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01-20-2008, 10:06 AM
i currebtly have a albino checkered garter. for the first view months, i fed him pinkies... suddenly, it doesn want pinkies anymore.. then i tried a small house lizard that i found around the house.. and he ate it... the next week, it wouldnt eat pinkies again.. and i tried small house lizard again..this time, he had 3 house lizards.... is it ok to keep feeding him small house lizards? do i need to wash the lizards before feeding it to him? how can i make him eat pinkies again?

01-20-2008, 10:12 AM
house lizards would be ok but they might have parasites, i would sent(rub) a lizard all over a pinkie and hell probaly eat it

i currebtly have a albino checkered garter. for the first view months, i fed him pinkies... suddenly, it doesn want pinkies anymore.. then i tried a small house lizard that i found around the house.. and he ate it... the next week, it wouldnt eat pinkies again.. and i tried small house lizard again..this time, he had 3 house lizards.... is it ok to keep feeding him small house lizards? do i need to wash the lizards before feeding it to him? how can i make him eat pinkies again?

01-20-2008, 10:16 AM
what'll happen if he eats the parasites?

01-20-2008, 10:16 AM
I am just impressed that you have that many house lizards!! (and jealous)

01-20-2008, 11:02 AM
lol uh um depends it could kill him or make him sick but ive fed lizards before and mine have never gotten sick but it could always happen

what'll happen if he eats the parasites?

01-20-2008, 11:10 AM
how to make him eat pinkies again?:confused:

01-20-2008, 11:36 AM
rub the lizard all over the pinkie and try offering it to him and if that works wash the pinkie off with water then dry it and rub the lizard all over that should work,

how to make him eat pinkies again?:confused:

01-20-2008, 01:29 PM
Hi Lionel. Reeds' advice to 'scent' the pinky with the lizard is good, it should work for you.
I'd like to see photos of the house lizards (and your Garter too):)

01-22-2008, 09:59 AM

why you don't feed him with frozen fish: Perhaps your snake will like it more than pinkies. But you can bring a test of his excrements to the animal doctor from time to time, every half year (this isn't expensive) and you'll know in time, when your snake has parasits.

If the snake has parasits in you know it it time, so it isn't very danger. But if you don't know about that, Your animal will dye on it.