHE may be a HE and he might be at the end of his life span as males only have 2 years where was female are 20-30 years.. If he has hooks on the end of his 2nd legs closest the it's mouth its a male and hes dieing.. When he was running around the tank was his way of trying to find a mate before his life was up.. :(:(:(:(

09-20-2008, 07:35 PM
Yep- kinda forgot about that part. I always find tarrantulas running around this time of year, but dont bother keeping them because they are about to die. I have seen the hooks on the front legs too.
Lori's looks a lot fatter than the males I find though, but I suppose thats because it was a well fed captive.

Lori P
09-21-2008, 06:20 AM
Ohhhhh noooooo. Crap, now I'm sitting here in tears. I haven't gone to look at her yet... now I don't want to. Oh, my god, I can't believe I'm crying over the thought of loosing a tarantula... who'd of thought. Is she suffering??? Crap, crap, crap. I'll go look. In a minute. What if she's suffering?????

Lori P
09-21-2008, 06:25 AM
Ok. She is still alive but is curled tighter. She barely moves. What do I need to do? Warmer, cooler? Is she suffering? Man... this SUCKS. Are you SURE she's dying?? Can they go into a curl for any other reason?? :-( :-(

My fav. duck, Fred, died yesterday... he was 10 years old, had the most beautiful blue eyes, and the sweetest personality. He came when you called him, loved to sit in my lap and be hand fed nightcrawlers and minnows. He actually died sometime Friday night in his sleep, his head tucked under his wing. He used to be a preforming duck at Busch Gardens... what a unique duck he was. We were going to a nursing home next weekend, Fred and Zoe the goat and one of the turkeys... he just loved attention. So I guess I'm a little over emotional this morning. :-(

09-21-2008, 06:47 AM
Lori I've put her in a Tupperware container and set her in the freezer.. They go to sleep and its the most humane way to end her suffering.. I know you don't like to here it but I had to do this to my male charlie I had for 2 years.. Once they are in a death curl they don't come back out till they die.. I'm soooo sorry hun.. :(:(:(

Lori P
09-21-2008, 08:24 AM

Snake lover 3-25
09-21-2008, 08:27 AM
so sorry lori:(

09-21-2008, 09:41 AM
Lori, I am so sorry! Any kind of pet/animal wether it be a tarantula or not.. they are apart of you!! I lost my first ball python in 2004, I was distraught!!!

I am sorry to hear about your duck also....

in my thoughts & prayers!!:(:(:(:(

09-21-2008, 04:14 PM
Lori, I'm very sorry to hear about your T and your duck :( :( :(

We had a wild caught male T when the boys were little. I'm actually glad to hear that their lifespan is short, because I always wondered if I didn't care for him properly. He lived about a year after we got him and my father in law caught him during their late summer/fall search for a female, so makes sense.

09-21-2008, 05:08 PM
Tami, thats what happened to me with my first t. I thought I had killed it somehow for a couple years, before I found out why it died. (This was before I had the wealth of knowledge called the internet.)

Lori, sorry about your duck and tarrantula, but I do have to say, any girl/woman that actually gets attached to a tarrantula enough to cry is pretty cool in my book. :)

09-21-2008, 05:31 PM
awwwwww Lori im so sorry about your T and your duck!!! :( Let us know how your T is doing.. Big hugs to you!!!!!!!

09-21-2008, 07:09 PM
Sorry lori...I'll probably cry too when my tarantula dies :(.....the curl is bad news though....and sorry about your duck too.

09-22-2008, 12:00 AM
hi lori sorry to hear about your T has she got a black patch on her abdomen? try putting the front part of her in a shallow water bowl you will be suprised how quick they recover leg curl is also an indication of dehydration, hope this hepls. Roger.

09-22-2008, 03:48 AM
oh Lori - I'm so sorry

Lori P
09-22-2008, 06:00 AM
Roger, thanks for the chance! But she does not seem to have a black spot on her abdomen and she is much less responsive this mornig... I offered her the shallow water anyway and there was no response at all.

I can't seem to stick her in the freezer. I'm really hoping she's not suffering but is just shutting down and withdrawing. I know I can't know that... but, I really think that today is her last day, so hopefully she is beyond feeling. I'm not going to touch her again.

Thanks guys.... it's so unfair, she really did not have enough time, you know? Her whole life with me is in the pages of this thread.... :-(

09-22-2008, 06:25 AM
I hope she is not suffering either. She just may go to sleep and not wake up with no pain. I feel bad for her and you. Its funny how you can be so attached to a pet even if its a spider. I have a wolf spider I think at my porch and made this web. Well he greets me every time I go outside to let the dog out. Richard was spraying the bee nest by our door and I told him to be careful of the spider. I told him its my buddy LOL. So im kinda attached to him. :D

09-22-2008, 07:01 AM
I hope she is not suffering either. She just may go to sleep and not wake up with no pain. I feel bad for her and you. Its funny how you can be so attached to a pet even if its a spider. I have a wolf spider I think at my porch and made this web. Well he greets me every time I go outside to let the dog out. Richard was spraying the bee nest by our door and I told him to be careful of the spider. I told him its my buddy LOL. So im kinda attached to him. :D

Every fall we tend to get these yellow/black spiders, they make the coolest webs! I like them, so I don't bug them. I tell my husband not to kill them or ruin the web!

I get attached to everything... all animals

09-22-2008, 07:51 AM
Every fall we tend to get these yellow/black spiders, they make the coolest webs! I like them, so I don't bug them. I tell my husband not to kill them or ruin the web!

I get attached to everything... all animals

those are garden spiders.. i had one on my front porch named tutti fruity.. she layed 2 eggs sacks for me.. them one morning i woke up she wasn't there any more it was late fall last year.. im guessing she went off and died..

