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07-18-2006, 07:00 PM
Does Any One Else Besides Me Name Their Snakes?
07-18-2006, 07:41 PM
Does Any One Else Besides Me Name Their Snakes?
I don't know if other people name their snakes, but my first garter was named "Boots". :)
In the last time I don't give names to my Garter Snakes, but formerly every snake was getting a name ... like Klaus, Loopy, Joo, Cherry, Proximan, Strippe, Pithy, Shooter, Ruby, Zbornak, Gudrun and so on ;-)
07-19-2006, 10:24 AM
In the last time I don't give names to my Garter Snakes, but formerly every snake was getting a name ... like Klaus, Loopy, Joo, Cherry, Proximan, Strippe, Pithy, Shooter, Ruby, Zbornak, Gudrun and so on ;-)
With all the new babies, it would be hard to name them, and keep the names straight. Much easier when you only have one or two snakes in a tank then a constantly moving mass of babies. :)
07-19-2006, 10:36 AM
I just got my second garter, and named it Zipper because it's dorsal stripe is very muted, and only runs about 1/8th the length of it's body, and looks a little like a zipper.
My kids also named my other garter Checkers and I didn't get a say in that. Bet you can guess the sub-species.
07-19-2006, 03:04 PM
I guess people do name their snakes. My three happen to be named Iceman, Maverick, and of course Goose. I happen to like the movie Top Gun.
07-19-2006, 03:14 PM
I guess people do name their snakes. My three happen to be named Iceman, Maverick, and of course Goose. I happen to like the movie Top Gun.
I take it they are all male snakes. Otherwise you should have names one "Charlie". :)
07-19-2006, 07:04 PM
My mother named one of my garters "Thud" since she would always crawlingup the side of the cage and falling sideways thumping on the bottom of the cage...hence the name. She caught a comanion for her....named that one "T.C"......short for Thud's!!!! I had a red necked keelback from Korea....she loved to hide all the time...she got the name "Heidi"
07-20-2006, 05:43 AM
My mother named one of my garters "Thud" since she would always crawlingup the side of the cage and falling sideways thumping on the bottom of the cage...hence the name. She caught a comanion for her....named that one "T.C"......short for Thud's!!!! I had a red necked keelback from Korea....she loved to hide all the time...she got the name "Heidi"
That's really funny. Those are my kids names too, and strangely enough, I named them that for those same reasons.
07-21-2006, 12:23 PM
Yeh I never name my snakes. I have alot of garters and a few other species of snakes. But no names for any of them.
12-05-2007, 10:58 PM
I don't think I've ever had an animal I didn't name :rolleyes:. We've had cats and dogs named Jasper, Linus, Atticus [Finch], Nixie, Froth, Ariel, Luke, Cyrus, Suvvy, Hobbes, Petra, etc. My last two beardies were named Thistle and Chewy (he ate with his mouth wide open). Our snakes have been Zaccheus, Caa, Chakah, Ophelia, Tobias, etc. etc. My current snakes are Tannin (hebrew for serpent, african house snake) and Tread (a garter of some sort). We even name our chickens!
12-06-2007, 04:20 AM
I have no names for my snakes.
It's female 1, male 2, etc.
12-06-2007, 05:00 AM
Mostly I do not name my snakes. At the moment only one has a name... 'Olive' my female T. marcianus.
12-06-2007, 05:09 AM
I named my first two snakes, but only so that I would have an answer if somebody ever asked what their names are. :D I just don't feel comfortable naming animals that don't learn to respond to their names.
i of the storm
12-06-2007, 05:58 AM
The kids named them Saphira & Fiona. Here, even the Betta fish gets a name (Spike).
