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01-19-2008, 04:29 PM
What ya'll got?

All I have left from my glory days are 2 regularplecos, 1 bristlenose pleco, 1 adult oscar, possibly 2 kuhli loaches, and a handsome group of 5 clown loaches.
Pics later.

01-19-2008, 05:03 PM
Nothing at the moment, but I have had a few different setups with a few dozen different species, from live-bearers to goldfish to tetras to labyrinth fish etc.. Nothing to brag about, really, just the most common species.

edit: I don't even remember half the names anymore in any language, I effectively stopped keeping fish 10 years ago, if you don't count the guppies.

I'm hoping to set up a fairly large aquarium exclusively with domestic species, some day. I used to have one, but it was much too small for that purpose. Didn't have any problems with it, though.

01-19-2008, 06:35 PM
I have:

(1) 12.5" Tiger oscar - "Boss"
(1) 11" Red oscar - "Beast"
(1) 7-8" Midas/Red Devil - "Manson"
(1) 10" Pleco - no name
(2) male Bettas - "Blaze" & "Ghost"
(2) Guppies - no names
(8) Platys - no names

Lori P
01-19-2008, 07:38 PM
I love bettas and goldfish, but right now I just have one fan tail goldfish (Jeffy), a small group of guppies who are feeders (well, their offspring are) and a tank for the feeder minnows. Jeffy has a yellow mystery snail as a tank mate.

I try to buy the minnows one to two weeks ahead and feed them really well (and now, treat them for parasites). I get them up to three meals a day by the third day and just let them eat themselves silly. I do have to do weekly water changes in that tank.

I've had some wonderful bettas and want another, but need to wait until I know I have time for one more tank. I really admire salt water tanks but have never had the energy to try one!

01-19-2008, 11:14 PM
I have one S.E. Asian tank with three tiger barbs, four harlequin rasboras, three cherry barbs, a dwarf loach and a clown pleco (yeh, I know he's not Asian, but they're just too good at keeping the algae down to not have one ;)). I also have a Cory. catfish tank with a pair of albino Aeneus corys, four C.shwartzi and one Orange Laser C.aenus (I've had a really bad time keeping them alive....I've gone through 6 of them and only the same one survives!!!!), also there are some White clouds that I used to condition the tank and three Otocinclus to keep the algea down. The cory tank is also completely planted with live plants, it is totally Anubias nana that's been growing for almost 20yrs. now and a new Anubias barteri that I just added about a year ago. The barb tank is only a 20H and the cory tank is a 40 breeder.

01-20-2008, 04:33 AM
the 33G long is all I got left and with the moving past summer I lost a few fish
yeah, I'm pretty sure the botia kubotai is gone
what's left now is one clown loach, one geto loach, one kuhli loach, four pristella tetras and two or three otos
time to restock
I'm thinking more kuhli loaches, some cory cats, some odessa barbs, perhaps some leporinus, more otos
I guess I'd do something about the remaining tetras before adding the barbs

Lori P
01-20-2008, 09:35 AM
Well... now we need pics of all these fishies!!!

01-20-2008, 10:25 AM
the 33G long is all I got left and with the moving past summer I lost a few fish
yeah, I'm pretty sure the botia kubotai is gone
what's left now is one clown loach, one geto loach, one kuhli loach, four pristella tetras and two or three otos
time to restock
I'm thinking more kuhli loaches, some cory cats, some odessa barbs, perhaps some leporinus, more otos
I guess I'd do something about the remaining tetras before adding the barbsPerhaps you should get another clown?
I will have to advise against the norm here:
Clown loaches do get big. But, it can take them years to get there. My biggest clown is 4 years old and only just pushing 5 inches. They take a while to mature, and you will have plenty of time to save up etc for a new tank. My best advice on this is to start a "Clown Loach Account" in a piggy bank and throw your daily change in there til it maxes out and you can buy a new tank.

01-20-2008, 10:38 AM
I just picked these up 2 days ago.. they are called a Regal Peacock.. Male and female pair..




Same Female Above..

01-20-2008, 02:35 PM
Mollies, Swordtails, Bettas, and Angle Fish in tanks inside our home. One tank of minnows and one of Rosies in the reptile room.

01-20-2008, 03:44 PM
Perhaps you should get another clown?
I will have to advise against the norm here:
Clown loaches do get big. But, it can take them years to get there. My biggest clown is 4 years old and only just pushing 5 inches. They take a while to mature, and you will have plenty of time to save up etc for a new tank. My best advice on this is to start a "Clown Loach Account" in a piggy bank and throw your daily change in there til it maxes out and you can buy a new tank.

you think clowns over kuhlis?
my clown loach is about 4" - I've had him five years or so
I really really like kuhli loaches though
I guess i could have both

01-20-2008, 03:54 PM
you think clowns over kuhlis?
my clown loach is about 4" - I've had him five years or so
I really really like kuhli loaches though
I guess i could have bothClowns are always on the top of my list. :P
They need to be kept in a minimal of 3 to keep their stress down and immunity up, 5 so they'll be more active, and 5+ to keep them 100% happy. :P

