View Full Version : Squiggles MIA
12-29-2007, 05:27 PM
:mad: The sod has somehow managed to dissapear!!! I've Started to loose faith in his intelligence ... although he's pretty clever for escaping the tank ... he has chosen to escape into the realm of my cat @#*$**# aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh .... I've set a trap :( I hope he finds it.
12-29-2007, 06:05 PM
Hope you find him soon. :(
Dammit, Squiggles.
Best of luck, Greg. Hope you find him soon.
Lori P
12-29-2007, 06:32 PM
Good luck Greg!!
oh no! I hope you find him soon.
12-29-2007, 07:13 PM
Oh-Oh!! Squiggles is apparently not as endearing as he first appeared!!:rolleyes:
Hope you find him soon.........before the cat does.:eek:
12-29-2007, 07:15 PM
Oh-Oh!! Squiggles is apparently not as endearing as he first appeared!!:rolleyes:
Hope you find him soon.........before the cat does.:eek:
He's been an absolute nightmare that's for sure :eek: ... I'm gutting my living room tomorrow ...
12-29-2007, 07:20 PM
Well, at least it's a chance to do a good thorough can dust behind stuff you don't normally even move! Just what you had in mind for the holidays, I'm sure!:rolleyes:
12-29-2007, 07:56 PM
oh good luck, Greg
i hope he turns up soon
12-29-2007, 08:18 PM
well your cat probaly wouldnt eat it, whenever i lose one of mine the cat just corners it meows and stares
12-29-2007, 08:38 PM
Had to turn over alot of furniture in my old house looking for snakes. Finally started making my own aquarium lids out of wood and got rid of those flimsy petstore lids.
12-29-2007, 09:31 PM
Sorry to hear Squiggles is MIA. Trinity, my prettiest red sided, decided to go walkabout too. I have no idea how or when she got out... Gaia wasn't talking!
Trinity escaped into my office, where there are books, papers, document tubes, file boxes, file cabinets, and all related sorts of clutter all over the room! I am keeping my eyes open, but not overly hopeful.:(
I do have a dish on the floor that has some rootings in it, which contains water. I keep hoping to surprise her drinking there.
12-29-2007, 10:05 PM
Did you check the warm appliances? Do the flour or plastic bag tricks?
He'd better be ok, darn that Squiggles!
12-30-2007, 04:32 AM
Hope you find Squiggles soon, Greg.
12-30-2007, 11:14 AM
Greg, my children (who have been fascinated by Squiggles since he appeared on the forum) are quite dismayed by his disappearing act, and wish you lots of luck in finding the little turkey!
12-30-2007, 04:17 PM
Trap has yielded no results so far :( so I've put a fresh trap out tonight ... I gutted my living room (short of tearing up my carpets and dismantling the radiators) ... but there's no sign :( ... I'll keep trying ... fingers crossed.
12-30-2007, 04:39 PM
My old garter snake escaped... 3 times.
Once he was lost for 3 days and I found him ontop of the fish tank, the next escape was a few days later into my grandma's room *LOL* and the last was down the hallway and into my backpack *LMAO*. XDDDD
12-30-2007, 05:03 PM
This might sound stupid....but have you checked the tank again? no hollow ornaments in the tank? not lost in burrow heaven? no plants?
Many a time I thought I had lost a small snake (as well as the many times that I actuallly have) only to find it still in the tank hiding!
12-30-2007, 05:06 PM
Good point, Inge! I lost my marcianus male for two days. I couldn't figure out how he could possible have escaped. Then he came sneaking out of the fluorescent light fitting when he thought I wasn't looking!
12-31-2007, 09:03 AM
I checked all the tank stuff repeatedly :( ... what makes me sure he got out is that Slithers keeps climbing up onto the background and has only been doing this since Squiggles' Houdini act .... it's as if Slithers is looking for Squiggles .... and the scent trail ends where Squiggles squeezed out next to the thermostat cable (which has since been tightened) .... I'm running off to get more bottles for bottle traps today ... still crossing my fingers ... thanks for all the suppurt guys.
12-31-2007, 12:40 PM
You have checked behind the background??
12-31-2007, 04:51 PM
Several times :( ... I'm putting 6 bottle traps out tonight.
Lori P
12-31-2007, 05:55 PM
Come on home Squiggles... we need to start 2008 out right!!!!
12-31-2007, 07:41 PM
There is no question that Trinity is AWOL... she was in a ten gallon tank with Gaia... since they are little babies.