12-06-2007, 06:53 AM
we name everything except the babies. they are "baby snakes"
12-06-2007, 10:06 AM
mine are all named, except for five of the babies, because I can't keep them apart yet
here are the names of my garters:
Samantha (Sammy), Whizzy, Thing, Slither, Simon, Don, Hermione, Runty, Chloe, Mimo, Memo, Spunky, Momo, Chica
the names of my other snakes:
Drache, Lav, Layla, Casey Jones, Chili, Paprica, Caramel, Cocoa
the lizards:
Henner, Velvet, Armor, Honey
12-06-2007, 11:47 PM
Yep name all my garters....well once they're old enough to sex them....LOL I've got Petra (female T.s.concinnus), Azul and Jeada (male and female T.s.pickeringii)....haven't named my Maritimes yet....still waiting on the above reason.;)
12-07-2007, 01:03 AM
If I know I'm keeping a critter, I name it, though with ones that look alike, like my emperor scorpions, it'll be hard to tell who's who. Maybe I'll name them all "Bob" lol.
If mine come with names, I keep those, otherwise, I'm on a polynesian name spree :)
My iguanas are: Jake, Gravy, Speedy, Marley, and Kauai.
My beardie girl is Maui.
My uromastyx boy is Blade (aka Dr. Leakey cause he used to hiss at me)
My male bp is Fiji.
My cats are: Idgie, Texas (or Tex), Butters, and Scooter. Ones that have passed are: Bubba, Tofu, Percy, Casey, Ellie, Gus.
My dogs are: Sammy and Gracie. Passed ones are: Buddy and Sally (the D!ck Van Dyke Show), and Jake.
I can't decide on names for my tarantulas yet, so I'm taking suggestions! :D
I can't tell my garter babies apart, so they're just "the Garters, party of six."
12-07-2007, 05:54 AM
I have..... A zoo... LOL I have about 30+ rats and about 12 more cichlids I haven't named yet and probably never will.. And also 3 three toed box turtles thats still need to be named..
0. Godzilla (AKA Zilla)- Argus Montior
1. Bowser- Nile Monitor
2. Yoshi- Collard Lizard
3. Hissed Off- Alligator
4. Oh Snap- Camin Crock
5. Loki- Brooks King Snake
6. Thor- Male Northern Pine Snake
7. Elli- Female Northern Pine Snake
8. No Feet- Garter Snake
9. Seth- Male Red Tail Boa
10. Sabrina- Female Red Tail Boa
11. Dakota- Male Blue Merle Pom
12. Precious- Female Black Pom
13. Ku-Joe- Male Tabby Cat
14. Zora- Female Cat White with Gray Spots
15. Salt- Pacu
16. Pepper- Pacu
17. Leo- Oscar
18. Lucky- Pleco ~Reason: He's Survived A house burning down. Multpial (spelling?) attempts of jumping out and finding him on the floor all white and eyes sunk in and also our outside dog almost bit him in two.. Because hubby wasn't watching like he was suppose to.. Then there was a water change that wiped out all the fish even the other pleco that was in there with him and guess what? He was the only surviver.. We've had him for 5 years now and i bet he'll live longer then me or my husband will lmao...
19. Lola- Female Rat
20. Lea-Lea- Female Rat
21. Lucy- Female Rat
22. Sneezels- Male Rat
23. Edward- Male Rat
24. Edmond- Male Rat
25. Spaz- Map Turtle
26. Flow- Yellow Belly Cooter Turtle
27. Big Momma (AKA) CS- Red Ear Slider Turtle
28. Aqua- Baby Red Ear Slider Turtle
29. G. rosea- Charlet
30. C. fasciatum - Itsy
31. C. fasciatum- Bitsy
32. C. fasciatum- Spider
I name them but I only have four :mad:
Strip, Red, Midge and Five :D
Lori P
12-07-2007, 11:55 AM
I can't decide on names for my tarantulas yet, so I'm taking suggestions! :D
How about "EEEEEEEK" and "EEEEEEWWW" ??? :D:D
(Just teasing you!!!):)
i of the storm
12-07-2007, 04:14 PM
oh, and our dog (goldendoodle) is named Nina Myers (from '24')
12-07-2007, 04:55 PM
How about "EEEEEEEK" and "EEEEEEWWW" ??? :D:D
(Just teasing you!!!):)
LMAO!! I like it!!
