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01-26-2008, 12:44 PM
As you all already know, I love the opportunity of meeting fellow Thamnophis.com members. Today I had the pleasure of meeting Greg (Gregmonsta). He came to visit me at home during his trip to Manchester.
We had a great time... lots of snake talk and coffee, and a few photo opportunities!


Me with a radix (of course!:rolleyes:), Greg with a tetrataenia.

Greg was happy to make the acquaintance of each snake individually, but I won't bore you with every picture!


Greg with a concinnus (he wants one now!)


He was kind enough to pose with all three tetrataenia, so that I could get the chance to show off how big they're getting!

Greg is now on the gruelling five hour drive home. But at least he has his smart new car to enjoy en route!

I enjoyed meeting you, Greg. Hope to see you again at the Thamnophis UK meeting in the summer, if not before. You're not bad for a Jock!:D

01-26-2008, 05:14 PM
(he is huge though isn't he?)

01-26-2008, 05:18 PM
Woohoo :) I had a great time ... and I managed not to crash into anything :P ... James is not bad at all for a partial Jock :D and his snakes, coffee and family were great (especially the snakes ... I have developed a rather nightmarish craving for Oregon's finest) ... and ... I left with a radix ... what a lovely snakey .... :cool: ... *running for the camera*

01-26-2008, 05:33 PM



It's weird ... :) it's almost as if Slithers was loving having another buddy about :D

and ROFL!!! ... with all these lovely snake things happening I forgot to take pictures of my car :rolleyes:

01-26-2008, 05:36 PM
Mr J looks great in that first picture.... I changed my mind... can I have him back?:D

01-26-2008, 05:36 PM
Lovely to see some pictures of your Scottish visitor! Glad you both had a good time.

Are those tetrataenia the babies from last year? :eek: Now I'm getting really, really worried... mine are tiny, tiny strings. They have hardly grown at all. :(

01-26-2008, 05:37 PM
Yes, those are the tetras from the lovely Sabine.:)

01-26-2008, 05:41 PM
Mr J looks great in that first picture.... I changed my mind... can I have him back?:D

Mmmmm .... let me see ..... :rolleyes: .... can I just borrow him for 10 years or so? :D

01-26-2008, 05:41 PM
Yes, those are the tetras from the lovely Sabine.:)

:( I'm scared.

01-26-2008, 05:47 PM
Why scared, Esther? They don't have to be grown on so quickly. As long as they're healthy and eating, don't worry.:)

Oh, alright, Greg. You can keep him! Love the name by the way!:rolleyes:

01-26-2008, 06:03 PM
Glad you guys had a nice visit. Good photos, Greg and a great looking Radix. Thinking they may have to be added to my 2008 list.

01-26-2008, 06:06 PM
Good for you, Sid. I think all of us should have at least one radix... they are the epitome of everything Thamnophis!:D

01-27-2008, 02:15 AM
Hehe, always fun to meet some new people of fora. Have met some very nice people like that and have seen some back on different occasions:)

Bice snakes and congrats with the addition Greg!

Lori P
01-27-2008, 08:20 AM

GREG. I TOLD you to slip these in your pocket before you left and drive them here to Virginia. So where are you??!! I thought your new car could take you anywhere??? :D

It's so cool when members of the forum can meet. I'm glad you had a nice visit!!!

01-27-2008, 09:14 AM
:cool: I couldn't do it Lori .... the snakes told me they were happy so I couldn't complete the mission ... the aquatic car modifications are being installed as we speak .... muhahahahaha ... world beware :D

01-27-2008, 09:29 AM
How's Mr J today, Greg. His siblings don't seem to have noticed his absence!:rolleyes:

01-27-2008, 02:50 PM
Glad you all had fun, love the Tetras James!!! Your so lucky.........:(

01-27-2008, 05:52 PM
Mr 'J' seems to be adjusting :) didn't want food today but I'm sure he'll change his mind in a few days. He's not shy tho :D he spends most of his time out in the open ... :) he wants to be seen.

01-27-2008, 05:54 PM
I just know he'll thrive in your care, Greg. Hope you enjoy him. T. radix are the best!

01-27-2008, 06:55 PM
Already enjoying him utterly :) 'J' and 'Slithers' together makes for excellent TV :)

02-02-2008, 06:03 AM
That's too cool! I wish I could be there in 5 hours, lol.