With a house full of cats, I figure her chances are slim... but then again, the office IS the warmest room in the house... it is 74 in here... and 68 outside the door... so here's hoping!:confused:
12-31-2007, 10:06 PM
Have yall tried making a hot spot ( like Drache mentioned in the "New to snakes (" thread?
01-01-2008, 07:50 AM
yup ... hotspots .... bottle traps .... flour .... still nothing :(
01-01-2008, 09:54 PM
Have yall tried making a hot spot ( like Drache mentioned in the "New to snakes (" thread?
Not exactly... but I have two ten gallon tanks on the floor, with lights on them. I figured it was pretty warm in the space between them, which is about an inch wide... and the dog dish with water and plants in it is right at the end of that space.
01-02-2008, 07:47 AM
Do you think Trinity and Squiggles have curled up somewhere together? ... are using a snakey PC and are laughing at us?
01-02-2008, 07:56 AM
That reminds me, have you looked inside your PC?
01-02-2008, 06:42 PM
Not yet ... ;) I'll give it a go.
01-03-2008, 08:43 AM
No PC action :( ... I'm beginning tohope I don't find him .... I might feel like slapping him .... or .... at the very least give him a piece of my mind.
Lori P
01-03-2008, 09:26 AM
Greg, hun, not too big of a piece... :D Sorry, couldn't resist.
Don't give up hope!
Kitkat, what about Trinity?? Any word on her???
01-03-2008, 12:48 PM
have you checked under the frig!! in the heating coiles !
good luck bye
01-03-2008, 01:39 PM
:( nope .... not there either ... I've checked everything I can get to ... it's looking more and more like he became a gourmet meal for the cat :(
01-04-2008, 10:14 AM
:( I want my Squiggles back ... little guy's ruined my holiday.
01-04-2008, 10:31 AM
I'm so sorry, Greg :( Keep looking, he can still turn up!
01-04-2008, 11:14 AM
hummm my male RTB went missing and i found him under the tank right on top of the heating pad squished right between them both.. i don't know how the little sod got there or how he got that flat to get in there hes pritty fat lol.. maybe if you have a heating pad id check it..?
01-04-2008, 01:16 PM
I've got a sticky heat pad :( ... I'm putting out the traps again tomorrow ... he should be absolutely starving by now.
01-04-2008, 02:31 PM
I've got a sticky heat pad :( ... I'm putting out the traps again tomorrow ... he should be absolutely starving by now.
thats what iv got and he managed to get between the tank and the heat pad.. you check?
01-04-2008, 04:01 PM
they can squeeze into places we wouldn't even consider with our limited human minds
01-05-2008, 11:07 AM
Do you think Trinity and Squiggles have curled up somewhere together? ... are using a snakey PC and are laughing at us?
I did think I heard some tittering coming from the heat vent last night... LOL! But actually, It isn't so funny. Trinity was my second favorite of the babies that I have here next to my PC. I was thinking the other day that she could get inside the tower, since there are vent holes big enough for her slender little bod.
But I doubt she stayed on the countertop for long... some of you might remember that she got out once before, and I was in the room when I heard her drop off the counter top onto the floor... and scrambled into a pile of papers, where I had a merry chase to re-capture her.
It's been over a week now since I missed her, and she may have been gone a few days before that, so I am getting pretty discouraged that she'll ever show up.
I have not seen her around the water dish that I have out... nor around the vivs, which are heated.
01-05-2008, 02:18 PM
I'll keep crossing my fingers for them both ... but I think I'll give up on the bottle traps at the end of next week.
01-05-2008, 05:14 PM
Did yall try placing plastic grocery bags around so you would hear them crinkle if they went over one?
How about a little bowl or dish with some smelly fish and a lamp over it near a quiet spot in the room?
I hate it that they're still missing! :(
01-05-2008, 05:58 PM
Lost a snake? Wanna know how to make a trap? - Reptile Forums UK ( The bottle traps are baited with fish ... I made 5 using 500ml bottles as Squiggles is only small ... also been keeping an oil heater on all night in the living room.
01-05-2008, 06:06 PM
Sorry, I hope I didn't sound like I thought you weren't doing enough with the traps! I'm just thinking about getting some food in him, not so much trapping him at this point, though I know that's the goal. I know they can smell better than we can, but how much of the scent escapes the bottle with the little insert trappy part in there? I was thinking the smell of fish on a plate might reach him where ever he's holed up and draw him out :)
01-05-2008, 06:09 PM
Good point, Laura. That's always been my argument with bottle traps.... I don't think the snake gets the scent of the bait unless it's really close by.