"Sneezels" totall cracked me up, Charlet. I almost spewed coffee on my monitor! :p
12-07-2007, 05:09 PM
yeah he sneezed all over me when i got him so you know if the name fits right? :D:D
Lulu Bennett
12-08-2007, 08:29 AM
i have always names all of our animals.
at the moment i have
1.1 t.s.tetrataenia-Clyde, Bonni
1.1 t.marcianus-Sissle-Kia
1.0 boa constrictor-Boo
1.0 budgie-Bella (thought it was female when we got him lol)
12-08-2007, 09:30 AM
We have around 50 snakes and they all have names. We dont name the babies. We also have several species of lizards, but only about half of them have names.
12-08-2007, 04:41 PM
I have plenty of names. :P
Most of my baby snakes don't have a set name, but my pair is Olive and Mint. My corns are Luna and Todd. ((I bought Todd before I left the local show and had them set him aside so no one else would buy him. So they asked me what my name was and I said "Kyle." I come back to pick him up, and "Todd" is written on his container. So, it stuck. :P))
12-08-2007, 04:42 PM
It's more interesting when there's a story behind the name. Thanks Todd!;)
12-08-2007, 06:56 PM
We have around 50 snakes and they all have names. We dont name the babies. We also have several species of lizards, but only about half of them have names.
we named most of ours, only the babies that havent names..
12-08-2007, 07:06 PM
okay I always named my snakes and lizzards . max, sam, skunk, goober..
and of course salzar..
seem to name the cats and dogs too as apose to dog 1 cat 2 and so on....
12-08-2007, 08:41 PM
I've always named everything, except the budgie I had for a while, and even he I guess had a name, because he annoyed me so much I kept calling him "Stupid Bird"!
My last cats were Macaroni and Skatcat. Mackie died a few years back, and Skat decided she wanted to stay and live with my mom, so that's where she is. The toad is just named Toadie, because I tried naming him something else and that's all I ever keep calling him anyway. We had two other toads up until this summer, named Bob and Joeboo. (the kids picked 'em!)
Our first garter was named Dojo by the kids, and when she gave birth, they, with their infinite creativity, named the baby Dojo Junior-- hence, D. J., now Deejay.
And anyone who's been reading my recent threads knows the story of Stitch, the Dekays snake. So that about sums it up until I get more snakes, because they are the only kind of pet that are husband approved now!! (NO FUR!!:D)
12-12-2007, 05:41 PM
My first two Ribbon snakes were called Steve and Dave (yup .... I was a teenager and obsessed with 'Iron Maiden' and 'Megadeth' so I named the snakes after 'Steve Harris' and 'Dave Mustaine' lmao).
:) my new baby is called Squiggles due to it's squirmy nature when I attempt to handle it (which will probably shorten to Squig when it's older to avoid any embarassment)
12-13-2007, 03:56 PM
mine are all named, except for five of the babies, because I can't keep them apart yet
here are the names of my garters:
Samantha (Sammy), Whizzy, Thing, Slither, Simon, Don, Hermione, Runty, Chloe, Mimo, Memo, Spunky, Momo, Chica
the names of my other snakes:
Drache, Lav, Layla, Casey Jones, Chili, Paprica, Caramel, Cocoa
the lizards:
Henner, Velvet, Armor, Honey
Excuse me?
Did you forget someone?
You forgot to list poor Marieke the tarantula!
We named her after that member who had a bunch of tarantulas.
She was so nice.
12-13-2007, 04:00 PM
my Mom named on of my old garter snakes Thud. that was cuz the snake was always crawling up the side of the cage and would then fall sideways and you would hear it hit the ottom of the tank..making a thud sound.....:cool:
12-13-2007, 04:05 PM
my Mom named on of my old garter snakes Thud. that was cuz the snake was always crawling up the side of the cage and would then fall sideways and you would hear it hit the ottom of the tank..making a thud sound.....:cool:
our snakes used to do that all the time.
some of them still do.
I'd have to name them Thud, Thudder, Thudding, Thudded, and ... I cant come up with another "Thud" word.
12-13-2007, 04:06 PM
well....another name my mom gave to a cagemate.....T.C. Stands for Thud's!
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