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12-05-2006, 04:40 AM
Can you tell the sex of a snake by simply looking at it i'm pretty sure this is a male as the head seems small and the tail thin is this a good indication, or is there a simple method that doesn't involve probes or trying to expose the sex organs?

12-05-2006, 10:21 AM
Unfortunately there's not a really easy method, if you want to be 100% sure. Probing is the only...almost 100% way, and hemipene eversion is only reliable if it's a male....cause they'll be there, but if you don't see anything it doesn't guarantee it's a female and you can only do it with young snakes. Pretty much all garters have long thin tails (makes sexing them harder then other colubrids). What you want to try and look for is to see how the tail comes off the body. If after the cloaca (the opening at the base of the tail) the tail really constricts or doesn't smoothly continue it's probably a female....if the tail stays thick and doesn't slant sharply after the cloaca, it's probably a male. The secondary sexual characteristics that you mentioned do make it sound like a male, but again, it's no guarantee. Good luck...oh and good looking snake, whatever sex it is.;)

12-05-2006, 07:21 PM
Like Roy mentioned, sexing young snakes by the visual method can be difficult. The erector muscles that evert the hemipenes get larger as a male snake matures, and they become easier to see. Popping isn't practical on a snake of that size. That leaves probing as the most reliable option, but this method has risks if you don't learn the technique properly. If you post a good enough picture of the snake's underside including at least about 3" above and below the vent, we might be able to offer second and third opinions. The tail and body have to be straight, and the snake has to be fairly relaxed (not stretched out). The point-of-view of the picture should be from the snake's centerline.

01-29-2007, 09:21 AM
This is Gloria, she is a female T. Radix. See how her tail dramatically gets smaller after her vent.

This is Gerby, a male T. Radix. Notice how his tail does not taper off as dramically

04-08-2007, 09:33 AM
Ahh, thanks for posting the pictures! lol

we weren't sure, but after seeing the picture's we're pretty sure "pinky" is actually female (thank God with a name like that haha)

04-08-2007, 04:58 PM
Was never 100% on the sex of my snake, breeder said she was female when I got her so I took his word for it , turns out he was right, I think the name Speedy would have worked either way though:p .

04-08-2007, 10:02 PM
True enough. Speedy can be used either or. I don't think "Pinky" could tho, lol. Well it could, but ppl might think we were odd if they found out she was male and called Pinky lol

She's adorable tho. I'll have to get some pictures of her up! :D