Here's the pics of her and the egg sacks..







09-22-2008, 07:53 AM






09-22-2008, 07:54 AM


both the egg sacks was hers.. I thought she would have made a 3rd but she didnt.. :(:(:(

09-22-2008, 08:20 AM
While I give spiders a wide berth and your pics, Natalie, give me the heebee jeebees, I'm thankful for people like you guys that *do* appreciate spiders because you're like mom & pop National Geographics.

Your photos, understanding and knowledge of spiders allows me, here, to learn and gain - even if at hands length, or up on a chair cringing - an appreciation for things I never would usually consider learning about.

Maybe this should be another thread? (Hhhuuummm... Pun! Thread? Spiders? Get it?)

Our differences in our likes and passions facinates me and I appreciate so much the differences because you all teach me. You open new worlds and give me perspectives I'd never think of.

The pains, time and efforts you guys go to to take wonderful photos - and EXPLAIN what's going on in them - is so wonderful. You make me see my world better and I sometimes feel like such a twit because you show me what I miss. You are teaching me to be more appreciative of our natural world, to be more cognizant.

The amount of knowledge in this forum is off the chart. And I thank you all for sharing your specific expertise and making my world a better place.


Enuff of the sentimental stuff! Stefan's prolly gagging to death!

I'm such a twit!

09-22-2008, 08:21 AM
What an amazing sequence of pictures Natalie! (have the heebie jeebies now, but can still appreciate the process and how much it must take out of the spider)

edited to say: Gertie, I must have been typing as you were posting... still have the heebie jeebies :D

09-22-2008, 08:22 AM
That, Missy Tami, is like just too way weird! "Heebie jeebies"!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :) :)

09-22-2008, 09:37 AM
I stayed up all night sitting in a chair by the web taking photos every few second's because most people don't get to see that EVER.. I want to be on the TV going to different places taking photos or movies like Steve Irwin did only with out wrestling crocks and alligators lol

09-22-2008, 09:42 AM
I'm not going back to look again, but Natalie, it seems you have way more patience than I do :) and that I also appreciate and admire :) Again, very nice sequence of pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us!

09-22-2008, 09:49 AM
Woman, you are my better. Holy crow. Phenominal! Thanks very much for your effort.

Not to be nosey... Okay...

To be nosey, what part of the country are you from? I've never seen such A HUGE GIGANTAMUS spider sack in my life. I grew up in IL and now live in MN. I'm going to just guess and say you're in the southern, south eastern, south western part o'the US. Based on size. Because in temperate climes spiders tend to stay smaller; their sacs stay smaller. But that's a generalization based on lack of knowledge regarding spiders.

Lori P
09-22-2008, 11:08 AM
Natalie, those pics are AWESOME!!!! Just amazing!!! I've showed everyone!!!! I've never seen a spider lay an egg nest either and I LOVED it. Thank you!!!

09-22-2008, 11:32 AM
I live in Springfield Missouri... I always thought they made the sack and then drilled a hole and layed there eggs like it that way I never knew or even thought they could hang upside down and lay them that way..

I've wanted to capture a caterpillar in to a butter fly before but I have yet the chance to.. ive got LOTS more pics like i said i took that ever few secs..our cam holds like 3000 pics and then i switch out sims cards i can take 3000 more lol.. its not a expensive cam but i do want one that take better pics..

09-22-2008, 11:57 AM
wow, Natalie
those are amazing photos
I can't wait to show them to Mikhaila

09-22-2008, 04:24 PM
Natalie, I would have thought even further south. Huh. I grew up just east of St. Louis over in Il and don't ever remember seeing egg sacs like that! Very cool.

I hope you get your catapillar/butterfly pictures! That would be neat!

09-22-2008, 05:19 PM
yeah when i do youll all be the first to see them other then me and my husband lol :D:D:D

09-22-2008, 08:25 PM
wow, sweet pics of the spider....i love spiders and i havent even see that.

09-23-2008, 10:19 AM
How's your T doing Lori? Everytime I open this thread I tense up, expecting bad news... glad to see that there hasn't been any yet...

Lori P
09-23-2008, 10:24 AM
Oh, ah, well, I haven't checked. I mean, she is in her little dark corner still curled up but whether she's alive I don't know... I don't want to disturb her anymore. I'll check tonite tho.

09-23-2008, 10:28 AM
I don't blame you Lori... I think I shared with you guys that I made my son check on Sly this spring cause I hadn't seen him in a while... thankfully he was fine, but yeah... I didn't notice our T doing anything unusual when he passed. One day I checked on him and he was just gone :(

Lori P
09-25-2008, 06:26 AM
Ok guys. Tatiana is still alive, still curled up. I need a general concensus on what to do. I'm calling my vet today, too.

Do I let her die on her own?

Do I find a humane method to euth? Is freezing humane? Would I cool her slowly by putting her in the fridge first, or straight to the freezer?

I could have hubby take care of her somehow, I suppose...


09-25-2008, 06:36 AM
Ok guys. Tatiana is still alive, still curled up. I need a general concensus on what to do. I'm calling my vet today, too.

Do I let her die on her own?

Do I find a humane method to euth? Is freezing humane? Would I cool her slowly by putting her in the fridge first, or straight to the freezer?

I could have hubby take care of her somehow, I suppose...


I'd put her straight to the freezer... they get cold then are in a state of euphoria and feel nothing then they go to sleep... I know it's hard to say good bye but really this is the only humane thing to do...

09-25-2008, 10:18 AM
Aw, poor thing... I'm sorry Lori...

09-25-2008, 02:23 PM
I am so very sorry Lori. Wish there was something I could to do to make things a bit easier for you.