01-20-2008, 03:56 PM
I did not know this
maybe I'll save to kuhlis for another time

01-20-2008, 04:01 PM
I did not know this
maybe I'll save to kuhlis for another time
Ironically enough, before I was a roach expert, I was a loach expert. lol
You'll love a group of clown loaches. :P
Especially when they do da loachy dance. :P

01-20-2008, 04:06 PM
i have one stripy fish thingy thats lasted like 6 years

01-20-2008, 04:09 PM

01-20-2008, 04:21 PM
I do love clowns
they're so goofy
how many do you think I could fit in my current tank?
I mean - after a certain number, being crowded will cause as much stress as not having enough buddies to swim with

01-20-2008, 04:24 PM
I do love clowns
they're so goofy
how many do you think I could fit in my current tank?
I mean - after a certain number, being crowded will cause as much stress as not having enough buddies to swim with
Ah... 33 long. The ideal tank to work with. :P
That's professional. XD
I'd say not how many you can fit, but how many can comfortably live in there. :O
4-5 1-2 inch clowns should do. Just make sure there's a lot of water flow.

Lori P
01-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Someone GAVE me :-) a 55 gallon tank and stand yesterday... and I can't decide whether to make it a tank for Jeffy and get him a companion goldfish, or save it for Mordecai & Miriam when they are older. Sigh.... decisions decisions!!!

01-20-2008, 04:52 PM
Someone GAVE me :-) a 55 gallon tank and stand yesterday... and I can't decide whether to make it a tank for Jeffy and get him a companion goldfish, or save it for Mordecai & Miriam when they are older. Sigh.... decisions decisions!!!
Do it for Jeffy! :D
And get him a weather loach friend. :P

01-20-2008, 05:06 PM
Ah... 33 long. The ideal tank to work with. :P
That's professional. XD
I'd say not how many you can fit, but how many can comfortably live in there. :O
4-5 1-2 inch clowns should do. Just make sure there's a lot of water flow.

that seems like a lot
if I get three, I'd have four altogether
would that keep them happy?
and then I could have banana plants

Someone GAVE me :-) a 55 gallon tank and stand yesterday... and I can't decide whether to make it a tank for Jeffy and get him a companion goldfish, or save it for Mordecai & Miriam when they are older. Sigh.... decisions decisions!!!

possibilities . . .

01-20-2008, 05:20 PM
A 33 long has about the dimensions of a 55 gallon minus the height. 4-5 more would do well in their until they'd all need a 75 in about... I dunno, 3-5 more years.

01-21-2008, 04:29 AM
a 75G long must be what you're talking about
nice dimensions
there's also a 100G wide
wonder where I could put something that size
oh my - I'm already planning this thing
I do want to think ahead
7' is a long piece of real estate here in Brooklyn

01-21-2008, 10:42 AM
a 75G long must be what you're talking about
nice dimensions
there's also a 100G wide
wonder where I could put something that size
oh my - I'm already planning this thing
I do want to think ahead
7' is a long piece of real estate here in BrooklynYou'll have a good 3 years to think ahead. :P

01-21-2008, 11:54 AM
We have a few fish. Megan has a beautiful bright blue betta in her room, and I have a (very) small tank with neon tetras and a corydora. I had a pretty little angelfish in there but lost her recently. Still have to decide what to replace her with!

01-21-2008, 03:06 PM
We have 4 tanks going right now, 3 with all cichlids and 1 with fresh water fish (Angels, black/white mollies, guppies, white clouds, and sword tails.





01-21-2008, 04:13 PM
We have a few fish. Megan has a beautiful bright blue betta in her room, and I have a (very) small tank with neon tetras and a corydora. I had a pretty little angelfish in there but lost her recently. Still have to decide what to replace her with!My advise is get the cory a friend. Believe it or not cories are schooling fish.

01-24-2008, 09:16 PM
Really? I had no idea.......
Thanks, I'll definitely do that, then we'll have two little "Whiskers" bouncing around the tank. They really are cute and fun to watch!:)

01-25-2008, 08:03 AM
definitely get the cory some friends - they're so much fun together

Lori P
01-25-2008, 10:30 AM
My cory just lost his buddy of the last 3 or so years... I need to get out and get him a new bud. He looks so forlorn!!

01-25-2008, 10:45 AM
Well... now we need pics of all these fishies!!!

Here are my cichlids..

http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/5287/bossavatarqp5.th.jpg (http://img246.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bossavatarqp5.jpg)

http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/9549/beast2br7.th.jpg (http://img237.imageshack.us/my.php?image=beast2br7.jpg)

And Manson:
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/4753/mansondn3.th.jpg (http://img120.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mansondn3.jpg)

Manson is soooo aggressive! No one can live with him, he makes sure of that. But, I do love him. :rolleyes:

01-25-2008, 08:44 PM
Boss is stunning
they're all nice

01-25-2008, 09:23 PM
Thank you. :)

I have had him for 4 or 5 years now.