01-05-2008, 06:25 PM
I poked a bunch of holes in the bottom of each of the bottles ... it's lets the wiff out just fine :) ... although it's likely to put off visitors lol.
01-06-2008, 05:04 AM
the problem with snakes is that they don't do hunger and appetite in quite the same way we do
so another week passes without food - not a biggie (for them)
01-06-2008, 06:19 AM
He's not eaten for over 2.5 weeks now (thanks to the trouble with Aspen) I hope he finds some appetite soon.
01-06-2008, 06:30 AM
I hope you find him soon, Greg. How are your other guys doing?
01-06-2008, 07:25 AM
Both Slithers and Clint are doing fine :) ... Slithers (red-sided) has been the perfect example of a confident snake - not phased by anything. Spends most of the day exploring and has never musked (actually seems to love being handled) .... Clint (florida blue) is slowly picking up confidence. We're seeing a lot more of him thesedays. Still like an electric bolt when you go to pick him up but calms down once you've got him :) . He hates movement unless it's really slow.
01-06-2008, 09:09 AM
Greg, are you confident that Clint is a male? You see, I have three females of the same age.......:rolleyes:
01-06-2008, 09:29 AM
lol :) I didn't name it ... Terri might have to change the name lol .... I'm not speculating sex until they are older ;) hence the non-gender defining names on mine.
01-07-2008, 09:43 AM
In the hunt for Squiggles I specifically targeted the living room with 4 bottle traps and heat pad last night .... no result again ... I'll target another room tonight ... he has until the end of the week before I give up :(
01-07-2008, 09:58 PM
In the hunt for Squiggles I specifically targeted the living room with 4 bottle traps and heat pad last night .... no result again ... I'll target another room tonight ... he has until the end of the week before I give up :(
Don't give up... just stop the hard searching but keep your eyes open. I once lost a sirtalis in my basement. He was gone for SIX MONTHS.
One day my husband went down to get some canned goods, and started shouting, "COME QUICK! HURRY!"
I came down to see Sierra Sam peeking out from under our basement stairs. Took me about two hours to get him.:cool:
01-08-2008, 09:36 AM
Oh no, I hope you find him soon. Have you tried to take the cat in the room where the snake disappeared. Of corse not alone. Perhaps he can show you where's he now. Garter snakes are often behind the mobilar and the cat can smell him, but not catch him.
Good luck.
01-08-2008, 09:51 AM
Pussycat has not yielded any clues so far unfortunately :( maybe it's because she is guilty lol ... Mehr Fallen und warten ... und warten .... und ..... warten lol
01-11-2008, 06:52 PM
I'm putting out the traps for the last time tonight I think ... Squiggles will just have to show himself if he wants rescue from now on ... will him on everybody ... I don't think he'll last much longer if he hasn't been a snack for the cat already ... he really should have come for the food by now :(
Lori P
01-11-2008, 07:13 PM
Willing him on from here Greg... the little booger, I was really hoping he's turn up by now.
Lulu Bennett
01-11-2008, 07:18 PM
aww greg. i am hoping he will show up for you hun xxx
01-12-2008, 05:10 AM
I so hope he shows up for you
I know people find snakes months after they lost them, but I think the chances of finding them alive do dwindle
so - fingers crossed und Daumen drücken
01-12-2008, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the support guys ... I crossed my fingers und habe meine Daumen sehr fest gedruekt ... traps were empty again ... Squiggles is officially in the hands of the Gods ...
01-12-2008, 02:18 PM
I'm sorry Greg. I hope he turns up!
01-13-2008, 06:33 PM
me too
I hope he just sort of shows up - very soon
01-13-2008, 06:40 PM
I still find myself expecting to catch him out the corner of my eye :(
06-30-2013, 10:02 AM
Well ... here I am reviving one of my threads from 2008 ... Squiggles has been found :O ....
Completely dessicated, of course, discovered in the kitchen, in a pile of vinyl tiles, stuck to cellotape .... mystery solved!
06-30-2013, 10:16 AM
Glad the final question has been answered.
07-02-2013, 02:54 PM
It's sad when they are that young and this happens... Sorry you found him this way :(
07-03-2013, 09:49 AM
This is not entirely without humor.
07-03-2013, 03:40 PM
I worry that when I move out of my apartment they will pull up the carpet and find the scotti that I lost last year. I'll have to play dumb.
07-05-2013, 03:23 PM
Aaawww, so sorry to hear that.
07-05-2013, 06:37 PM
I'm sorry to hear about the little fellow.
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